Service Areas Program Review Update 2012/13 

Service Areas Program Review Update 2012/13 (fields will expand as you type) Section 1 ‐ Program Information 1.0 Name of Program: Community and Economic Development Date: January 2013 1.1 Program Review Authors: Julia Peterson, Julia Morrison 1.2 Program Director Signature: Julia Peterson Date: January 15, 2013 1.3 Vice President Signature: 1.4 Primary Function: Community and Economic Development (CED) represents the college at community and economic development committees, boards, meetings and events by partnering with other community based economic development agencies. CED also offers fee‐
based training to meet the community’s educational needs that are not met through regular credit classes. These classes include trainings for incumbent workers and job skills through the Business Training Center, classes for senior citizens through CRPlus, personal enrichment classes for all ages, GED testing, and contract training for district businesses and government organizations. Most classes are not‐for‐credit, although a few contract credit classes are offered. Many business training classes offer training that leads to an industry recognized credential. 1.4.1 State briefly how the program functions support the college mission: Community and Economic Development Department supports the District’s mission by partnering with the District’s economic development community and by serving the lifelong learning needs of the community by delivering high quality not‐for‐credit training and contract education. 1.4.2 Program highlights/accomplishments: Community and Economic Development’s major projects included participation in the Strategic Plan and Educational Master Plan development, successfully saved Medical Assisting training from elimination by transitioning it to fee‐based, attained and implemented a state Employment Training Panel contract to train the district’s healthcare professionals in Fort Bragg, Garberville, Eureka, Arcata, and Crescent City. Date: CED Program Review 2011‐12 Service Area Template 1‐15‐13.docx1/24/2013 Page 1 1.4.3 Program Data: # of Full Time Employees 2010‐2011 2011‐12 1.75 FT Employee 1.70 FT Employee # of Part Time Employees 2010‐2011 4 temporary employees working 0.87 FTE 2011‐12 5 temporary employees working 1.38 FTE Personnel Budget 2010‐2011 $32,756 Discretionary Budget 2011‐12 Not available at this time 2010‐2011 2011‐12 0 0 No District Discretionary Budget No District Discretionary Budget Section 2 ‐ Data Analysis 2.0 List Service Area Metrics/Indicators and provide information on changes over time (Steady/Increasing/Decreasing, etc.) Goal 2010/11 2011/12 Observations (steady/increasing/decreasing) 2.1 Metrics/Indicators Satisfactory Satisfactory Steady number of evening and weekend classes due to lack Evening/Weekend Services Offered Offer of evening classroom availability for expansion. evening and weekend classes Satisfactory Satisfactory CED web pages have class information, printable registration On‐line services offered Offer CED and are updated regularly. Students can not register for CED information classes on‐line. on‐line Number of students served Not specified 2,100 1,490 The number of students varies based on the mix of grant, contract and open‐enrollment classes. Approximately Revenue in 2010/11 was high due to participation in two Revenue Generated Self‐
$880,000 $640,000 County grants which ended that fiscal year. Overall internal Supporting self‐funded programs are growing. Fiscal books are not yet closed, so final revenue numbers are not available. 2.2 Describe how these changes affect students and/or the program: Accreditation show cause and institutional planning work took significant CED resources . The planned June 2012 closure of the Eureka Downtown Instructional Site and CED’s relocation caused significant disruption and continues to change how CED accomplishes its business. 2.3 Provide any other relevant information, or recent changes, that affect the program: Section 3 –Critical Reflection of Assessment Activities (2011/2012) CED Program Review 2011‐12 Service Area Template 1‐15‐13.docx1/24/2013 Page 2 3.0 Describe Service Area Outcomes Assessed or reviewed in the current cycle: CED improved its existing class evaluation system to better document the program improvements and systemize the class planning and assessment process. 3.1 Summarize the conclusions drawn from the data and the experience of staff working to achieve the outcomes: CED classes are effectively meeting the planned learning outcomes. Through continuous improvement cycles we are able to test different ideas, evaluate the results and plan for improvement the next time the class is taught. 3.2 Summarize how assessments have led to improvement in Service Area Outcomes (top three.): Instructors have used the results of assessment activities to make improvements in subsequent offerings of the same class. CED has used the results of assessment activities to improve the class offerings, timing and service. 3.3 (Optional) Describe unusual assessment findings/observations that may require further research or institutional support: Section – 4 Evaluation of Previous Plans 4.1 Describe plans/actions identified in the last program review and their current status. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to actions completed. Actions Current Status Outcomes Represent the college at community & economic development meetings Ongoing Partner with the Community to contribute to the economic vitality of the area Develop and offer a new replicable job training program Development is complete and training is ongoing Successfully moved Medical Assisting to self‐
supporting Continue to serve students’ training needs and be self‐sustaining Ongoing Community Ed and Contract Ed fee‐based class offerings are increasing. 4.2 (If applicable) Describe how funds provided in support of the plan(s) contributed to program improvement: CED Program Review 2011‐12 Service Area Template 1‐15‐13.docx1/24/2013 Page 3 Section – 5 Planning 5.0 Program Plans (2012/2013) Based on data analysis, service area outcomes and indicators, assessment and review, and your critical reflections, describe the program’s Action Plan for the 2012/13 academic year. If more than one plan, add rows. Include necessary resources. (Only a list of resources is needed here. Provide detailed line item budgets, timelines, supporting data or other justifications in the Resource Request). 5.1 Program Plans Action to be taken: Relationship to Institutional Plans Relationship to Assessment Expected Impact on Service Area Outcomes Resources Needed Secure and relocate to a long‐term SP 2.1 Provide workforce development training. facility Sufficient classroom space will improve the ability to offer quality classes to serve the community and meet the CED and CR mission. Will allow for improved outcomes and program stability No additional resources Provide training for industry recognized certifications to meet local industry needs. Training will enable students to attain industry recognized credentials Will provide self‐sustaining revenue while meeting community need No additional resources Mission: Provide outstanding education and contribute to the lifelong learning needs of the service area. SP 2.2 Respond to business and industry short‐term training needs Ed MP 2.1 1 Enhance community education program Ed MP 2.2 Enhance incumbent worker and contract training Ed MP 2.3 Develop not‐
for‐credit programs SP 2.1 Provide workforce development training. Mission: Provide outstanding education and contribute to the lifelong learning needs of the service area. CED Program Review 2011‐12 Service Area Template 1‐15‐13.docx1/24/2013 Page 4 Develop a calendar of open enrollment business training classes to meet local business needs. Ed MP 2.1 Enhance community education program SP 2.2 Respond to business and industry short‐term training needs Ed MP 2.2 Enhance incumbent worker and contract training Trainings will be developed based on industry needs and further refined based on assessment. Will provide self‐sustaining revenue while meeting community need No additional resources 5.2 Provide any additional information, brief definitions, descriptions, comments, or explanations, if necessary. Section 6 ‐ Resource Requests 6.0 Planning Related, Operational, and Personnel Resource Requests. Requests must be submitted with rationale, plan linkage and estimated costs. Recurring
Rationale Request Check One Amount Cost Y/N Planning Operational Personnel
Linkage $ Section 7‐ PRC Response 7.0 The response will be forwarded to the author and the supervising Director and Vice President CED Program Review 2011‐12 Service Area Template 1‐15‐13.docx1/24/2013 Page 5 