Rapport à la Régie de l'énergie – Partie 2 PARTIE 2 RAPPORT D'EXPERTISE DE PACIFIC ECONOMICS GROUP Original : 2005-12-23 (En liasse) Performance Based Regulation for Power Transmission Performance Based Regulation for Power Transmission December 2005 Mark Newton Lowry, Ph.D. Partner PACIFIC ECONOMICS GROUP 22 East Mifflin, Suite 302 Madison, Wisconsin USA 53705 608.257.1522 608.257.1540 Fax Table of Contents I. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1 II. Performance Based Regulation ......................................................................... 2 2. Rationale for PBR................................................................................................... 2 2.1 System Design Criteria............................................................................ 2 2.1.1 Efficiency........................................................................................ 2 2.1.2 Fairness ......................................................................................... 4 2.1.3 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 5 2.2 The Regulatory Challenge....................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Cost of Service Regulation............................................................. 5 2.2.2 The PBR Alternative....................................................................... 9 3. Rate Caps ............................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 13 3.2 Precedents ............................................................................................ 14 3.2.1 United States ............................................................................... 14 3.2.2 Canada ........................................................................................ 15 3.2.3 Britain........................................................................................... 16 3.2.4 Australia ....................................................................................... 16 3.3 Rate Caps and Marketing Flexibility ...................................................... 16 3.3.1 Need for Marketing Flexibility ....................................................... 16 3.3.2 How Rate Caps Help.................................................................... 17 3.3.3 Marketing Flexibility Precedents................................................... 19 3.3.4 Evaluation .................................................................................... 32 4. Revenue Caps ....................................................................................................... 34 4.1 Comprehensive Revenue Caps............................................................. 34 4.1.1 Description ................................................................................... 34 4.1.2 Precedents................................................................................... 35 4.1.3 Evaluation .................................................................................... 36 4.2 Non-Comprehensive Revenue Caps ..................................................... 37 4.2.1 Basics .......................................................................................... 37 4.2.2 Precedents................................................................................... 38 4.2.3 Evaluation .................................................................................... 39 5. Index Design Issues ............................................................................................ 40 5.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 40 5.1.1 Index Formulas ............................................................................ 40 5.1.2 Inflation Measures ....................................................................... 41 5.1.3 X-Factors ..................................................................................... 44 5.1.4 Z-Factors ..................................................................................... 44 5.2 Index Design Methods .......................................................................... 46 5.2.1 The North American Approach .................................................... 46 5.2.2 The British Approach to Index Design ......................................... 60 6. Service Quality Provisions ................................................................................ 63 6.1 Benchmarking Basics............................................................................ 64 6.2 Quality Indicators .................................................................................. 65 6.3 Quality Benchmarks .............................................................................. 66 6.4 Award and Penalty Rates...................................................................... 68 6.5 Plan Symmetry...................................................................................... 69 6.6 Informal Quality Provisions ................................................................... 71 6.7 Precedents ............................................................................................ 71 7. Benefit Sharing Provisions ............................................................................... 73 7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 73 7.2 Enhanced Rate Trajectory .................................................................... 74 7.3 Initial Rate Cuts..................................................................................... 75 7.4 Earnings-Sharing .................................................................................. 77 7.4.1 Description................................................................................... 77 7.4.2 Precedents................................................................................... 78 7.4.3 Evaluation .................................................................................... 80 7.5 Plan Termination Provisions ................................................................. 82 7.5.1 Plan Term .................................................................................... 83 7.5.2 Rate Reset Provisions ................................................................. 84 III. PBR for Power Transmission ........................................................................... 88 8. The Power Transmission Business ................................................................ 88 8.1 Transmission Service Supply ................................................................ 88 8.2 Transmission Service Demand.............................................................. 91 8.3 Implications of Power Transmission PBR.............................................. 95 9. Precedents For Transmission PBR................................................................. 99 9.1 United States......................................................................................... 99 9.1.1 An Introduction to the FERC ........................................................ 