College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Summary As per its Mission


Fiscal Year: 2011-12

College of the Redwoods

Program Review Committee Summary

As per its Mission, the Program Review Committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews to provide the foundation upon which the district develops, identifies, and documents the direction of the prioritization of planning. Our objective is to provide an evaluative Executive Summary of each program’s review for authors, Integrated Planning Committees, and the District.

Program Review Subject Area: PE/HE/(Dance)

Program Review Authors:

Area Administrator:

Marla Gleave

Joe Hash

Performance Indicators for Instructional Programs


Program Access/Demand Satisfactory Unsatisfactory NA Committee Comments

Enrollment Trends


Difficult to assess as there have been huge cut in sections on the Eureka campus, resulting enrollment cuts. Online enrollments are up. (Dance courses were eliminated.)

FTES (Comprehensive reviews only)

Job Availability (based on labor market data)

Advisory Committee



Program Resources

Full-time/Part-time FTE Ratio

(Comprehensive reviews only)




Funding/Grant support




Fill Rate (at Census) X


No budget for maintenance and repair; safety issues recorded in the past (note about

Measure Q funding would be helpful) This budget covers both HE/PE and Athletics.

Program/Course Outcomes

Course Retention X

Course Success X

PE and Health ED success rates tend to be consistent. This program has the same issues as with Construction Tech courses– many types of courses and a varied population taking courses for various reasons. Note: Athletics is separate from PE

SLO assessment Schedule

PLO assessment Schedule

GE assessment NA

Course assessment, no closing the loop yet. Need more information on how they will assess; they are on track and catching up


Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors, who will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation.

PRC will forward the summaries and author responses (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee, EMC and the IEC. Adopted by PRC April 29, 2011


Note: this PR will look different in the future as recreational PE courses have been eliminated.

Basic Skills: Students at the Engl 150 level have a 70% success in lecture classes. The trend is, basically the lower the math skill level, the lower the success. Analytical thinking and ability to apply concepts are needed for student success. In PE activity classes, math and English skills are not a factor.

Student Services: Delays in receiving their financial aid hinder students buying textbooks. Previous program review templates had a check-list for each type of service, which is preferred.

Curriculum: Assessment is informing curriculum and updates need to be completed and are in progress.


Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors, who will have two weeks to provide feedback and corrections on errors of fact and/interpretation.

PRC will forward the summaries and author responses (if available) to the appropriate integrated planning committee, EMC and the IEC. Adopted by PRC April 29, 2011
