REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, April 8, 2011 LRC 107 12:00 – 1:15 p.m. AGENDA BSC Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students BSC Scope/Function To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students. 1. To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs. 2. To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 3. To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion. 4. To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success. 5. To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes from March 25, 2011 3. Action Items 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Funding Request Form (Barbara) 4.2 IEC Request for committee accomplishments (Keith) 4.3 Follow-up on Basic Skills Research (Erin, Zach) 4.4 Planning Agenda (Keith, Erin, Mary Grace) 4.4.1 Future Direction for Basic Skills: Where do we go from here? 4.4.2 Basic Skills Website 4.4.3 ESL Curriculum 4.4.4 Future 5. Reports 6. Announcements 7. Adjournment (* denotes attachment) Next Meetings: April 22, and May 6, 2011 Noon-1:30 p.m. BASIC SKILL INITIATIVE REQUEST FOR FUNDS BSC Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students. Funds used from the Basic Skills Initiative should include one or more of the following: 1. Promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs. 2. Provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 3. Work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion. 4. Assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success. Complete the form on the page below and submit the form to (checking with IT to get a public folder created (Basic Skills Committee) and a link to submit requests to this folder). BASIC SKILL INITIATIVE REQUEST FOR FUNDS 1. Describe clearly and in detail fund request. (click here) 2. Describe how your proposal supports that Basic Skills Mission Statement. (click here) 3. Describe anticipated expenses (attach another page if necessary). Items: (click here) Cost: Total 4. List faculty and staff involved and/or responsible for the project. (click here) 5. Intended Outcomes (include specific, measurable targets): (click here) 6. Assessment Schedule (specify exactly what you will measure and how you will measure it): (click here) 7. Proposed Timeline (provide timeline details for activities): (click here) 8. I understand that if granted, Basic Skill funds can only be used for Basic Skill Students. By Accepting funding for this project, I agree to provide a written and oral report describing how well intended outcomes were met, the results of the assessment, and how this information can be used in the future. Projects funded for two semesters will require a mid-year update as well as a report upon completion. Please note: This is a one-time allotment of funds. Any future funding is contingent upon the submissions and granting of a new request and availability of funding. 6. Contact Person: (click here) 7. Date Submitted: (click here) Basic Skills Committee Summary 2010-2011 During the 2010-11 year, the Basic Skills Committee was revived with appropriate representation from faculty and staff. The committee agreed to a trichair structure and developed a mutually agreeable annual plan that was submitted to the Chancellor’s Office. The committee focused attention on reviewing the “state of the basic skills program” at the college and statewide. The committee approved funding the math immersion project, a joint pilot project between the math department and student services. The genesis of this project came from discussions with mathematics faculty and academic advisors, and research into a few “best practice” action plans in basic skills/remedial education over the past several months — notably the program recently implemented by Pasadena City College. This pilot project is a mathematics-based intervention program open to all students intending to matriculate to College of the Redwoods who place below college-level mathematics. The goal of the project is to help students complete their Associate Degree and/or transfer requirements for a 4year college/university in less time than previously possible. The project is divided into three phases: Phase I is the mathematics diagnosis process and enrollment in the project, Phase II is course implementation, and Phase III is participation in the First-Year Experience (FYE) Program. The Committee also developed a new funding request form and process that will allow faculty and staff to submit funding proposals.