99 9.1.2 PBR at the FERC ....................................................................... 106 9.2 Canada................................................................................................ 122 9.2.1 Jurisdiction ................................................................................. 122 9.2.2 Industry Structure....................................................................... 122 9.2.3 Regulatory System..................................................................... 125 9.3 Australia .............................................................................................. 128 9.3.1 Industry Structure....................................................................... 128 9.3.2 Transmission Regulation............................................................ 129 10. PBR for HQ TransÉnergie................................................................................ 131 10.1 Features of Québec’s Transmission Industry .................................... 131 10.1.1 HQ TransÉnergie ..................................................................... 131 10.1.2 Importance of Transmission ..................................................... 131 10.1.3 Structural Considerations ......................................................... 132 10.1.4 Québec Regulation .................................................................. 132 10.1.5 Québec’s Power Market........................................................... 134 10.2 Indicated Regulatory Strategy ........................................................... 136 10.2.1 Cost of Effective COSR............................................................ 136 10.2.2 Cost of Effective PBR............................................................... 138 10.2.3 Prospects for Performance Gains ............................................ 142 10.2.4 Conclusion ............................................................................... 144 1 I. INTRODUCTION Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie (hereafter “HQ TransÉnergie”) provides power transmission services in the province of Québec. Its rates and services are regulated by Québec’s Régie de l’énergie (the “Régie”). The Régie has asked the company to consider performance-based regulation (“PBR”) for its transmission services. Pacific Economics Group (“PEG”) is the leading North American consultancy on PBR for energy utilities. Our clients have included several Canadian utilities, regulatory agencies, and trade associations. PEG was retained by HQ TransÉnergie to consider the desirability of adapting PBR in the near future. This is the report on our work. In the next section, I discuss criteria for the design of regulatory systems and then consider PBR and its advantages over the traditional approach to regulation. I then discuss at some length the major issues in the design of a PBR plan. In Section 9, I consider important features of the power transmission business and their implications for PBR. There follows in Section 10 a discussion of precedents for power transmission PBR in the United States, Canada, and Australia. The last section of the report considers special circumstances of the power transmission business in Québec and details an indicated regulatory strategy for HQ TransÉnergie. 2 II. PERFORMANCE BASED REGULATION PBR is now a well-established alternative to traditional regulation of energy utilities. In North America, PBR plans have been approved for energy utilities in such diverse jurisdictions as British Columbia, California, Florida, Iowa, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Ontario. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the National Energy Board (NEB) use PBR to regulate oil pipelines and some gas lines. PBR is also extensively used in North America in other industries, most notably railroads and telecommunications. Overseas, PBR is even more ubiquitous. Due in part to the many jurisdictions using PBR and the varied industries involved, diverse approaches have developed. This means that many established mechanisms are available today to craft a PBR plan. In Section 2 of the report, I propose a sensible set of criteria for the design of regulatory systems and use it to discuss the rationale for PBR. In later sections I turn to a consideration of major plan design issues. The main issues addressed are the choice between price caps and revenue caps, the design of rate and revenue cap indexes, service quality provisions, and benefit sharing provisions. 2. RATIONALE FOR PBR 2.1 System Design Criteria 2.1.1 Efficiency One of the most important criteria for evaluating alternative regulatory systems is their ability to promote economic efficiency. A regulatory system is (economically) efficient to the extent that it generates the maximum possible net economic benefits for society. Economic efficiency has several dimensions. One is the operating efficiency of the utility. This has a marketing as well as a 3 production dimension. The cost efficiency of the regulatory system also matters. I discuss here the concepts of production efficiency, marketing efficiency, and regulatory cost efficiency in turn. PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY Regulation encourages a utility’s production efficiency to the extent that it induces it to produce the services that it provides at minimum cost. In the short run, capital inputs are substantially “fixed” in the sense that adjustments in the amounts used are quite expensive. Productive efficiency then depends primarily on the extent to which services are provided with a minimum-cost mix of other, variable inputs such as labor. In the long run, all inputs are variable and the costeffective use of capital is also an efficiency concern. MARKETING EFFICIENCY Regulation encourages a utility’s marketing efficiency to the extent that it induces it to provide the right mix of services to the right customers in the right amounts. Simply put, we want utilities to play the right role in our evolving economy. The right role is the one in which they help households, businesses, and other customers pursue their goals at the lowest cost. A good measure of the success of marketing is the difference between the value of services to customers and cost of service provision. In the short run, the adjustment in the rates and other terms of existing services to reflect changing market conditions is the main marketing challenge. In the long run, the mix of services offered by a utility becomes an important concern. Service quality is an important aspect of the terms of service. Customers care about the quality of services as well as their prices. Customers’ need for quality varies and changes over time. Unregulated markets often involve an array of products with different price-quality attributes. Since social benefits from regulation depend on both price and quality, the encouragement of appropriate quality levels is a proper regulatory objective. The marketing efficiency of a utility does not depend solely on the terms on which it offers services to markets that, due to the