Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee September 7,
FM 107
9:00a.m – 9:55a.m
BSC Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students
BSC Scope/Function
To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that
enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students.
1. To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student
services, and instructional programs.
2. To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education.
3. To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion.
4. To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success.
5. To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds.
1. Call to Order – Keith Snow-Flamer, MaryGrace McGovern, Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, and Erin
2. Approve Notes: None
3. Action Items
3.1 : 2012-13 Operational Agreement/Goals/Committee Membership*
It was decided to:
a) Remove the Learning Resources Director
b) Add a representative from Del Norte and one from Mendocino to be determined by the Site
Administrator (Toby Green was supposedly the representative from Mendocino and representing
ESOL but, we had yet to have him attend a meeting.
c) Faculty: one from English/Reading, one from Math, one from CTE, and one at large
d) Move to a Co-Chair format
e) Ex-Offico: IR Director
Remove: Planning Process Activites on page 3 to be replaced by new 2012-13 activities which
would come from our CCCCO 2011-2012 ESL/Basic Skills Allocation End-of-Year Report
Add: Planning Process Activities: Staff Development (setting aside money for 3CSN
sponsored conferences.
3.2 Setting aside BSC funds for travel and participation in 3CSN sponsored conferences
Adding this item would support staff development: Setting aside $5000 for this. We can
revisit this dollar amount. But, this would be a good start.
3.3 Student Success Conference Travel Request—Professor Peloso
Approved, also discussed that there were many interesting presentations and sending
others to this conference, should there be interest would be a good idea.
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Process of Developing the CCCCO 2011-2012 ESL/Basic Skills Allocation End-of-Year Report
& 2012-2013 ESL/Basic Skills Allocation Goals/Action Plan and Expenditure Plan (Submission
Deadline: October 10, 2012) *
Carla: expenditure report (MaryGrace already talked with her. Keith will follow-up)
Keith: taking #2 What have you learned over the 5-years…
Angelina: #3 with demo next meeting.
For the next meeting: 4A and 4B- Keith and Erin will check College Plans such as Strategic Plan,
Educational Master Plan, and Draft Annual Plan along with themes from the Assessment Summit
and Convocation activities to develop drafts of these for the committee to begin the discussion of
4.2 Schedule for requesting and reviewing BSC funding proposals for Fall semester
Call for proposal going out Monday September 10th- Erin will send out due date end of second
week in October.
Keith will check the fund amount with Carla
5. Reports
5.1 Integrated Planning Model*
Basic Skills is linked with Enrollment Management Committee
6. Adjournment
(* denotes attachment)
Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students.
To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance
retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students.
To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and
instructional programs.
To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education.
To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion.
To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success.
To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds.
The Committee is led by three Tri-Chairs—Vice President of Student Development, Director of the Learning Resource
Center, and a faculty member. Membership includes:
 VPSD: Keith Snow-Flamer
 1 Academic Advisor: Ron McQueen
 2 Deans: Rachel Anderson and Jeff Cummings
 4 Faculty: Harry Pyke, Erin Wall, Barbara Jaffari, and Vinnie Peloso
 Director of the Learning Resource Center: Mary Grace Barrick
 Ex Officio—Director of Institutional Research: Angelina Hill
Meetings will be set by consensus process but will be conducted at least twelve times each academic year. The regular
meeting schedule for the calendar year will be set at the first meeting in September but additional meetings will be set as
necessary to ensure that work is completed.
Decision Making Process, Membership Responsibility, and Ground Rules
The BSC will make decisions based on consensus in which decisions are a synthesis of everyone’s ideas and
incorporating everyone’s best thinking and aims for general agreement and support among those present. However, the
committee is willing to move forward with a decision where there is general support among the majority members
The membership shall:
Uphold student’s needs as the primary focus of all committee work.
Promote an atmosphere of innovation and integrity.
Express opinions in ways that develops mutual understanding and promotes collaboration
Listen to all the facts and available information from different sources prior to making judgments and decisions.
Use time efficiently and stay on task.
Enjoy the opportunity to collaborate, communicate, and learn by making sure each voice is heard.
Accept and support decisions voted upon as final. Recommended revisions will be put into an ongoing file for the
calendared periodic updating scheduled and agreed upon by the Committee thus facilitating the Committee’s work of
moving forward to completion of its work.
Planning Principles
The BSC embraces the following planning principles:
1. The planning process and the plans that it yields will be outcomes based, learning-centered, and will support the
mission of the College.
2. The planning process will be collaborative by operating within the collegial consultative structure.
3. The process will build trust through effective communication and negotiation, by providing a safe environment to
identify and challenge assumptions and by supporting agreements on shared values.
4. The process will be meaningful in that it will help the College to establish a vision of the future.
5. The process will be data-driven, using qualitative and quantitative data, routinely reviewed as the plan is
implemented, with the aim of continuous improvement.
6. The process will be as simple as possible while yielding a viable plan and integrating planning into permanent
governing structures and college-wide meetings.
7. The process, its language, its products, and the results of the plan will be communicated to all employees internally.
The BSC is committed to a collaborative process and will hold meetings, consultations with key constituencies, and
discussions with integrated planning committees, and the senior leadership team, all of which combine to enable broad
based participation in the various phases of creating, updating, and evaluating the annual Basic Skills plan.
Information and recommendations generated by the BSC will be shared with the Cabinet, various planning and
governance committees, and the college community.
Planning Process Activities and Outcomes
The BSC will:
Provide leadership for the development of the basic skills plan.
Participate in the process of conducting internal and external environmental scanning.
Provide information to divisions and units on emergent basic skills issues.
Monitor, oversee, direct and implement changes as necessary to the work of the committee.
Recommend instructional and student support strategies to enhance student access, success, retention, and