Curriculum Committee September 6, 2012 CETES 207 3:30 p.m. Approved minutes Members Present: John Hodgson, Dennis Frisby, Susan Hall, Deborah Williams, Lynda Robinson, Ken Masters, Ann Nalley, Mandy Husak, William Carney, Carla Guthridge, Linda Wright-Smith, Aubree Walton 1. Selection of chair and recording secretary for 2012-13. John Hodgson was elected to serve as chair and Aubree Walton was elected to serve as recording secretary. 2. Approval of minutes: Linda Wright-Smith moved to approve the minutes from the April 5, 2012 meeting; Dennis Frisby seconded. The motion carried. 3. Curriculum and program changes: A. School of Education and Behavioral Sciences 1. Education – Jennifer Dennis attended the meeting to discuss the department’s proposals. a. A proposal was received for a course modification to EDUC 0123. Deborah Williams moved to recommend approval. William Carney seconded. The motion carried. b. A proposal was received for a course modification to EDUC 0521. It was noted that the new faculty load should be 3 hours, not 2.75 hours. Lynda Robinson moved to recommend approval with a modification to the faculty load. Ann Nalley seconded. The motion carried. B. School of Liberal Arts 1. History and Government a. The committee considered the proposal for a program modification in Social Studies Education. The requested modification will change course choices in two categories. John Masters moved to recommend approval. Ann Nalley seconded. The motion carried. b. The committee considered a proposal for a course modification to HIST 3383. Ann Nalley moved to recommend approval. William Carney seconded. The motion carried. 2. English and Foreign Languages a. A proposal was received for a course modification to ENGL 0512. Margery Kingsley was present to discuss the reasons for the course modification. Ann Nalley moved to recommend approval. Lynda Robinson seconded. The motion carried. b. Proposals were received for course modifications to SPAN 4123 and 4143, requesting prerequisite changes for Espana en su Literatura I and Hispanoamerica en su Literatura I. Linda Wright-Smith moved to recommend approval. Ann Nalley seconded. The motion carried. 3. Music a. A proposal was received, requesting the addition of a course—MUSC 4900. Jim Lambert was present to discuss the reasons supporting the proposal. Linda WrightSmith moved to recommend approval. Lynda Robinson seconded. The motion carried. 4. Criminal Justice and Sociology – Jonathan Odo was present to discuss the department’s curriculum proposals. a. The committee considered proposals that requested curriculum changes for minors in Corrections, Criminal Justice, and Law Enforcement. William Carney moved to recommend approval for the proposals related to all three minors. Linda WrightSmith seconded. The motion carried. b. A proposal was received for a course modification to CJ 1033. John Masters moved to recommend approval. Lynda Robinson seconded. The motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m.