REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
New Boardroom
October 1, 2012
1:10-2:40 pm
EMC Mission
To interpret enrollment trends, patterns and projections, student achievement/success data, basic
skills student achievement data, and to inform all institutional divisions and units in meeting
CR’s enrollment goals within a framework of collaboration continued growth and community
alignment. The Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) also formulates enrollment goals
consistent with the College’s mission and program review data, develops FTES budget
projections, implements, monitors, and periodically revises the process of student enrollment and
1. Call to Order
2. Review Summary Notes from: 9/12 and 9/17
3. Action Items
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Review Current FTES/TLU Projection Worksheet (Angelina Hill)
4.2 Reallocation of TLUs for Spring Semester—Deans Advice Feedback
4.3 Review Spring schedule development timeline (Keith Snow-Flamer)
September 7
September 11
September 12-October 12
November 5
IR run annual FTES projection
Cabinet review FTES projections
Corrections made to the spring schedule—Deans/Directors
Spring schedule will be available on WebAdvisor and begin
priority registration process
DREG Dates—December 3, 5, 12, 19, Jan 2, and 9
4.4 Enrollment & Performance Comparison of F2F vs. Online Enrollment data
5. Reports
5.1 Status of Enrollment Management Plan (Keith Snow-Flamer)
6. Future Agenda items
7. Announcements
8. Adjournment
CCC Confer Information
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Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, Paul DeMark, Anna Duffy, Kathy
Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill Pam Kessler, Dave Gonsalves (phone),
Anita Janis (phone) Keith Snow-Flamer and Bruce Wagner
Phil Freneau (phone), Roxanne Metz, Zach DeLoach, Melissa Ruiz (phone),
and Tiffany Schmitcke
There was discussion regarding the committee operating agreement and it was
decided the phrase in the Mission section: continued growth would be changed
to sustainable growth. After further discussion the committee agreed that the
remainder of the language in the operating agreement is appropriate and
speaks to educational effectiveness.
This item will be carried to the next meeting
REVIEW 2011-12
Angelina reported that the FTES & Persistence summary shows a decline
which is happening nationally, not just here. She noted that it doesn’t seem to
matter how much we boost the summer schedule it consistently stays around
200 FTES. Our current projections are based on how we’ve done in the past
and they may be too high. Angelina asked that we be aware so that this does
not come as a big surprise in the spring. It was also noted that we held over
150 FTES from summer to be counted in 12/13.
There was discussion regarding what may be causing the decline and it was
noted that there is also a decline with persistence. Concern was expressed that
we continue to project what we cannot achieve and this sets us up of failure.
It was suggested that for spring the committee consider factoring a 10 percent
decline for enrollment and this may help us get more on par to where we need
to be.
It is the committee’s charge to come up with realistic projections and then
forward them to the Budget Planning Committee to use in budget
Dr. Hill noted that this report was run before census and not all drop data has
been entered. She also noted that at this time we are not seeing the drop in
headcount that we normally see at this time. She stated that the expected drop
is approximately 8-9 percent. Currently Institutional Research is projecting
2026 FTES for fall, noting that the target for 2012-13 is 4465. Discussion
continued regarding the FTES target and cap and how funding will be effected
if we don’t hit this year’s target. There was also discussion regarding possible
reasons for decline such as economic issues, show cause, increased fees and
The committee agreed that it is very important to target high performance
classes for spring with the goal of reaching the target of 4465. There was also
discussion regarding the possibility of a 3 week winter inter-session, however
there are no current curriculum for 3 weeks.
Dr. Snow-Flamer noted that ASCR is currently working on a student survey to
help determine why we are seeing a decline in enrollment this fall. Dr. Hill
noted concern regarding this type of survey and affect it could have on our
current students if it is not properly worded.
