REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) December 7, 2015 2:10-3:40 pm Boardroom 1. Meeting called to order. Present: Mark Winter, Jolene Gates, Chris Gaines, Dave Bazard, Joe Hash, Dave Bazard, Angelina Hall, Marla Gleave, Sheila Hall, Rianne O’Conner, Tiffany Schmitke, Crislyn Parker-support 2. Approve notes from the 11/2/15 Meeting: Approved as corrected. 3. Discussion Items 2.1 FTES Estimates for 2015-16 On the handout, 2015-16 current FTES are in parenthesis (1796.2). Total current FTES for fall are at about 1940 but do not include non-credit FTES. Angelina will estimate 1970 for fall; with a total of 3800 for the year, including approximately 50 for summer enrollments up to July 1. Targets are projected primarily by historical data, funding limits and best guess based on trends. Angelina researched state criteria used for enrollment projections, including estimated high school graduating classes, unemployment and fiscal considerations. o High school graduating classes are estimated at remaining level or declining for a while. Kindergarten numbers are increasing, but this won’t be realized at a college level for years. o Unemployment tends to drive enrollment trends – the higher unemployment, the higher enrollment. 2013 Humboldt County unemployment targets show unemployment would remain at 6.8% and DN 9.5% for next 3 years. Overall, based on the projection information available to Angelina, enrollments will continue to drop slightly. Enrollment initiatives are not expected to increase FTES this or next year. Angelina recommends estimating a total of 4050 FTES for 2016-17. Dave noticed, from the overall section report, available from IR, that areas such as English, Math and PE had larger decreases in enrollments, while business, history and psych classes have grown slightly over the last year. He suggested looking at these areas to maybe determine why the numbers are dropping. He sees an overall decrease of 6% over the last few years. 2.2 2015-17 Enrollment Management Plan (April 2015) Revision The only changes to the EM Plan are in the organization, which enables us to see what is being done well, and where gaps exist. Between now and next meeting, look at your areas and bring any suggested changes. The goal is to complete revision this plan by the end of spring 2016. 2.3 Scheduling Guidelines The final version of this document is sent to deans and instructional directors to aid in schedule planning. Changes that will be made: Items #1, 4, and 7 will be deleted. Item #10, student notification, will be revised. Noncredit cancellation process is still in flux. Suggestion to add a note for schedulers to refer to the overall section report for historical information and to add “in consultation with…” the sites to the language. 4. Future Agenda items 5. Announcements - next meeting: Monday, February 1