REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee February 1, 2013 FM 107 11:30 a.m – 12::23 p.m AGENDA BSC Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students BSC Scope/Function To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students. 1. To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs. 2. To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 3. To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion. 4. To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success. 5. To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Notes 3. Action Items 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Review of Study Results on Basic Skills Students 4.2 February 8 Facilitated dialogue about the basic skills program (3-5pm) 4.3 Review of 2012-13 Annual Planning Initiatives re: Basic Skills 5. Reports 6. Adjournment CCCONFER PARTICIPANT DETAILS > Dial your telephone conference line: (888) 450-4821 > Cell phone users dial: 719-785-4469 > Enter your passcode: 192974 1 REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Basic Skills Committee January 18, 2013 FM 107 9:00a.m – 9:55a.m AGENDA BSC Mission Statement Our mission is to improve the retention, persistence, and success of basic skills students. BSC Scope/Function: To recommend and support educational programs, student support services, and matriculation policies that enhance retention, persistence, and academic success of basic skills students. 1.To promote the use of effective practices in developmental education for administrative, student services, and instructional programs. 2.To provide professional development regarding effective practices in developmental education. 3.To work with Institutional Research in tracking basic skills students from entry to completion. 4.To assess and evaluate the programs designed to improve student success. 5.To allocate and oversee expenditures of BSI categorical funds. 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Notes (no notes available) 3. Action Items 3.1 Supplemental funds for IR since Zach is gone and Mike, basic skills research analyst’s contract expired. Angelina mentioned there’s some surveys of basic skills students and other data collection items. Funding in the amount of $2890 was approved 3.2 SEP Task Force Recommend the formation of a SEP Task Force to oversee the development of the electronic SEP Process. We recommend Sheila, Paul Chown, Kathy Goodlive, and Angelina be on the committee. 4. Discussion Items 4.1 Update on Basic Skills Initiative budget About $30,096 unencumbered to spend: 2 4.2 Timeline for funding proposals Allocation Encumbered for the Academic Support Center Remaining for allocation Student Success Conference (Vinnie, Ron, DaVita, Kevin) TLUs for Vinnie's substitute to attend the conference Student Success Pilot Funds Del Norte Film Production ESOL English Dept. Northern CA Acceleration Workshop Conference Future Conferences Enhanced Math Jam Supplemental funds for Basics Skills Data Work (IR) FYE Operational Funds Upward Bound Mentor Subtotal Total +/General Encumbrance--Instructional Materials General Encumbrance--Coordination General Encumbrance-Professional Development 2010-11 funds (will expire June 30, 2013) $90,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,200.00 $19,000.00 $3,000.00 $0.00 $2,538.00 $7,462.00 $6,000.00 $2,890.00 $0.00 $2,910.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 2011-12 funds (will expire June 30, 2014) $90,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $16,404.00 $3,500.00 $19,904.00 $30,096.00 $96.00 $10,000.00 $20,000.00 March 4 deadline Erin emailing out call for proposals on Monday 1/21 4.3 Facilitated dialogue about the basic skills program—Feb 1-15 Going to try and set up for 2/8 3-5pm Erin checking with English and Keith checking with Erik and Cheryl about facilitating 4.4 Expand membership Crislyn will be our new BSC support. We need to move meetings so she can attend since she also is support for PRC which meets at 9am on Friday. Decided to move back to 11:30am on first and third Fridays Inviting Sheila Hall to join the committee since she is in charge of counseling and advising along with the lead on FYE 5. Reports ** Next meeting Angelina presentation of study results on basic skills students 7. Adjournment 3 I. Improve academic programs to support student success. This initiative supports Strategic Plan Goal 1 and Education Master Plan Goal 1 and includes the actions outlined below. Annual Action Plans When? Responsible Evaluation Linkages person? II.A. Improve basic skills across the curriculum 1. Form task force 2. Research best practices (e.g. California Acceleration Project, writing across the curriculum) 3. Propose alternatives for evaluation and implementation 4. Pilot alternate curriculum/delivery II.B. Embed advisors into GS 1, GS 6, and Reading 360 courses II.C. Develop degree plans 1. Identify list of courses for which student success rates are reasonable at each basic skills level 2. Map courses to program requirements for students based upon various basic skills levels 3. Develop recommended degree plans for all degrees and certificates based upon basic skills level. II.D. Provide professional development training for working with basic skills students 1. 2. Oct. 2012 Nov. 2012 3. Jan. 2012 BSC Committee in collaboration with the English and Math departments Updated courses SP 1.5 Improve basic skills success Percentage of incoming students achieving basic skills competencies within one year. EP 1.3 Improve effectiveness of basic skills education Assessment themes 4. Fall 2013 Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 1. Oct. 2012 2. Nov. 2012 3. Mar. 2012 January 2013 Institutional Flex Days V.P. Student Development/CSSO V.P. Instruction/CIO in collaboration with V.P. Student Development/CSSO Students in GS 1, GS 6, and READ 360 develop SEPs Course success Course retention Student persistence Course retention Course success SP 1.4 Enhance student support and student engagement EP 1.2 Improve support for students EP 1.6 Improve success among underrepresented populations SP 1.1 Match student readiness with educational pathways EP 1.1 Provide structured academic pathways. Student persistence V.P.I. Instruction in collaboration with BSC, Professional Development, and Flex committees 4 Number of staff and faculty participating in training SP 1.6 Support staff and faculty development and instructional innovation. 5