Discussion also took place regarding late start and distance education classes
and marketing strategies for spring.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Rachel Anderson phone, Jeff Cummings, Paul DeMark, Anna Duffy, Kathy
Goodlive, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Pam Kessler, Dave Gonsalves (phone),
Anita Janis (phone) Keith Snow-Flamer and Bruce Wagner
Zach DeLoach, Bill Hole, Jolene Gates (phone), Lee Lindsey and Cheryl
Lee Lindsey, Vice President, Administrative Services gave an overview of the
district’s final budget which was presented to the board of trustees at their last
regular meeting on September 11.
Mr. Lindsey noted that there will be a budget shortfall for the 2012/13 year.
Special Trustee Henry suggested removal of savings place holders from the
budget and temporary savings have also been removed as these would be
estimated savings. He also noted that as the fund balance gets lower we must
be very conservative and not count any savings until it is actually on the
books. It is not only the current year activities that are causing the shortfall,
this has been happening over the course of several years.
He stated that several years ago the district began using a more relaxed
accounting method to write off student accounts. We now need to return to a
more conservative method of accounting. Students will still be held
responsible for the debts and will be required to pay existing balances before
enrolling or receiving a transcript. He also stated that during this last year we
have tried to slow down the loss to accounts receivables
Mr. Lindsey went on to say that the District cannot have a negative fund
balance as it would then be considered insolvent. He noted that we do have
some resources available one of which will be to take a $1.4 Million
emergency transfer from the employee benefit trust fund. This will need to be
paid back in the next couple of years and is a one-time fix.
He also commented on the District being on enrollment stability with the
chancellor’s office. Noting that if the district does not meet the enrollment cap
this year we will lose funding. Fall enrollment numbers are currently soft and
if the November ballot measure passes we may not be able to meet the
enrollment cap required. If it doesn’t pass we may be OK with the current cap.
Mr. Lindsey also stated that even if we cut $2M from our budget we are still
not out of the woods as every year there is inflation and cost increases. It is
very important for district to identify long-term cost savings solutions and
identify ways to control inflation and cost increases. If there are no COLAs or
increases in funding from the state we will be in trouble.
Angelina reported that IR was asked to evaluate the TLU model and for fall it
is pretty “spot on” and it looks good by location. There was discussion
regarding the number of TLUs used for fall being too low and this is why our
enrollment numbers are down. It was noted that two full sections had to be
cancelled due to not having instructors. It was also noted that there are not
enough classrooms for scheduling. A primary time slot is needed for evening
classes, some evening classes fill better than others. There was also discussion
regarding the possible need to shift or rebalance TLUs.
Dr. Hill reported that the FTES headcount is currently holding steady. We will
probably still see a drop however; it may not be as bad as initially thought. She
noted that this report is a little premature and the efficiency has not settled yet
for the fall semester. Discussion ensued regarding efficiency and if we really
want to be higher than 80 percent. Concern was expressed regarding the
funneling of students into high demand classes and that we may not be
meeting the best needs of our students. Concern was also expressed regarding
the number of low-fill classes that we can carry. It was noted that we may need
to review courses on a case by case basis in relationship to overall efficiency.
If we have a lower tolerance for courses that don’t fill we would need to
determine where the TLUs would be re-allocated to.
Discussion continued regarding the effects of de-registration and the
possibility of going to a once weekly schedule of de-registration.
There was discussion regarding potential strategies for scheduling the spring
semester. A suggestion was made to have two starting dates one early and one
late and split the semester into two 8 week sessions. It was noted that from the
perspective of the Financial Aid Department this would be very challenging as
it would make processing financial aid payments very difficult. Dr. Anderson
noted that she is going through the spring schedule very closely and looking at
courses that have typically under-enrolled and replacing them with high impact
Dr. Snow-Flamer commented that he would like the committee to get back to
discussion regarding our ability to sustain FTES and the possibility of CR
becoming a smaller college if we are not able to. This committee will need to
make decisions regarding FTES/TLUs and forward recommendation to the
Budget Planning Committee for consideration.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.