WORK 2010-11
A ugust 12, 2010
9:00 a.m.
Eureka Campus – Boardroom
Vinci Adams, Mary Grace Barrick, Zach DeLoach, Ahn Fielding,
Utpal Goswami, Karen Nelson, Keith Snow-Flamer, Cheryl Tucker and
Lorie Walsh
Utpal reviewed the use of the newly created form for budget requests and asked for the committee to provide feedback. There was discussion about the need to establish protocols for the prioritization and allocation of funds. To assist the budget committee in prioritizing requests it was suggested that each department provide supporting documents including a departmental budget and GL code to identify where the funding would go if approved. The form will be revised in the future to incorporate this and other suggestions. In order to be considered for this year’s budget, requests must be submitted to Utpal before the next BPC meeting which is on Monday, August 23.
After extensive discussion on how the committee should process and prioritize budget request it was agreed that Utpal will draft a protocol/procedure. It will be distributed to the committee members early next week (week of August 16 th
) for review and feedback. The goal is to have a workable document by August 23.
Utpal will be meeting with Dr. Marsee to clarify committee charge and scope.
Committee members stressed the importance of making the work of BPC as transparent as possible by utilizing web resources.
BPC may have to assign requests to various funds (eg find 10, fund 15).
Ideally, BPC would like to prioritize only once and determine how far to fund in lean times and what additional items will be funded if there are abundant funds. BPC may also consider partial funding.
The BPC will begin collecting information/requests for the development of preliminary budget in December with requests continuing to be reviewed by the committee and submitted for inclusion in preliminary budget submitted to the board. A second review, if necessary, will be held in April/May for developing the final budget.
It was noted that staff/budget managers need to be educated on the
ADJOURN process of budget development. Utpal stated that he will work with Vinci on a training module that will be presented in November.
The next meeting of the BPC is scheduled for Monday, August 23, at
10:00 a.m. in the Lakeview room.
The meeting was adjourned 10:00 a.m.