SGA Resolution 3-13-F A resolution to create the Raider Rewards Program for students to get involved in university functions. Whereas: MTSU is home to a large student population yet only a small portion get involved. Whereas: The MTSU Connection Point initiative only targets freshmen involvement. Whereas: Studies show that student involvement in organizations and on campus directly impacts retention and graduation rates. Whereas: MTSU needs to have greater support at athletic events, service projects, concerts, etc. THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED BY THE 76TH CONGRESS OF THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY THAT: Section 1: MTSU will create a rewards program that awards points to students that attend university events. Section 2: Students will be able to attain and accumulate points by attending the aforementioned events via online point accumulation software. Section 3: Incentives will be awarded to students who gain enough points and will vary depending on the amount of points attained by the students. Section 4: The task of delegating which events will count towards the rewards points, what the incentives will be, and also general maintenance and upkeep of the rewards program will lie with a committee made up of representatives from Student Affairs, Student Programming, Athletics, and Student representatives. Section 5: Student representative members will be selected by an application and interview process which will be reviewed by the Student Government Association Executive Vice President and other members of SGA. Section 6: Committee members will be selected in the spring semester and will serve a term of one academic year. Section 7: If passed, this program will go into effect with the selection of committee members in the spring semester 2014. Sponsor: Senator Kenneth Kennedy Co-Sponsor: Senator Ashley Johnson ___________________________ Speaker of the Senate _______________________ _______________________ SGA President VP of Student Affairs