Document 12362285

College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee
Executive Summary
Adopted November 6, 2009
Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic
assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas.
The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation
upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans
and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under
the strategic planning objectives.
Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the
Integrated Planning Committees, and the District.
Program Review Subject/Service Area: __Assessment___________________
Program Review Authors: __Cheryl Tucker, Melissa Green_________________________________
Summary and Recommendations:
1. Program strengths:
Impressed with the history of multiple years of assessment;
Making adjustments based on outcomes;
Assessment quality is excellent;
Moving advisors to assessment area aids in overall
assessment and planning
2. Program challenges/obstacles:
Sheer number of student assessment testing is a challenge;
Obtaining accurate tracking data for the number of services;
Scheduling and proctoring tests is a staffing challenge and a
space issue;
LRC facility doesn’t have late hours and ASC doesn’t have own
entrance, so is limited in its hours – facility issue; also, no
locking door between library and ASC sections of LRC;
Budget not adequate for all the testing given
3. Commendations:
Commendation on the steps taken to implement the EAP and
toward revalidating acuplacer.
Additional Comments:
More specific access to ASC;
More data needed on how testing is used;
To continue to implement Early Assessment
Planning as well as revalidate acuplacer ;
Continue to work with Staff and faculty to formalize
the multiple testing measures of testing;
**PRC feels Document imaging and transcript
evaluator is a need for all student services programs.
4. Program Budget/Funding Sources:
Facility remodel to allow access to the ASC;
Adequate funding for required student assessment
PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors.
Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation
PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors response (if available) to the appropriate integrated
planning committee and the CPC.
5. Program Goals/Plans:
Implement multiple measures of assessment for math and
Recommendation: Continue to work with faculty to
implement multiple measures of assessment
6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs):
More data is needed to evaluate the relationship between
advising, assessment and student services;
Look at enrollment trends
7. Student Success/Achievement Basic Skills
Exit survey of students and why they are not
returning to CR.
Will include all item 7 in comprehensive program review.
**Records storage: procuring a document imaging system and transcript evaluator is imperative
to remaining compliant with accreditation standards; we have to complete these processes areas
of assessment, student success, and retention and need the tools to be able to effectively do so.
PRC will forward completed Executive Summaries to program review authors.
Authors will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation
PRC will forward Executive Summaries and authors response (if available) to the appropriate integrated
planning committee and the CPC.