REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) AD 201 Boardroom Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Summary Notes EMC Mission To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic skills student achievement data, and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of collaboration continued growth and community alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also formulates enrollment goals consistent with the College’s mission and program review data, develops FTES budget projections, implements, monitors, and periodically revises the process of student enrollment and retention. PRESENT DISCUSSION Projected FTES Rachel Anderson, Jenn Bailey Jeff Cummings, Anna Duffy, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Cheryl Tucker, Keith Snow-Flamer, Angelina noted that IR provided a set of initial projections for the full academic year based on how they have been ran in the past. See attached document. Cabinet is concerned with how the budget reductions will affect the FTES target. Discussion continued regarding fill rates specific to course, semester and location. Years 06/07-11/12 were averaged to get a steadier average. Using this model, the projections are very close to what we came up with in past years and it appears that we need to add sections. There was also discussion regarding about taking the non-resident students out of the projections because only residents are included the target. Using the TLU budget as a base, we are close to the TLU expenditure planned by the EMC and cabinet last year. Total TLUs budgeted 7,284 Summer 2012 ($ 160,000 at $984/TLU) 162 Fall 2012 3,374 Spring 2013 3,141 Potential Overload TLUs 176 Remaining 431 Sections 96 FTES (2.8 FTES/Section) 268 1 We should, if all the assumptions in the plan hold, should come close to the FTES target of 4,532 with the 431 TLUs remaining. Future Actions The Budget Planning Committee will meet in the coming week and discuss the budget assumptions, review the projected budget shortfall, and potential remedies to the shortfall. The EMC will meet shortly thereafter and discuss strategies to reach the 4,532 FTES target. If we do a late start spring again we need to give as much advance notice as possible. Whatever FTES are projected we should hold our ground and work through the problems. Release the spring schedule early (October rather than November) Create new marketing strategy to let people know CR is still a good choice. Have a solid projection for fall so that we don’t have to make adjustments to spring prior to census. 2 2012-2013 FTES Projections & Description of Projection Model FTES Projections District Total Del Norte Eureka EOC KT Mendocino MCOC SH Virtual Summer 2012 40 Fall 2012 2265 239 1632 11 51 110 46 4 172 Spring 2013 2140 234 1546 1 62 116 37 4 140 2012-2013 4445 - 190 non-res= 4255 resident 473 3178 12 113 226 83 8 312 2012-2013 Resident FTES Target W/out cuts W/ Cuts 4532 4481 need +277 need +226 FTES to make target based on resident projection FTES Projections were obtained by estimating fill rates of scheduled course sections, on a section by section basis, based on past terms. The fill-rates of all sections meeting the following criteria were averaged to obtain a section’s projected fill rate: o The course was the same as that being projected (e.g., MATH-120) o The section occurred in the same semester as the projected section (e.g., fall) o The section occurred in the same location as the projected section (e.g., KT) o The section occurred within 2006-07 through 2011-12 If no courses met these criteria, a fill rate of 80 percent was used. Positive attendance FTES were calculated assuming that 80 percent of contact hours would be completed. If the sections used to determine the above average were cancelled more than one-third of the time, the fill rate was set to zero. The projected fill rate was then multiplied by the capacity of the section to obtain enrollments from which to base FTES projection for that section. The projected non-resident FTES was estimated based on the percentage of non-resident FTES claimed for apportionment in the 2011-2012 apportionment attendance report (CCFS-320). Non-residents were found to represent 4.28% of the total FTES. Total TLUs budgeted Summer 2012 ($ 160,000 at $984/TLU) Fall 2012 Spring 2013 Potential Overload TLUs Remaining Sections FTES (2.8 FTES/Section) 7,284 162 3,374 3,141 176 431 96 268