Redwoods Community College District BUDGET PLANNING COMMITTEE (BPC) Wednesday, February 23, 2011 NOTES PRESENT Utpal Goswami, Michael Burns, Steve Stratton, Ken Strangfeld, Ed Weaver, Michael Dennis, Susan Mindus, Tami Matsumoto, Keith Snow-Flamer, Joe Hash, Lynn Thiesen, Michael Reagan, Bob Brown MEETING NOTES Meeting Called to Order at 3:30pm. Approved 2/16/11 Meeting Notes FINALIZE PROPOSAL TO HANDLE THE $1.4M BUDGET CUTS Update regarding Measure Q o Charging administrative and personnel expense to Measure Q is permissible, provided funds exist. The caveat is not to deplete project funds with too many administrative/personnel expenses. If project funding is not utilized, Ken suggests maximizing charges, but it is unlikely there will be surplus as Measure Q allows for new buildings and the refit of old. We are not over pledged with Measure Q funds. o If we purchase Jefferson, it is because we have (bond) Measure Q funds to use. Ken suggests using bond funds cautiously. Utpal thinks we might not be able to save $100,000 by delaying hiring. We should plan contingency cuts in the budget, to be prepared. CR does not require payment of student fees until the end of the semester. We need to change that policy as many students leave and these fees aren’t recovered. Last year there was a loss of $200,000. Out of state students still owe money. Ken will develop a way to collect these fees. It is not for the BPC to decide where discretionary budget cuts will happen, but up to the VPs. March 11 is the deadline for the governor’s issues to get on the ballot. If they make the ballot, it is a good chance they will pass. Deans and directors in instruction were unable to identify areas in which to cut discretionary budgets. Keith and Utpal will need to get interactive with this. Next step suggestions on cutting more than 1.4 mil: o Suggested setting up an email account to receive budget suggestions, but the committee indicated this has not worked in the past. They feel it is better to collect ideas through constituencies o From the deans suggest ways that cut budget up to 15% or we will make a straight 10% cut o Stay with smaller units and have suggestions bubble up from them o Budget bargaining concept: (if leads to efficient purchasing) I will give up purchasing this year if you give up next year… Utpal discussed with the Academic Senate Co-Presidents, that there ADOPT A PROCESS TO RANK IPFC REQUESTS COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR is no way to identify programs to put on hold (not “bad” programs, just expensive). The Co-Presidents will start the conversation for this. Real Property Lease summary numbers are rough. The Sim Center, FY 2012, should be 24,000 and a question about the Downtown site, FY 2013 Regarding renting space in a high school, there are considerations, such as, classes can’t be held when high schools are not in session. Clarified that Garberville is a purchase, not a lease, at a cost of $268,000 and we have Measure Q budget of $1.2mil for repairs. We are not paying for South Fork High School. Utpal received 27 requests for additional funds, totaling about $247,000. His concern is as we build the budget there will still be items that were forgotten. In prioritizing operational requests, Utpal’s thought is to make categories, or broad groupings. When a new item is discovered it can go into the grouping. These get folded into the final IPFC rankings. Utpal will send the requests, and an excel spreadsheet, for BPC to rank these requests, from 1-30 and returned to Utpal to compile an aggregate. EMC approved the summer schedule today. The BPC will be sent an email with breakout out by fiscal year The Headwater Grant was submitted with a $218,000 matching fund requirement. The bottom line, if we can’t match, we won’t accept the grant Michael Regan clarified questions regarding the 2/16/11 minutes and the job market contract. The tasks of the (now non-existent) career center were outsourced to the job market. Career exploration to job placement was contracted with the job market; which has increased to helping 86 students in month of January from assisting about that number between July and December. The salaries are for two half-positions and some office expense. The career center and job market are basically rolled into one, but it is costing additional money to have the job market. The question to ask is do we want to continue; (there are clauses that either party can request out of the program – we have two months). There is some concern that the BPC is not following up with all suggestions/ NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, 3:30pm, LRC 105 ADJOURNED The meeting was adjourned at 4:40pm SUBMITTED cp