Spring 2011

College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Executive Summary Adopted November 6, 2009 Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the Integrated Planning Committees, and the District. Program Review Subject/Service Area: __Campus Life___________________ Program Review Authors: __Nikiya McWilliams_______________________________________________________ Summary and Recommendations: Additional Comments: 1. Program strengths:
Established a presence for student life with minimum fiscal
2. Program challenges/obstacles:
Not an effective program; not funded well; sustainability
3. Commendations:
Established a presence for student life with minimum fiscal
4. Program Budget/Funding Sources:
Minimum fiscal support
Possibility of raising student fees to support program
5. Program Goals/Plans:
There did not appear to be specific time lines for goals,
improvement and recommendations
“Desire to grow”
6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs):
Attempted to do outcomes but none fit into program review rubric
No Assessment Plan for 2010/11, just 2009/10
7. Student Success/Achievement/Basic Skills
Program Review stated there is a continued lack of adequate
space, but provided no data to support statement
& Recommendations:
Suggestion to better integrate Student Life activities
with CR’s academic objectives, and also with
department-generated campus cultural activities is a
good one
Request for 2 staff positions indicated but no data to
validate need
This Program Review stated there is a continued lack of
adequate space, but provided no data to support
No data to compare or evaluate.
The “students served” chart is very interesting. Oncampus activities (especially the weight-lifting) appear
to be most popular with students, and are probably the
least expensive as well
There is no way to determine since longitudinal data is
not provided in this report
PRC Recommendation: 1) All programs would benefit from a formalized, institution-led follow-up system/tracking
of our graduates. 2) Clarification/development of process from grant funded programs/positions to district funding.
3) District-wide plan for technology and equipment maintenance and replacement.
Process: Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors. PRC will forward Executive Summaries to the appropriate integrated planning committees. 