Spring 2011

College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Executive Summary Adopted November 6, 2009 Mission Statement The College of the Redwoods’ Program Review Committee leads and facilitates authentic assessment as it relates to student success and planning at the institution for all subject and service areas. The committee reviews Annual and Comprehensive Program Reviews that provide the strong foundation upon which College of the Redwoods develops, identifies, states and documents quality improvement plans and goals including providing the direction of prioritization of funding, and support needs as organized under the strategic planning objectives. Objective: To provide an evaluative Executive Summary of this program’s review for authors, the Integrated Planning Committees, and the District. Program Review Subject/Service Area: __Human Resources___________________ Program Review Authors: __Ahn Fielding ______________________________________________________ Summary and Recommendations: Additional Comments: 1. Program strengths: Completion of baseline assessment Doing more with fewer resources (people) 2. Program challenges/obstacles: Constant turnover, no permanent HR director in A lot of administrative and staff turnover over three years Confidentiality issues; facility is inadequate 3. Commendations & Recommendations: Completion of baseline assessment Doing more with fewer resources (people) 4. Program Budget/Funding Sources: Concern: a separate budget should be established to Legal expenses have exceeded budget deal with lawsuits, instead of the HR operating Budget cut 46% since 2006 (loss of professional development budget funding) 5. Program Goals/Plans: One goal cited is to provide events Outcome goals are linked to the strategic plan, but the QIP lists plans to plan; recommend establishing clear strategic plans with timeline 6. Program Outcomes Assessment (PLOs/SLOs): Outcomes are listed, but no assessments yet; baseline assessment 7. Student Success/Achievement/Basic Skills Industry standards recommend 1 HR worker for obstacles/challenges: every 100 employees; CR has 896 employees and 2 A January, 2011 survey, showed 93.1% of personnel respondents or 3 workers. are in contact with the HR office at least once a semester, which is (Tracking number of people using HR services the largest contact percentage of any other department assessed daily/weekly would be helpful, along with Data in the survey.” tables to accompany the narratives) Also: continued workload issues are a problem for this department. PRC Recommendation: 1) All programs would benefit from a formalized, institution‐led follow‐up system/tracking of our graduates. 2) Clarification/development of process from grant funded programs/positions to district funding. 3) District‐wide plan for technology and equipment maintenance and replacement.
Process: Completed Executive Summary forms will be sent to program review authors. PRC will forward Executive Summaries to the appropriate integrated planning committees. 