Program Review Committee

Program Review Committee
Friday, February 10, 2012
10:00 a.m., BOARD ROOM
Present: Rachel Anderson, Mike Cox, Paul Hidy, Justine Shaw-visitor, Cheryl tucker, Dana Maher,
Vinnie Peloso, Angelina Hill, Hillary Reed
1) Meeting called to order at 10:10am
2) Updates: a. Introduce Alles Rebel, Student Representative (did not attend today)
b. Provide Alles with a brief overview of the Program Review Committee processes
3) KPI Summaries for 2/10/12 Reviews for Group 2 (continuing) and Group 3:
Business Tech
Dental Assisting
4) Other/Next Meeting Agenda Items
There is still some confusion and questions from authors regarding assessment. The function of
the PRC and the check-boxes was only to reminder authors that assessment needs to be completed.
Documents are not necessarily due at the time the program review is submitted. Per Justine, there
is difficulty tracking completion of all documents and many authors are submitting assessment
documents with their program reviews. This should not be a problem when the online assessment
database is completed. For now, Crislyn will include a statement in her “completed KPIs” email to
authors, reminding them assessment documents need to be completed and submitted via the
assessment process and to contact Justine if they have any questions. Also noted, Utpal is
planning to hire a full-time assessment coordinator to work with curriculum and departments.
There was some discussion whether assessment should show how basic skills student success or
retention is addressed by programs or disciplines. For example, is it ethical to let a student into a
class that has (for example), a 31% chance of success for basic skills students. Cheryl noted new
guidelines will enable schools to have greater pre-requisite requirements, which should address
this very issue.
There were concerns voiced regarding the fill rate data. It has been determined fill rate data is for
end of term, not at census. The PRC will look to remedy this.
The last PRC meeting will be self-evaluation and improvement of the program review processes.
Healthy (CTE) programs which use a pyramid style of course offerings, (a large initial base then
filtering up to core courses) is central to successful programs. CR seems to have less of that;
believed to be a barrier to student success.
For the record, an area of concern is the many programs relying on outside funding (DOL and
CTEA). If these should become unavailable, funding these programs could be problematic.
5) Meeting adjourned at 12noon/cp