essential character of the 4 services and the lack of competitive pressures, are regulated. Utilities may also be able to enhance welfare by supplying customers in unregulated markets. These are sometimes referred to as “non-core” markets. Almost every utility has some involvement in such markets. The rental of underutilized real estate under transmission lines is a good example. Utility participation in unregulated markets can lower prices and make valuable new products available to customers. These advantages are especially attractive in markets, like those for local telecom services, where additional competition is needed. REGULATORY COST Costs are incurred in utility regulation. These include, most obviously, the resources (e.g. lawyers, accountants, engineers, administrators, and services) of utilities, intervener groups, and government agencies that are dedicated to the regulatory process. Senior company officials are also drawn into the regulatory arena. This can impair utility performance to the extent that it distracts managers from their operating responsibilities. The cost of regulation varies with the amount of work performed. Generally speaking, the cost will be higher the larger is the number of utilities regulated and the more inherently controversial are the activities subject to oversight. 2.1.2 Fairness A second fundamental criterion for appraising regulatory systems is fairness. This concerns the manner in which the benefits of utility operations are divided among the stakeholders in the regulatory process. A minimum condition is that the chief parties to regulation, shareholders and customers, fare no worse under PBR than they would under traditional regulation. A more aggressive standard would be for the chief parties to share in the benefits of improved performance that PBR makes possible. In assessing the fairness of the regulatory system, it is important to remember the outcomes that matter to stakeholders. Customers benefit, most 5 obviously, from low prices and high service quality. Customers also benefit from rate stability and the availability of tailored rate and service offerings. 2.1.3 Conclusion Regulation should encourage good utility performance, use regulatory resources efficiently, and share the benefits of good performance between utilities and their customers. Utility performance has a marketing as well as a cost containment dimension. Good performance and a fair sharing of benefits both point to the need for a proper balance between a utility’s operating risk and expected return. 2.2 The Regulatory Challenge 2.2.1 Cost of Service Regulation DESCRIPTION AND PRECEDENT Cost of service regulation (“COSR”) is a convenient term for the traditional approach to the regulation of North American energy utilities. Under this system, the rates approved by a commission are expected to recover the company’s prudently incurred cost of providing regulated services. return on capital. 1 This cost includes a Rate cases are held periodically in which estimates are made of the prudent cost of capital, labor, and other inputs that are used to provide regulated services. This becomes the base rate revenue requirement.2 To the extent that a utility sells some products in unregulated markets, its regulated cost will be less than its total cost. Alternatively, the revenue obtained from such services may be netted off of total cost. 1 2 This characterization of cost of service regulation is, of course, stylized. The terminology and precise procedure for setting rates under COSR varies considerably across regulated industries and regulatory jurisdictions. The volatility of energy prices has prompted some regulators to provide for a shorter lag between the purchase of energy inputs and the addition of these costs to the revenue requirement. 6 Once the revenue requirement is determined, it must be allocated for recovery from tariffed services. The rate for each service recovers this assigned cost given data on peak demand, and other billing determinants. The regulated service offerings and rate designs require commission approval. EVALUATION COSR has played a vital role in the development, in several countries, of utility industries that make service widely available at an affordable cost. Its focus on the cost of service has two cardinal benefits. One is the satisfactory resolution of the issue of fairness: the utility has a fair chance of recovering its cost of service but has only a limited opportunity to earn more. The other is the reduction in utility operating risk that results from the cost recovery. This ensures that capital can be obtained for utility undertakings at a reasonable price. The recovery of capital cost is especially important in the assessment of utility risk. Capital goods provide services over many (e.g., 30-40) years. Once capital goods are installed and become utility plant, their value in alternative applications is often well below their cost. Companies owning such “relationshipspecific assets” are vulnerable to changes in the compensation allowed by regulators. COSR is a good basis for a regulatory compact that reduces the likelihood of such outcomes. These benefits of COSR help to explain the sizable scale on which COSR has been used. It was, for many years, the standard means by which investor owned utilities were regulated. The chief alternative to COSR around the world was not PBR but, rather, state enterprises. Large utility industries were built under COSR, including those in the United States and Japan. In Canada, most electric utilities were government-owned corporations but COSR was prevalent in the regulation of natural gas utilities. Despite this lengthy track record of effectiveness, there is mounting evidence that COSR does not always achieve the maximum net benefit to society that is achievable from utility services. One fundamental problem is the high cost that must be incurred for regulators to learn about utility operations. If 7 they understood the changing constellation of production and marketing practices that are ideal for the situations of specific utilities over time, they could in principle mandate the services that should be provided and their terms. Unfortunately, it is difficult even for experienced managers in an industry to recognize best practices given the uncertainty that exists regarding future supply, demand, and policy conditions. The challenge is much greater for regulators and customers who lack operating experience in the industry. Economists call this situation one of information asymmetry. A redressing of this asymmetry requires substantial exchange, processing, and analysis of information. Another fundamental challenge in COSR is the allocation of the common costs that utilities incur in providing miscellaneous services making this a potential source of controversy. Measures are naturally taken to contain the cost of COSR. One option is to reduce the frequency between rate hearings. Another is to scale back the scope or intensity of prudence reviews. For example, companies may be placed at