Meeting of the Curriculum Committee of the Academic Senate
Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, SSA 202;
Del Norte: 883 W. Washington Boulevard, Office E7
Friday, April 22 – 1:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment: Members of the audience are invited to make comments regarding any subject appropriate to the
Curriculum Committee.
3. Approval of the April 8, 2016 Minutes
4. Action Items
4.1 Inactivation: LVN-40 Independent Study ............................................................................. Alison Pritchard
4.2 Inactivation: LVN-140 Independent Study ........................................................................... Alison Pritchard
4.3 Inactivation: HO-40 Independent Study............................................................................... Alison Pritchard
4.4 Inactivation: HO-140 Independent Study............................................................................. Alison Pritchard
4.5 Inactivation: AJ-50 Control and Supervision of Inmates ............................................................. Ron Waters
4.6 Inactivation: AJ-51 Correctional Law ........................................................................................... Ron Waters
4.7 Inactivation: AJ-52 Correctional Interviewing and Counseling ................................................... Ron Waters
4.8 Inactivation: AJ-53 Prison Gangs and the Inmate Subculture ..................................................... Ron Waters
4.9 Inactivation: AJ-102 Crisis Intervention Team Training ............................................................... Ron Waters
4.10 Inactivation: AS-Computer Support Spec.; AS-Office Prof.; Cert. of Rec.-Word Processing .....Marla Gleave
4.11 Distance Ed: POLSC-10 U.S. Government and Politics.............................................................. Gary Sokolow
4.12 Distance Ed: POLSC-2 Introduction to Political Philosophy ..................................................Will Meriwether
4.13 Dual Enrollment: AG-63 Intro to Organic/Sustainable Agriculture (Eureka) .......................... Franz Rulofson
4.14 Dual Enrollment: AG-63 Intro to Organic/Sustainable Agriculture (Fortuna) ........................ Franz Rulofson
4.15 Dual Enrollment: RHM-10 Culinary Fundamentals (Eureka) ............................................... Leigh Blakemore
4.16 Dual Enrollment: HIST-8 U.S. History through Reconstruction (Arcata)......................... George Potamianos
4.17 Dual Enrollment: HIST-8 U.S. History through Reconstruction (Eureka) ........................ George Potamianos
4.18 Dual Enrollment: HIST-8 U.S. History through Reconstruction (Fortuna) ...................... George Potamianos
4.19 Dual Enrollment: HIST-9 U.S. History Reconstruction to the Present (Arcata)............... George Potamianos
4.20 Dual Enrollment: HIST-9 U.S. History Reconstruction to the Present (Eureka) .............. George Potamianos
4.21 Dual Enrollment: HIST-9 U.S. History Reconstruction to the Present (Fortuna) ............ George Potamianos
4.22 Dual Enrollment: ENGL-1A Analytical Reading and Writing (Fortuna) ........................ Nicole Bryant-Lescher
4.23 MATH-194 Intermediate Algebra for Social Sciences and Business ............................................ Mike Butler
4.24 MATH-30 College Algebra ....................................................................................... Mike Haley, Mike Butler
4.25 HO-110 Basic Patient Care.........................................................................................................Melody Pope
4.26 COMM-6 Small Group Communication......................................................................................... Lisa Sayles
4.27 Nonsubstantial Change: A.S. in Welding Technology.............................................................. Danny Walker
4.28 NEW Certificate of Completion: Custodian and Maintenance Skills (Noncredit) ................ Elizabeth Carlyle
4.29 Nonsubstantial Change: A.S. in Agriculture-General ............................................................. Franz Rulofson
5. Announcements and Open Forum
6. Adjournment
Public Notice — Nondiscrimination: College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability
in any of its programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon request this
publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Courtney Loder, Curriculum Committee Staff Support at
Next Meeting: Friday, May 13, 2016
(Last Meeting of the Academic Year)