REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College Council 3:00 p.m. - Board Room Monday, March 21, 2011 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Minutes Dated March 7, 2011 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. AP2435 Evaluation of President/Superintendent (Doug) a. Review constituent feedback and take action ********END OF 30 DAY REVIEW************* 4. BP 1200 ‘Mission, Values’ (Dave) a. Review feedback on mission and values, take action ********END OF 30 DAY REVIEW********************* b. Update on vision subcommittee (Utpal) 5. BP/AP 4020 ‘Program, Curriculum, and Course Development’ (Utpal) a. AP4022 Local Approval of Courses b. Review constituent feedback, take action *********END OF 30 DAY REVIEW******** 6. Accreditation (Utpal) a. Self Study Update 7. College Council and the Brown Act (Doug) NEW BUSINESS 8. Report out from Budget Planning Committee to College Council (Utpal) 9. Hands Across California (Dave Holper) 10. BP 537 “Student Equity Plan” (Dave Holper) 11. Policy and Procedure Revision Process a. Review BOT 11 step process b. Council Responsibility Over Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 Administrative Procedures c. Council’s role in approving ‘mutually agreed upon’ items d. Approving content versus ensuring participative governance 12. Governance Principles (Utpal) 13. Updates/Future Agenda Items Policy and Procedure Tracking Number BP/AP 3050 BP/AP 3250 BP/AP 5140 BP3410 AP3410 Misc Misc Misc Misc BP/AP 5055 AP2435 AP305.03 BP/AP 4240 BP/AP 3200 BP/AP 4020 AP 4022 AP4021 BP/AP 4231 Title Institutional Code of Ethics Institutional Planning and IP Narrative DSPS Nondiscrimination Nondiscrimination Governance Document Grant Funded Faculty Conversion Process IBA Steering Committee College Council Summer Schedule Enrollment Priorities Evaluation of PZ/Superintendent Priorities for Tenure Track Faculty Positions Academic Renewal Accreditation Program Curriculum and Course Develop. Local Approval of Courses Program Discontinuance/Revitalization Course Grade Challenge Status Constituent Review Ends 04/18/2011 Constituent review ends 04/18/2011 Constituent Review ends 04/18/2011 BP3410 fwd to BOT for adoption Council request review of best practices Revise following 04/08/11 governance summit Dave seeking best practices. Rox seeking legal Council needs report regarding workshop results CRFO, Ac Senate, SARCO to discuss ASPC/Student Services to collaborate on revision Council will hear constituent feedback 03/07/2011 Draft under Expanded Cabinet Review BOT 1st reading 04/04/2011 nd 2 Reading of BP at BOT 04/04/2011 Constituent Review Ends 03/21/2011 Constituent Review Ends 03/21/2011 Under Review by ASPC ASPC Scheduled to Review