significant risk only for actions with conspicuously unfortunate outcomes. The extent to which utilities fall short of best operating practices is rarely considered. Regulatory cost can also be contained by restricting practices that complicate regulation. For example, companies may be discouraged from offering diverse services or complex, changing rate structures. They may also be discouraged from engaging in practices that are novel, risky, or inherently controversial. All of these measures can reduce regulatory costs. Unfortunately, some of these economy measures can also compromise the productive and marketing efficiency of utilities. To the extent that prudence reviews are limited, for instance, rate adjustments tend to reflect the trend in a utility’s own unit cost. Efforts to trim costs or to improve the market responsiveness of rates and services then lead eventually to lower rates. This weakens utility performance incentives. Another class of initiatives that is strongly discouraged is those 8 involving a significant risk of conspicuous failure. This would include many kinds of innovations. Restrictions on utility operations that are hard to regulate can also reduce efficiency. For example, a regulatory system granting limited and inflexible rate and service offerings hampers a utility’s ability to satisfy customers’ complex and changing needs. Customers may not use utility services even when they can be provided at a lower cost than the available alternatives. The efficiency consequences of ineffective marketing are especially acute where demand is elastic (sensitive) with respect to rates and other terms of service. Situations in which demand is elastic include those in which customers can obtain their service needs in other ways at a competitive cost. Demand is also frequently elastic for incremental uses of utility services by existing customers. A third important source of demand elasticity is economically distressed businesses that make extensive use of utility services. When elastic customers do not make optimal use of a utility system, the margins from services to them are lower than they can be and a larger share of the utility’s common cost must be recovered from other services. One economy measure that can increase the efficiency of COSR is a reduction in the frequency of rate cases. As the period between rate cases, sometimes called regulatory lag, lengthens the period of time during which the company retains the benefits of performance gains increases. Performance incentives are thereby strengthened, especially for projects with longer pay back periods. The externalization of rates also makes it easier for regulators to afford utilities greater marketing flexibility. The ability of a utility to operate without rate adjustments depends critically on the extent to which its unit cost exhibits a flat or declining trend and does not fluctuate around its trend. Unit cost is more likely to exhibit a flat or declining trend when input price growth is slow and utilities are able to realize rapid productivity growth. Unit cost is more likely to exhibit stability around its trend to 9 the extent that input prices and demand are not volatile and investments tend to be spread evenly over time. The unit costs of energy utilities, unfortunately, tend to rise over time and are sometimes volatile. The chief reason for rising unit costs is that productivity growth in the energy utility industries, as in most sectors of our economy, cannot keep pace with input price inflation. The problem of unit cost volatility is especially pronounced in the procurement of price volatile energy inputs. The end result is that under COSR rate case cycles in the energy utility industries typically do not exceed three years. Recovery of fuel and purchased power costs often occurs even more rapidly using special fuel adjustment clauses. This situation is not conducive to strong performance incentives and limits the operating flexibility that regulators are comfortable granting. 2.2.2 The PBR Alternative The term PBR applies to a variety of regulatory mechanisms and procedures that differ from COSR in relying less on a utility’s own cost, output, and service quality to establish rates and other terms of service.3 An economist might call the resultant decoupling of rates from a utility’s own operating data an externalization of the regulatory system. Externalization can be achieved in several fundamentally different ways. One is to reduce the frequency of rate cases which, as we have seen, cause a company’s rate trend to more closely match its unit cost trend. Another is to avoid a complete unit cost true up when such adjustments are made. There are several “active ingredients” in this new approach to regulation. One is automatic rate adjustment mechanisms that are established in advance of their operation. Such mechanisms are often represented by mathematical formulas. The use of such mechanisms can reduce the frequency and scope of regulatory interventions that would tend to make a utility’s rate trends more similar to its unit cost trend. A second source of progress is a reliance for 10 ratemaking purposes on data that are insensitive to the actions of utility managers. Data that are useful in this regard include indices of price inflation and information on the operations of other utilities in the industry. To the extent that restrictions on terms of services are established by external means, they are less sensitive to a utility’s own performance improvement initiatives. Utilities will then find that their performance has a greater impact on earnings. This strengthens incentives to improve operating efficiency. The externalization of the rate setting process also lessens concerns about cost shifting and cross subsidies. With stronger incentives and lessened ability to shift costs, utilities can be given more operating flexibility. Economic research is a third active ingredient of PBR. Theoretical and empirical research can be brought to bear on the appropriate combination of automatic mechanisms and external data. One example is research on external rate adjustment mechanisms that yield revenues sufficient to compensate a competently managed utility. Another is research on what plan provisions provide balanced and strong performance incentives. The combined effect of these attributes is a regulatory system that, in many cases, can stimulate better utility performance despite lower regulatory cost. PBR can thus increase the size of the economic “pie” that is available for sharing between utilities and customers. It constitutes an advance in the “technology” for utility regulation. While results to date have been encouraging, the state of the art is not so far advanced that PBR is markedly superior to COSR in all cases. One problem area is risk. Utilities under PBR will often bear more of the brunt of conventional business risks. Their situation in this regard is much like an airline that, faced with soaring jet fuel prices, can hope for some relief from market-based fares but is by no means ensured full compensation. There is, additionally, a greater regulatory risk that restrictions on rate and service offerings will be established in 3 Other names for this approach to regulation that are sometimes used include incentive regulation and alternative regulation (Altreg). 