Instructional Council Monday April 21, 2014 rNotes Present: Keith Snow-Flamer, Julia Peterson, Ron Waters, Jeff Cummings, Sheila Hall, Tracy Thomas, Jeff Hash, Erin Wall, Crislyn Parker - support 1. Convocation Topics: N/A 2. Student Success Summit o Date/time: mid-September, planning completed over summer o General Theme: Strategies for enhancing student success: Persistence. Discussed and agreed to focus on faculty with who have the best persistence by discipline. It would be good to include FYE and CTE faculty. The outcome of this summit is how we can connect with and make it better for students. o Sub-Themes: For historically underrepresented; ESL students; underprepared students o Planning Committee: Tracey Thomas, faculty appointed by Senate 3. Student Equity Plan/Student Success Plan Work o Committee members: Tracey, Sheila, Angelina, Angela Winkle, Lynn Thiesen, Kristie Carlson; add Phil Mancus and Marla Gleave; ask ASCR to identify a student member. Johanna will be support. Currently, each of these plans have separate due dates, but this is an opportunity to merge both by October. A task force will be created to complete this over the summer and go through the constituency process in the fall. o Timeline for completion: Over summer for vetting in fall by constituency. 4. Draft Associate Faculty Assignment Process: o Agreed to separate scheduling and assignments o Request associate faculty to identify availability over two semesters. If we get continuity with a two year schedule, it would be good to know assignments. First step is to get scheduling and sequencing into a two year rotation. o Basically three sets of course scheduling: 1st CTE, Academy, Nursing: already on two year sequencing schedule (lock in) 2nd group; solid sequencing, but not as predictable with scheduling 3rd group not predictable at all–needs in-depth work. o Keith will revise the document as discussed and move to CRFO. Julia: o Julia attended the WIB Public Meeting: Headwaters has elected not to spend funds on re-training, but instead help businesses to grow since Federal funding provides retraining dollars which have trained 1400 people over the years. Some members are unhappy with CR’s new crosswalk, which is designed to see where there is overlap and create targets of opportunity. The 2007 Crosswalk was not used, so we developed a more condensed and realistic crosswalk that offers CR certificates and degrees. Sheila: Deans, faculty and staff are participating in orientation, which has been very positive. Keith will send Sheila the dates and times to visit Eureka high school, provided by Rick Jordan . Joe: Paramedic program accreditation standards mandate the Paramedic program be overseen by a physician medical director. The cost for this oversight is $5000, paid to the physician director on an annual basis, for services rendered. In previous years, grant funds have covered this cost. Those funds have expired, requiring payment through other funds. 1 Instructional Council Monday April 21, 2014 rNotes Jeff: In response to Doug’s email about budgets: suggest deans use the balance of 2014 funds if have needs. Erin: District evaluations and communications are inconsistent about associate faculty evaluations. o She suggest going to DN to clean out the office update where they look need to look for specific information. o Because of delays with new associate faculty emails, maybe deans can call (if there is a need) the first weeks. Make sure associate faculty are directed to communicate with division staff/deans. o Train DN office staff on procedures. Associate Faculty Form: o Discussion resulted in removing both email and phone fields; indicate communication will be via CR email specifically. o Change department field to discipline and return to division secretaries. o Combine boxes 1 and 3, remove check-boxes and include scheduling blocks. o Change to: Are you interested to teach online classes and are you willing to take online training; and separate, what courses are you most interested in teaching? Least interested in teaching? o Disclaimer. Remove interest in teaching other courses 2