Dean’s Council Thursday, November 2, 2010 11:00 am – 12:30pm, Boardroom Present: Utpal Goswami, Pat Girczyc, Mike Peterson, Geisce Ly, Rachel Anderson, Ahn Fielding, Crislyn Parker – recording, Keith Snow-Flamer, Anita Janis (½ time) Absent: Maggie Lynch 1. Review Proposed Revision of Mission/Vision (attachment) Does this Vision statement meet CR needs? Discussion included: Vision should be a picture of the future, (see the definition on the draft: Vision-What we hope to be in the future). This current draft Vision statement is short but not visionary. Dean’s Council agreed upon this alternative: College of the Redwoods will be an innovative learning community where lives are(will be) transformed The group agreed the term “innovative” infers several meanings; for example, we will be changing and growing to meet both student and community needs Does the Mission statement meet CR needs? Discussion included: Mission statement is too long The draft statement includes redundancies and makes promises we are not always able to keep. “…all levels of learners…” should be removed. Mission is important, particularly when money is tight and when money is tight we can’t serve everybody Dean’s Council agreed upon this alternative: College of the Redwoods Mission is to provide a high quality of transfer education, career and technical education and developmental education that focuses on student learning and success. CR partners with the community to contribute to the economic vitality and lifelong learning needs of the area it serves There are too many values. The goal is to limit to six. Values statements are supposed to guide how we do things, not what we do. Discussion included changing to the following: We value putting students first We value educational excellence and innovation We value ethical behavior We value honesty We value environmental awareness We value commitment to community 2. Course Rotation Sequencing: a. Composition of Formal Announcement (what are the expectations?) of minimum rotations: Courses/areas not troubled by course cancellations don’t need to submit a minimum rotation. But, information needs to be available for scheduling in areas with problematic courses. Small programs, need sequencing (a commitment was made to the program). Utpal’s interest is to be sure the courses needed are offered for students to complete their goals. He is interested in which course(s) in the sequence are problematic, i.e. regular cancellations, low enrollments, etc. This allows (CR) to look at program completion and insure students can complete in a two year period (or 3 year, if so determined). This could feed into program revitalization and dismissal. Given historical numbers, CR will make a commitment to offer the course(s), every year, semester, two years or whatever. It allows us to prioritize the cancellation process, by our commitment to offer: in effect, customizing cancellations by class need. It will expedite schedule planning to have this knowledge up front b. How to Best Collect Information These minimum sequences will be discussed in Instructional Council, as well Utpal would like to see a fall course column for odd year and even years; a spring column with odd year and even years; and a fifth column for justification Justification why we are committing to offer the course. This can include past history, student outcomes, or a specialized area that is a community need, to give some examples These sequences should be done by area coordinators 4. January Flex Dates: What is Happening in Divisions a. English has activities planned in Lakeview 1/13 and 1/14 Definitely associate faculty for Saturday, 1/15 We need focused ideas for all sites: 1) Mission and vision activity 2) Sessions to kick-off development of the new strategic plan – opportunity for input into process; Utpal is a co-chair of the new strategic planning committee and will send an announcement soon. Geisce emphatically requested strategic planning explained by drafting a document which shows all committees and how everything comes together, connects. This is also a conversation taking place at the accreditation self study meeting(s) Planning process will be a future Dean’s Council agenda. Utpal would like everyone present for this discussion, no phone conferencing. 5. Adding Sections: Chancellor’s office requires a 5201 FTEs base, which CR must meet. Current estimate is 5070 FTEs. Jeff, Keith and Utpal discussed what would be the best process to achieve 5200 FTEs and what to do for summer. We would like to increase FTEs by 100-150. There is nothing to be gained by overshooting the target because we will not get funded The plan is to release 10 sections released up front and 10 will be held in reserve. Most of the funding is to Eureka, but some to DN and Mendo. Per discussion, we will add one GS 6, so that leaves 9 sections (44 – 46 TLUs) for the spring schedule It was noted the cuts last week were done programmatically, versus by site We can now add sections because the President realized we are under FTEs, and he found funding by moving money around. Utpal would like to spend some time with deans to review discretionary budgets; he will aggregate the numbers to get a better picture; CP will set up individual meetings with Utpal and the Deans this week/next week (1 hour each), to review discretionary budgets and look at the bigger picture for budgeting. 6. Other Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 11:00a – 12:30p