CRC Recommendations (brief form), as of 04/04/2013: Assessment Committee

CRC Recommendations (brief form), as of 04/04/2013:
Assessment Committee and Program Review Committee (PRC)
o Assessment Committee continue to work with Program Review Committee; the
two committees remain separate entities. Assessment Committee establishes
assessment evaluation standards for PRC, to inform PRC on the quality of the PR
templates, and to guide PRC on template revisions and on evaluation of learning
o PRC to work more collaboratively (esp. with administrative services), e.g., by
asking others how to make program review a meaningful and useful process for
Basic Skills Committee (BSC), Distance Education Committee (DEC), Enrollment
Management Committee (EMC), and also First-Year Experience (FYE)
o Basic Skills to be subsumed into EMC as a sub-committee, recognizing the
mandated reporting for Basic Skills and funding allocations that may require task
force work.
o Distance Education Committee to be restructured as a sub-committee of EMC.
DE sub-committee to coordinate course offerings and oversee long-range
planning of DE offerings. [Note: This is different from the previous DE Advisory
Committee which was chaired by Geoff Cain. This is also separate and different
from the ad hoc Senate Distance Ed Committee dealing with curricular
o [Note: FYE also subsumed under EMC after the FYE rolls in Fall 2013 and is at the
level of "ongoing maintenance" attention, with sub-committee/task force work
as needed.]
Expanded Cabinet, Institutional Effectiveness (IEC), College Council, Student Equity
Committee (SEC) and Accreditation Oversight Committee (AOC)
o College Council remains a separate entity for now (and probably at least another
year) because of high level of policy review work that still needs to be
accomplished. Re-evaluate after policies all updated; re-consider as subcommittee of IEC at that time.
o Expanded Cabinet to merge with IEC, chaired by senior leadership. New IEC/EC
oversees district-wide institutional planning, integration, evaluation.
o AOC to exist as task force of IEC in order to have small group of specific people
focus attention on oversight of work pertaining to accreditation concerns at least
as long as we are on sanction.
o SEC, similarly, to become sub-committee of new IEC/EC, to oversee development
of Student Equity Plan and to monitor the Plan. [Note: Suggestions to combine
SEC with the Senate's Multicultural and Diversity Committee were considered;
CRC agreed MDC has different concerns and should remain separate from SEC.]
Budget Planning (BPC), Facilities Planning (FPC), Technology Planning (TPC)
o Combine all planning committees, restructuring into BPC. Revise BPC charge to
include specific scopes of the committees (as they currently exist) and evaluate
o Technology issues that are not part of annual planning process will need to be
handled by a separate IT task force; new procedures needed for this.
o Create Task Forces, at times, as needed (for example when revising Technology
Plan and Facilities Plan).
Flex Committee and Professional Development Committee
o CRC recommends combining these two and restructuring, in order to become
more efficient and also to promote more involvement within and among all
constituent groups. Both of these committees fall under Human Resources and
have many of the same people on them, and both work together at times,
o Mandated Flex reporting to be handled by sub-committee, which meets only
once or twice each term.
Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee (EPSCo)
o Recommend EPSCo remains a stand-alone committee, with recommendation for
assistance with coordination and communication. (Also recommend EPSCo work
with Flex/ProfDev regarding training once or twice each year.)
Committee Restructuring PACFAQS – Pros, Cons, Facts, Alternatives, Questions
Sample PACFAQ: Basic Skills Committee