11 an arbitrary manner that denies a well-managed utility a reasonable chance of recovering its cost. The recovery of capital cost is a particular concern. Any increase in utility operating risk will ultimately be recognized by capital markets and reflected in the cost that utilities under PBR incur to attract funds. The increase in the cost of funds can significantly erode the net benefits of PBR. It can also cause utilities to oppose PBR if they feel that it does not offer a reasonable balance of risk and return. One consequence of this general problem is that PBR still involves occasional true-ups of a utility’s rates to its cost. Our analysis suggests that the advantages of PBR over COSR depend on the particulars of its application. PBR will generally be more advantageous to the extent that effective COSR is unusually costly. For example, when input price inflation is rapid or input prices are unusually volatile, frequent rate cases are required under COSR whereas PBR can offer automatic inflation adjustments. COSR can also be unusually costly, as we have seen, when rate cases involve unusually difficult issues of cost allocation, transfer pricing, or operating prudence. Consider, lastly, that COSR is unusually costly when regulators have jurisdiction over a large number of companies. PBR will also be more advantageous to the extent that the effective mechanisms that have been developed to date are amenable to implementation. As discussed further in Section 5, for instance, a common approach to rate indexing requires good estimates of historical productivity trends of utilities. The calculation of productivity indexes requires, in turn, a considerable amount of historical operating data. Estimates of the historical productivity trend must, furthermore, be reasonably good estimates of future productivity trends. These conditions do not hold in every possible application. For example, good historical data may be unavailable and past productivity trends may not continue in the future. A third set of circumstances that affects the relative advantage of PBR is the opportunities for utility performance gains. The extent of performance gains achieved depends in part on the performance gains that can be achieved. 12 Generally speaking, the potential for performance gains is greater to the extent that more of the activities that contribute to performance can be controlled by utility personnel. The potential for performance gains is also larger to the extent that subject utilities are substandard performers. A quick review of where PBR is prevalent around the world reveals that it is indeed most popular in situations where its advantages are larger. For example, PBR is especially prevalent in activities that are difficult to regulate under COSR. Most notably, it is the standard approach to the regulation of railroads, oil pipelines, and telecom utilities which, as we discuss further below, need substantial marketing flexibility if they are to serve diverse markets with varied competitive pressures from a common set of assets. In the United States, PBR is also widespread in the regulation of natural gas procurement, which involves a price-volatile input and difficult issues of operating prudence. It is also interesting that PBR is the standard approach to the regulation of newly privatized utilities. Decades of operation as public enterprises make it likely that many of these utilities are capable of unusual short-term performance improvement. This gives them a margin for error in the event that rate adjustment indexes are poorly calibrated. In North America, in contrast, most IOUs have operated under COSR for many years. Lengthy intervals between rate cases were common in the 1990s due to slow input price growth and capital investment. There is thus not an expectation there, in the general case, that PBR can trigger dramatic short term performance gains. There is also some evidence that PBR is more common where regulators have jurisdiction over a large number of companies. For example, PBR is still more the exception than the rule for the regulation of energy utilities in the United States. Most regulation of this industry occurs at the state level. With fifty states, most regulators don’t have jurisdiction over a large number of utilities. 13 3. RATE CAPS Most approved PBR plans involve multiyear caps on the growth of utility rates or revenues. This section addresses the rate cap approach. This approach generates stronger incentives to improve marketing performance and often involves greater marketing flexibility provisions. I discuss marketing flexibility provisions of rate cap plans at some length. The following section addresses the revenue cap approach. 3.1 Overview Under a rate-cap plan, restrictions are placed on the escalation of rates for utility services. The restrictions can be placed on annual rate escalation or on the cumulative escalation since a certain base period. The limits are called caps since utilities are usually free to charge rates that are less than the maximum allowed. The mechanisms for limiting rate growth are diverse, but all have the attribute of being external to the company’s operation. The simplest approach is to hold rates constant for the plan duration. This approach is called, variously, a rate freeze or rate case moratorium. A simple variant of the rate freeze is a set of pre-scheduled rate adjustments, which may be increases or decreases. Rate growth is also commonly capped using indexes. Under this approach, growth in baskets of the utility’s prices may be measured using actual price indexes (“APIs”). Growth in each API is limited using a price cap index (“PCI”).4 Here is a formula for limiting the growth in annual rate escalation.5 growth API < growth PCI 4 5 [1] The useful acronyms API and PCI appear to have developed in U.S. Federal Communications Commission proceedings. A formula for limiting growth in cumulative escalation is API t / API o ≤ PCI t / PCI o where API o and PCI o pertain to the base period. 14 Price cap indexes are largely external to the company’s operations. Their growth is typically driven by price inflation measures. The design of such indexes is discussed further in Section 5 below. 3.2 Precedents 3.2.1 United States RATE INDEXING In the United States, the first large scale PBR plan involving rate indexing was that for class I line haul railroads under the terms of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980.6 An index was used to adjust a zone of rate freedom in which rates to captive shippers were free from challenge. The U.S. telecommunications industry was another rate indexing pioneer. