Curriculum Committee October 13, 2011 Cameron Exchange Approved minutes

Curriculum Committee
October 13, 2011 Cameron Exchange
Approved minutes
Members Present: Masters, Phillips, Frisby, Bausch, Hodgson, Wright-Smith, Nalley, Helvey, Guthridge,
Herring, Robinson, Baillargeon, Husak
Agenda Items
1. Approve minutes from the April 25, 2011 meeting: John Masters moved to approve the
minutes. Linda Wright-Smith seconded. The motion carried.
2. Curriculum and Program Changes
a. History and Government
i. Course deletions were requested for HIST 3003, HIST 3053, HIST 4363 and HUM
2513 – Robert Bausch moved to recommend approval. Lynda Robinson
seconded. The motion carried.
ii. Course deletions were requested for HIST 5013, HIST 5023, HIST 5031-3, HIST
5043, HIST 5053. The requests were tabled until approved by Graduate Council.
iii. New course request for HIST 3013. It was noted that the course title entered on
the Cost Estimate form is incorrect. Robert Bausch moved to recommend
approval with correction of the course title. John Masters seconded. The
motion carried.
iv. New course request for HIST 3383 – Linda Phillips noted that Banner cannot
accept a prerequisite that requires permission of the instructor AND the chair.
Banner can be coded to enforce a prerequisite of “instructor OR chair
permission.” Robert Bausch moved to recommend approval of the new course
request with amendment to the prerequisite language that requires approval of
both instructor and chair. John Masters seconded. The motion carried.
v. A course modification to HIST 4773 was presented. Lynda Robinson moved to
recommend approval. Robert Bausch seconded. The motion carried.
vi. Delete minor in Museum Studies – Ann Nalley moved to recommend approval.
Linda Wright-Smith seconded. The motion carried.
vii. Program requirement changes were submitted for the Major in Social Studies
Education. Lynda Robinson moved to recommend approval. Ann Nalley
seconded. The motion carried.
b. Music
i. Course modifications were requested for MUSC 2312, 2321, 2332, 2341, 3321,
3341, 4702. Robert Bausch moved to recommend approval. Linda WrightSmith seconded. The motion carried.
ii. Option deletions to the B.A. in Music – a proposal was submitted to delete the
options in Instrumental Music Education and Vocal/Keyboard Music Education.
Ann Nalley moved to recommend approval. Robert Bausch seconded. The
motion carried.
iii. Program requirement change for B.A. in Music – John Masters moved to
recommend approval. Ann Nalley seconded. The motion carried.
iv. Program requirement change for the Bachelor of Music –Linda Wright-Smith
moved to recommend approval. John Masters seconded. The motion carried.
English and Foreign Languages
i. Course modifications were requested for ENGL 1123, 1223, 1213; ITAL 2223,
4961-3; SPAN 3213; ARAB 2113. Linda Wright-Smith moved to recommend
approval. Marie-Ginette Baillargeon seconded. The motion carried.
i. Course modifications were presented for 2 courses. The request was tabled
pending the receipt of additional paperwork from the department chair.
i. Course deletions were presented for 16 courses. Linda Wright-Smith moved to
recommend approval. Lynda Robison seconded. The motion carried.
ii. A program modification was presented to delete the Ag Mech option from the
B.S. in Agriculture. Gregory Herring moved to recommend approval. Ann Nalley
seconded. The motion carried.
i. A course modification was presented for CHEM 1364. The proposal was tabled
until the matter is voted upon by the General Education Committee.
ii. A course modification was presented for CHEM 1474. Discussion ensued
regarding the appropriate prerequisite. Linda Wright-Smith moved to
recommend for approval, with changes to the prerequisite. The motion was to
change the prerequisite to “CHEM 1364 and MATH 1513, or higher, excluding
MATH 1813. CHEM 1471 must be successfully completed before credit is given
in this course.” Ann Nalley seconded. The motion carried.
iii. Delete B.S. in Chemistry Education – Lynda Robinson moved to recommend
approval. Robert Bausch seconded. The motion carried.
i. Deletion of minors – the department chair pulled the proposal.
School of Business
i. A program modification was submitted for the Bachelor of Business
Administration. Marie-Ginette Baillargeon moved to recommend approval.
John Masters seconded. The motion carried.
Computing and Technology
i. A course modification was presented for TECH 4003-6. Linda Wright-Smith
moved to recommend approval. Lynda Robinson seconded. The motion