Assessment Committee March 7, 2011 LRC 107, Eureka Campus

Assessment Committee
March 7, 2011
LRC 107, Eureka Campus
Meeting Notes
Members Present: Justine Shaw, Clyde Johnson, Jan Tatum, Cheryl Tucker,
Members Absent: Mary Grace Barrick, Roxanne Metz, Jennifer Bailey, Melissa Green, Holly
Smith, Erin Wall, Shannon Sullivan, and Toby Green
Ongoing Assessment Workshops
Justine Shaw and Peter Blakemore are continuing to set up workshops to train faculty however
it usually ends up being one-on-one training. The workshops will continue to be scheduled.
League of Innovation Conference Summary
Justine Shaw and Shannon Sullivan attended the League of Innovation Conference. There was
some good information at the conference but it was more vendor-oriented. Justine Shaw was
able to get examples of assessment handbooks, produced by other institutions; Justine
recommended the committee put handbook together that can be distributed for district-wide
Assessment Handbook
1. Justine suggested taking existing documents and using “cut and paste” to create a
handbook that is relevant to CR and it would include assessment information for the
student services and academic sides. The handbook will be a living document that will
continually be refined.
2. A tentative table of contents was pieced together during today’s meeting and Justine
will email the draft to committee members for input. Members can also choose sections
that they will be responsible for compiling. Some work days would be scheduled for
people to review the document and provide feed back. The document should be ready
would be sent to printing services on April 29th.
Updates to Assessment webpage
The Assessment Committee website is mostly current; Justine will have Karen Nelson post
meeting agendas and minutes. Additionally, if committee members have good resources that
should be posted to the website they are asked to forward it to Justine.
Using MyCR
MyCR might be a good place to house the planning forms; however, the committee does not
want people to post their documents on MyCR expecting committee feedback. The committee
is small and it would be difficult to provide feedback.
Clyde Johnson though the though the planning documents would be a good fit for what the PRC
does. Justine is going to advocate that these specific forms be included with the program
review documents. Jan Tatum suggested that the Assessment Team and Curriculum Committee
work together. Curriculum is also on a five-year cycle so perhaps curriculum updates and
assessment should be tied together.
Non-academic Assessment Workshops
This item will be held over until the next meeting.
2011 Convocation
Justine would like convocation to be focused on assessment training this would be time that
will allow for district-wide discussion. The planning documents can be reviewed and revised and
have everyone work on the planning documents for fall and spring semesters. Also if there is
time, artifacts can be reviewed and scored. Justine would like the faculty to leave convocation
knowing the tasks that need to be accomplished and start collecting artifacts.
Next Meeting
To be scheduled.