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) played a leadership role in this regard, approving rate cap plans for AT&T in 1989 and for interstate services of local exchange carriers (LECs) in 1991.7 Index-based rate caps are now widely used in state-level telecom regulation. Extended rate freezes are also common. In the U.S. energy industry, indexing has been featured in rate plans for several utilities. Boston Gas was the first gas utility to operate under rate indexing. Plans with rate indexing have also been approved for gas delivery services of Bangor Gas, Berkshire Gas, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Transwestern Gas Pipeline. Oil pipelines are also regulated using index-based rate caps. The first rate plan with indexing for a U.S. electric utility was that for the bundled power services of PacifiCorp (CA). Since then, plans have been approved for the bundled power service of Central Maine Power (ME) and the power distribution services of Bangor Hydro Electric (ME), Bay State Gas (MA), 6 7 Pub. L. No. 96-448, 94 Stat. 1895 (October 14, 1980). “Report and Order and Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,” FCC89-91, CC Docket No., 87-313 (April 17, 1989); and “Second Report and Order.” FCC90-314 CC Docket No. 87-313 (September 19, 1990). 15 Central Maine Power, National Grid (MA), San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Edison (CA). Extended periods of operation without rate cases have been achieved at one time or another by many U.S. energy utilities. These sometimes result from commitments to formal rate freezes. Rate freezes are sometimes occasioned by PBR initiatives but also result from initiatives with other goals such as mergers or retail competition. The FERC’s PBR plans for International Transmission and Michigan Transco involve rate freezes. Also noteworthy are plans for the bundled power services of AmerenUE (MO), Black Hills Power & Light (SD), Carolina Power and Light (NC), Duke Power (NC), several Michigan utilities, and Florida Power and Light (FL); for the power distribution services of Commonwealth Electric (MA), National Grid (MA and NY), and NSTAR (MA); and for the gas distribution services of Consumers Energy and Michigan Consolidated Gas (MI).8 3.2.2 Canada In Canada, rate indexing began in the telecommunications industry. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)9 approved a rate indexing plan for jurisdictional utilities in 1997. In the electric power industry, a rate indexing plan was approved for the power distribution services of EPCOR in the year 2000. A plan was approved for the power distribution services of Ontario utilities in the same year and later suspended. Union Gas was the first Canadian gas company to operate under rate indexing. A plan has since been approved for the gas distribution services of Torasen. Non-indexing approaches to rate caps are much less common in Canada than in the other three countries surveyed. A PBR plan approved for ATCO Gas North featured prescheduled rate adjustments. 8 9 The plan for National Grid (MA) involves a rate freeze period as well as an indexing period. “Price Cap Regulation and Related Issues.” Telecom Decision CRTC 97-9 (May 1, 1997). 16 3.2.3 Britain Rate indexing has been extensively used by regulators in Britain. It was first applied to British Telecom in 1984. Since then, rate indexing has been applied to the country’s electric, gas, and water utilities. 3.2.4 Australia Rate indexing is also common in Australian regulation. The country’s telecommunications industry has been under price controls since 1989. Rates for energy distributors in the states of Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria are also subject to indexing. 3.3 Rate Caps and Marketing Flexibility A major attraction of rate cap plans is the potential for enhanced utility marketing flexibility. In this section I first address the need for marketing flexibility. There follow discussions of marketing flexibility provisions under rate caps and their precedents. 3.3.1 Need for Marketing Flexibility The terms on which many utilities offer their services are inconsistent with what is known about the demands for these services and the cost of providing them. Services are sometimes priced below the cost of service. This encourages excessive consumption. When capacity is fully utilized, it will fail to allocate available capacity to users who value the services most highly. On other occasions services are priced well above the cost of provision. This discourages cost effective uses of utility services, especially in cases where demand is price elastic. Utilities also typically fail to offer the complex array of price and service options that customers’ desire. 17 3.3.2 How Rate Caps Help Rate caps strengthen incentives for utilities to increase the market responsiveness of their rate and service offerings. Profits can be bolstered by reducing rates in situations where rates exceed cost and demand is price elastic. Utilities may also wish to use rates to discourage service requests that are unusually costly to fulfill and to encourage requests that are less costly. To the extent that they are external, price caps can also enhance the marketing flexibility that regulators can responsibly allow. That is because external rate adjustment mechanisms reduce potential concerns with cost shifting and crosssubsidization that arise when a utility’s own cost and output data are used to set prices. The amount of marketing flexibility afforded by a price cap plan depends greatly on the plan details. Two approaches are commonly used. One is automatic rate adjustments through the price cap mechanism. The other is light handed regulation of optional tariffs. We discuss each in turn. AUTOMATIC RATE ADJUSTMENTS Price cap mechanisms like those detailed in relation [1] are one means of affording utilities greater marketing flexibility. The amount of automatic rate adjustment flexibility afforded by a price cap plan depends in part on the specification of the actual price index. Generally speaking, an API that summarizes the escalation in several prices gives the utility some discretion in the implementation of the price escalation restrictions. In North American plans, the API is typically an explicit function of the prices of the individual services that it covers. For example, the growth in the API can be a weighted average of the growth in the prices of individual services. The weights would in this case typically be the shares of the services in total revenue. To better understand the marketing flexibility afforded by price cap mechanisms consider, first, the case in which growth in the prices of individual services are capped but not the growth in specific rate elements of the services. There is in this case a separate API for each service. Each API summarizes the 18 growth in the rate elements for a service. The utility can then escalate some rate elements more rapidly than the PCI so long as other elements grow less rapidly. Suppose, for example, that a utility’s charge for residential energy distribution service consists of a customer (access) charge and a volumetric charge. If the PCI