Curriculum Committee December 1, 2011 CETES 207 Approved minutes

Curriculum Committee
December 1, 2011 CETES 207
Approved minutes
Members Present: Bausch, Frisby, Hawkins, Helvey, Hodgson, Husak, Nalley, Phillips, Robinson, Walton,
Agenda Items
1. Approve minutes from the October 13, 2011 meeting: Nalley moved to approve the minutes;
Frisby seconded. The motion carried.
2. Curriculum and Program Changes
A) School of Liberal Arts
i. English and Foreign Languages: Course modifications were requested for FREN 2113
and 2223, GERM 2113 and 2123, LATN 2113 and 2223, and SPAN 2113, 2223, and 3213.
Bausch moved to recommend approval; Wright-Smith seconded. The motion carried.
ii. Theater: Course modifications were requested for THTR 1203 and 2603. Walton moved
to recommend approval; Nalley seconded. The motion carried.
B) School of Science and Technology
1. Biology: Course deletions were requested for BIOL 1124, 2044, 2444, 3134, 3154, 4084,
4094, 4104. Hawkins moved to recommend approval; Robinson seconded. The motion
2. Physical Sciences: Course modifications were requested for CHEM 1364. Smith moved
to recommend approval; Nalley seconded. The motion carried.
3. Computing and Technology:
a. Dr. Carroll was present to address the committee and explained that the course
modifications are aimed at remedying course sequencing conflicts. The program
deletion request for the BS in Computer Information Systems is desired because the
BS in Computer Information Systems is very similar to the CIS option in the IT
program. In regard to the VOC course deletion requests, the VOC courses are no
longer offered.
a. A course prefix change was requested for EET 1063. Robinson moved to
recommend approval; Frisby seconded. The motion carried.
b. Course modifications were requested for MM 1143, 1154, 2191-3, 2803,
3991-3, 4191-3, and 4804. Robinson moved to recommend approval;
Wright-Smith seconded. The motion carried.
c. Program deletions were requested for three programs: (1) the AAS in
Computer Information Systems; (2) the AAS in Computer Aided Design
Drafting; and (3) the BS in Computer Information Systems. Nalley moved to
recommend approval; Robinson seconded. The motion carried.
d. Course deletions were requested for VOC 1001-3, 1012, 1014, 2004, 2014,
2024, and 2034. The requested course deletions were not included on the
agenda, but were considered and voted upon by the committee. Nalley
moved to recommend approval; Robinson seconded. The motion carried.
4. Mathematical Sciences:
a. Course modifications were requested for MATH 1813, 3373, 3383. Wright-Smith
moved to recommend approval; Bausch seconded. The motion carried.
b. A program modification was requested for the BA in Mathematics Education.
Nalley moved to recommend approval; Hawkins seconded. The motion carried.
5. Agriculture: Course modifications were requested for AGRN 3213, 3312, 3434, 3513,
4234, 4673; ANIM 3653, 4113, 4123, 4133, 4333, 4434; AGRC 2124. The committee had
several questions regarding the course modification proposals. Hawkins moved to table
the vote in order to provide the chair of the Department of Agriculture an opportunity
to address the committee. Robinson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
C) School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
1. Psychology: Program modifications were requested for the BS in Psychology. WrightSmith moved to recommend approval; Bausch seconded. The motion carried.
D) Other: Date of next meeting January 5, 2012.