College of the Redwoods Program Review Committee Friday, October 23, 2015 Meeting

College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee
Friday, October 23, 2015 Meeting
9am – 11am, Boardroom
1. Meeting Called to Order. Present: Joe Hash, Brady Reed, Cindy Hooper, Mike Peterson,
Lorraine Pedrotti, Crislyn Parker-support
2. Approve Notes from October 9, 2015: Approved as revised. (Crislyn will revise the rubric
to include the language changes in the rubrics and send out for posting. This will be done for
each item.)
3. IB9 Discussion: The President and VP of Administrative services were unable to attend.
This agenda item will moved to a future meeting. BPC Co-chairs were also unavailable, but
would like to attend with the President and Vice-President. The committee talked about agreed
upon the framework for this future discussion.
4. Membership Updates (if any): None
5. ADT Program Reviews-Discuss Format: Committee agreed this discussion will need to
include input from IR on how to handle the data and discussion on how the college envisions the
future of ADTs in the program review process. A suggestion was made to look at best practices
from other community colleges.
6. Standing Item: Executive Summary Items: N/A
7. Standing Item: ACCJC Matrix: Conversation on IB9 future discussion.
8. Other/Future Agenda items:
 Other: Comments on online review process are positive. There are a few ‘bugs’ that
need to be worked out, but overall process is good.
o Transparency is good. Ability to look at other reviews during process
o Ease of others to make changes to document is of concern
o Locking versus leaving program unlocked: Of note, some fields can be locked and
stay locked; other fields, when locked, can still be edited.
o Instructions as to form and process need to be included
o Possibility of have a “create PDF” option for retaining a printed review
 Brady: Add TRIO to PR annual calendar. Add to 12/13/15
 Future: Invite President/VPAS, Invite BBC Co-Chairs
Next Meeting: November 13, 2015 (Mike will send review information to Crislyn by 11/11/15;
he will not be in attendance.)
Presenter Pin: 6178200
College of the Redwoods
Program Review Committee
Friday, October 23, 2015 Meeting
9am – 11am, Boardroom
IB19 discussion:
Q: what other criteria/metrics are used in evaluating resource priorities if assessment is not the
Q: is there a clear, comprehensive process, that integrates program review, planning and resource
allocation, and how is a determination made when not related to these; out of process allocation
decisions? How to handle issues that need attention before program review process is completed.
Q: regarding grant funded “windfall” resources; process to spend money that has to be spent.
S: increase operational budget of deans
Presenter Pin: 6178200