permitted the charge for the service to rise by 1%, the utility might then raise the customer charge by 3% and lower the volumetric charge by 1%. The price cap mechanism in this case permits automatic rate redesign. Consider next the case in which the API summarizes the growth in the prices for a “basket” of regulated services. A utility might then raise the prices of some services by more than the PCI growth so long as rates for other services in the basket grow less rapidly. The price cap mechanism in this case permits automatic rate rebalancing as well as rate redesign. Regulators often recognize the need for rate redesign and/or rebalancing but wish to control it. The price cap mechanism can provide such controls. We have already noted that it is possible to permit the redesign of rates for individual services but not rate rebalancing by placing each service in a separate basket. The degree of rate rebalancing can be limited by the design of service baskets. Less rebalancing is achievable to the extent that there are multiple baskets. More price elastic services might, for instance, be placed in separate baskets from less price elastic services. Side conditions are also added to mechanisms to control the degree of marketing flexibility. A common condition is to limit the inflation in rates for certain services to, say, the growth in the PCI plus a fixed percent. Alternatively, rates for certain services may be frozen. The approach to price cap indexing that allows the least flexibility is to limit the growth in each individual rate element of each tariff to the growth in the price cap index. In this case, individual rate elements of tariffs will typically grow at the same rate. This effectively discourages rate redesign as well as rebalancing. The lesson to be learned from this discussion is that the indexing mechanism provides a ready vehicle for controlling redesign and rebalancing of 19 rates. Given the freedom to redesign rates, utilities will move them in directions that better reflect variations in cost causation and demand elasticity. API design can control the pace and character of rate design. OPTIONAL RATES AND SERVICES A second common provision for marketing flexibility in rate cap plans is the ability to offer optional rates and services. These can be subject to lighter handed regulation or, in the extreme, decontrolled. Several kinds of optional offerings may reasonably be considered. One is optional tariffs for standard services. Another is new services. A third is non-essential services. A fourth is unusually complex service packages that may include standard services as components. A fifth is services to price elastic markets.10 Rate caps can substantially mitigate the cross-subsidy concerns that these offerings raise under COSR. That is because prices charged are not linked directly to costs.11 By way of example, a discount offered for a service in one basket can affect the rates for services in another basket, if at all, only after the next rate case. In the meantime, the utility would only lose money if it priced its service at less than the market would bear. This encourages it to strike a price that yields the greatest possible margin. Concern about cost shifting can be further mitigated by placing a floor on the optional rate that equals the incremental cost of service. 3.3.3 Marketing Flexibility Precedents There are many precedents for marketing flexibility in rate regulation. Flexibility provisions have to date been most extensively used in the regulation of railroads, telecom utilities and oil pipelines, where the need for them is greatest. I begin with these examples to build intuition before considering precedents in energy utility industries. 10 11 Some services may qualify for light handed regulation under more than one of these criteria. For example, a utility might wish to offer a service that is new and inessential to a competitive market. See, e.g., R. Brauetigam and J. Panzar, “Diversification Incentives Under “Price-Based” and “Cost-Based” Regulation,” RAND Journal of Economics, Autumn 1989, 20:3, 373-391. 20 RAILROADS The railroad industry provides one of the most interesting case studies of the potential impact of marketing flexibility. The need for marketing flexibility in the industry stems from both demand and supply side considerations. The demands for railroad services have varied degrees of demand elasticity. The chief source of elasticity is competition. Truckers, airlines, pipelines, barge lines, and lake and ocean shipping lines, as well as other railroads, may compete for cargos that a particular railroad might haul. Railroads also face indirect competition from suppliers of alternatives to the products of potential shippers. Consider the case of steam coal. The demand for shipments of steam coal is sensitive to the delivered cost of natural gas, an alternative fuel, at possible generation sites. This places railroads in competition with natural gas pipelines indirectly. Railroads also face considerable price elasticity at the margin of use. For example, an electric utility that uses coal must typically purchase both coal and coal delivery services. transport bills. Purchase from more distant fields involves higher The competitiveness of long distance shipments is especially sensitive to the price of transportation. Economically marginal customers are another source of demand elasticity for railroads. That is, many customers have marginally profitable businesses and rely on the railroads for the delivery of their products or important inputs. A high cost coal mine is an example. On the supply side, railroads must grapple with differences in the cost of requested services. For example, it is cheaper for railroads to provide service if customers ask for fewer pick up and drop off points and make fewer shipments. The distance of pick up and drop off points from major rail corridors is another important cost consideration. Policymakers have in the last thirty years recognized the marketing challenges facing railroads and afforded them extensive marketing flexibility. Confronted with an industry that provided vital services but was failing to earn its 21 allowed rate of return, the federal governments of the U.S. and Canada have passed a series of acts that reformed railroad regulation. In the United States, the most notable legislative initiatives have been the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, the ICC Termination Act of 1995, and the Staggers Rail Act of 1980. In Canada, the Canada Transportation Act is salient. The Surface Transportation Board has promoted marketing flexibility through a series of decisions. Consider first the U.S. regulatory system. COSR has been largely abandoned for railroads since allowed rates are almost never based on an allocated portion of a railroad company’s actual cost. Instead, rate restrictions, where applied, are based on the hypothetical notion of stand-alone cost. Regulation of the terms of U.S. railroad services is limited to markets where railroads have demonstrated