Notes for the IP Summit: 3/24/12 Facilities Planning Committee 3 lines of requests, most come out of the needs addendums, then there are operational requests (they typically come from Cabinet) things from Measure Q came in too. We were able to rank them and pass them on. Initially, there weren’t any justifications for the requests. The hand off didn’t go very well, and it didn’t come with the right information and therefore the process should be streamlined. Community Ed is not currently part of the process and should be. Last year, this was a recommendation from the IP summit. A website upgrade is needed: decide on a central location for information. The FMP doesn’t do online committee work. “The FPC does not currently post to “All.” We should calendar a meeting every year to evaluate the successes/problems of our annual process. The onus should be put on the individuals/groups doing the requesting to “close the loop.” Standardized feedback mechanisms still need to be created. Emergency requests were dealt with; but there is this unease about the criteria for “emergency” situations. It would be helpful to have a written process for emergency requests—currently we do not have a formalized process for emergency requests. It’s just a matter of getting better data to make the important decisions. Enrollment Management Committee There is a concern with evaluating Program Review data. All the major functional committees should write a summative report that is read by all planning committees. The EMC shares data sets and will review the Master Executive Summary from the PRC. Is it the EMC’s role to determine percentages of on-line courses, courses at sites, etc.? We seem to be maintaining the status quo at present. Scheduling decisions currently start at the bottom, but the EMC should be able to make some recommendations based on its analysis of the data. The EMC will provide better TLU allocations. Our planning agenda is on track. We are working on a draft enrollment management plan for the next three years. We reviewed the IEC’s recommendations, we look at the scorecard data, we look at workload reductions, we look at what the state has told us to do. We look at faculty reassigned time too, which we didn’t look at before. We developed a rubric for evaluating our work at the end of the year. We implemented a matriculation plan for one semester. 1 We will look at the institutional effectiveness indicators as the enrollment management plan is developed and evaluated. We decided on putting out a full year’s schedule next year. Roadblocks for GE courses, dealing with declining funding from the state, has bee identified. The EMC needs to better coordinate with the basic skills committee and the student equity planning committee. Program Review There have been problems in forwarding requests in the past. The assessment component: “last year, we became just the check-off list for assessment, and now we are getting concerns that we are now too far from the assessment process. We will create a work page tab in the updated template with narrative prompts like : “how has your assessment results informed your decisions?” We will be developing additional prompts for the template. The new template will be rolled out to everyone next October/November. There is still confusion about deadlines and how the authors are supposed to interpret the basic skills data on the PR template. We need to redefine how Administrative and Student Services do program review, and they need to conduct assessment too. The Community Ed program review needs to be done. Annual reports don’t have comprehensive data, so the data that one needs to flag programs happen only every 5 years—this is a problem. These are areas in Program Review that we have concerns about, but there is no formalized process yet. AP 4021 specifically states that 2 years of data is needed. Furniture Committee We needed more membership, and we need someone from Del Norte and Mendo. The people who fill out these needs addendums should be looking at our rubric. We couldn’t tell if requests came from a center. If a request didn’t get funded, that request needs to be made again. Cost needs to be included on the form, along with a specific description of the item. Technology Committee The TCP has not done enough assessment and “closing the loop.” We should be assessing the effectiveness of with faculty and with students. Budget Planning Committee Some of the requests had detailed justifications for their requests, and other requests did not. Hyperlinks on needs addendums didn’t always work, so the data could not be found. 2 We are posting all of our data to the website. Closing the loop: we are still in process here because we are not through the year. We want to hear back: what did you do with the money? How did that help? We have streamlined the reports. I really like that everyone has a chance to rank 1-50, and then we average them out. Closing the loop to access BPC effectiveness: we will go over this process this year. The committees need very specific information about the requests: you can see the people who understand the process and ones who don’t. TCO review: we didn’t do this process this year, but it needs to happen. No side deals: we get people coming in saying “I need this” and we don’t like this. All information must be on the needs addendums: requesters should know this. The BPC will create the resource requester’s “report back closing the loop form” for Program Review, then Program Review will include it in their new template for next fall. (The details are still being worked out on this.) Basic Skills Committee We have been working with IR to make the data more accurate. We don’t really have an ESOL program. We need some history and information. We are going to be part of the integrated planning process but we are not now currently on the IP flow chart. We need to have direct dialog with the PRC and with the EMC. Final discussion The EMC and the BSC are the two functional committees that do not deal specifically with resource allocation, and they are very important. The BSC should connect to the EMC directly, because we have information that would be useful to the EMC. The BSC is now providing recommendations to the PRC to make the Basic Skills template data and prompts more meaningful and relevant to Program Review authors. The PRC identifies programs that need help—this can be useful to the EMC and other functional committees. The EMC is going to evaluate the PRC Master Executive Summary every May— they will put it in their charge and do it this year. When the PRC does the Master Executive Summary, it should be forwarded to all the functional committees at a specific allocated time.” We need to have a simpler planning model that everyone can understand. We don’t yet have formalized channels of communication. We are still working in our little silos.” 3 4