College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Summary As per its Mission

Fiscal Year: 2011-12
College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee Summary
As per its Mission, the Program Review Committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews to provide the foundation upon which the district
develops, identifies, and documents the direction of the prioritization of planning. Our objective is to provide an evaluative Executive Summary of each
program’s review for authors, Integrated Planning Committees, and the District.
Program Review Subject Area:
Program Review Authors:
Ed Macan, et al (not named)
Area Administrator:
Rachel Anderson
Performance Indicators for Instructional Programs
1. Program Access/Demand
Enrollment Trends
FTES (Comprehensive reviews
Committee Comments
Music is consistent; Drama is declining
Job Availability (based on
labor market data)
Advisory Committee
2. Program Resources
Full-time/Part-time FTE Ratio
(Comprehensive reviews only)
Funding/Grant support
General fund budget is shared by all ALSS divisions and does not include Drama.
Budget is not adequate for various band instrument maintenance and piano tuning,
etc. PRC recommends this be reflected in the needs addendum if the program would
like to see change; the concerns need to be known and can be referenced as being
included in the 2011-12 program review. Noted that the key board replacement has
come up in the past. Good opportunity to apply for grant funding.
Numerous sections listed that are one class; would be helpful to include that many
students take these courses for recreation. Courses are split between the written
and the performance (more community driven). Fill rate for both music and drama,
compared to last year, is basically the same. Because there are so many classes,
addressing the variance by categorizing into three areas might be more effective:
theory, performance and drama
3. Program
Fill Rate (at Census)
Program/Course Outcomes
Course Retention
Course Success
Retention remains good, irrespective of success
Success over all is ok, with exceptions. Music dept doing good job of handling a
Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors, who will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation.
PRC will forward the summaries and author responses (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee, EMC and the IEC. Adopted by PRC April 29, 2011
SLO assessment Schedule
PLO assessment Schedule
GE assessment
diverse population of students
No area coordinator to facilitate assessment. Course/program/department
assessment reporting forms completed
Basic Skills: 71% students enroll with an unknown skill level; Lecture based
require English 1a; (see pr) 54% success at lower end, 81% at higher end; better
skills, better success; better math skills improve logic;
Curriculum: Music courses are on track. Drama curriculum needs updating, with
no plan to get it done. There is no full time faculty to do this-no date listed for
updates; RED Flag Drama- assessment is not being done.
Needs that are not being addressed affect the Drama program
Student services ok
Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors, who will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation.
PRC will forward the summaries and author responses (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee, EMC and the IEC.
Adopted by PRC April 29, 2011