dominance. Services to numerous markets have been officially exempted from regulation. In other markets, simple tests are used to gauge railroad dominance. U.S. railroads enjoy substantial marketing flexibility even where they have market dominance. For example, they are free to enter into confidential contracts with shippers and most traffic moves under such contracts. Railroads must produce formal tariffs only if a shipper requests it. The contracts commonly have tailored pricing and service quality provisions. challenge the terms of service railroads offer. Captive shippers can However, the regulations governing maximum rates to captive shippers give railroads substantial pricing discretion. Most notably, “differential pricing” is sanctioned in which rates can vary with elasticities of demand in different markets. Marketing flexibility is also extensive in Canadian rail regulation. Under the Canada Transportation Act, regulation is limited to those services and regions where it is necessary to serve the needs of shippers and must not unfairly limit the ability of any carrier or mode to compete freely. As in the States, railroads can enter into confidential contracts with customers. Additionally, grain 22 shipments are subject to an index-based revenue cap plan that gives railroads considerable marketing discretion. These policy measures have made possible a fascinating experiment in how utilities facing complex and changing demands might use marketing flexibility. One striking result has been the pervasiveness of special contracts. According to one Canadian author, “confidential contracts have allowed railways and shippers to craft rate and service arrangements particular to their own needs. The concept, allowing shippers and carriers to effectively tailor their own transportation regimes, which they agree to keep confidential, has been an overwhelming success, garnering strong support from both shippers and carriers.”12 In the United States about 70% of the tonnages of class I line haul railroads by 1997 occurred under special contracts. tonnage was exempt from economic regulation. Another 12% of 1997 Only 18% of tonnage was subject to rate reasonableness regulation. There is abundant evidence that U.S. railroads use the marketing flexibility they are allowed to engage in differential pricing. An example is a 1999 study by the U.S General Accounting Office (GAO) of the Carload Waybill sample that the regulator maintains.13 The study found marked differences in the margins from services with different demand elasticities. For example, margins were greater on shipments of wheat on routes where there were few competitive transport options (e.g. Great Falls to Portland) than where there was competition from other railroads and other forms of transportation (e.g. Minneapolis to New Orleans). Low margins on motor vehicle shipments (e.g. Ontario to Chicago) reflect trucking industry competition. There is also evidence that railroads adjust rates to reflect change in the markets of shippers. For example, the GAO report states that rates for some shippers rise and fall with export demand. 12 D.W. Flicker, “Canada-United States Railway Economic Regulation Comparison: Research Conducted for the Canada Transportation Act Review”, mimeo, November 2000. 23 The volatility in commodity markets can affect railroad rates because it affects the demand for rail transportation. As demand changes, railroads adjust rates to attract or retain business. For example, officials at one Class I railroad told us that it has a wide range of pricing policies for chemicals that allow it to react to changes in world chemicals markets. Officials from the same railroad said that export demand can play a particularly strong role for grain.14 The western coal industry of the United States provides a case study of the manner in which a transportation industry with marketing flexibility and strong marketing incentives can transform the market for shippers’ products. Changes in U.S. environmental policy have stimulated demand for the low sulfur coal that is abundant in many parts of the west. However, generating companies have other means of controlling sulfur emissions as well. These include scrubber facilities, low sulfur coal from eastern fields, and the use of gas- and nuclearfueled generation. Western railroads have responded to this marketing challenge by offering attractive prices for long distance shipments. This has encouraged the use of western coal as far afield as Michigan and Louisiana. Railroads also use marketing efficiency to encourage shippers to use their systems in cost effective manners. Western coal haulers, for instance, encourage shipment in lengthy “unit trains” devoted to particular customers. Shippers have also been encouraged to move receipt and delivery points closer to trunk lines. In Canada, railroads offer rebates to grain shippers who can assemble large numbers of cars on their own.15 Advance ordering systems are in place that offer discounts to shippers that can make advance commitments to ship certain volumes. An example is the Canadian Pacific’s Max Trax plan. TELECOMMUNICATIONS Incumbent telecommunications utilities (“telcos”) have also faced serious marketing challenges in recent years. They have, like the railroads, faced varied degrees of competition in the major markets they serve. 13 14 Markets in which United States General Accounting Office, Railroad Regulation, Changes in Railroad Rates and Service Quality since 1990, GAORCED-99-93, Washington, DC, April 1999. Ibid p. 37 24 competition is especially strong include those for long distance service generally and for local exchange services to larger volume customers in urban areas. Competition is much less severe in markets for small volume customers but even here there are challenges from cellular and PCS companies, cable television networks, and competitive local exchange carriers. To complicate matters further, prices to business customers have traditionally subsidized service to small volume customers (and also rural customers) in many regions. As in the railroad industry, regulators have recognized the marketing challenges facing incumbent telcos and have granted them substantial marketing flexibility. The provision of long distance service has now been substantially decontrolled. In local exchange service, extensive use has been made of the marketing flexibility provisions discussed above. In the United States, marketing flexibility was featured in the very first telco price cap plan, that for AT&T.16 Service baskets were established and the growth in the API for each basket was a revenue-share weighted average of the rate elements of services in the basket. The mechanism afforded the company automatic rate redesign and rate rebalancing flexibility. However, the degree of flexibility was controlled. Separate baskets were established for residential and small business users, 800 service, and other, more competitive services. In establishing multiple baskets, the FCC explained that Imposing an aggregate cap on a basket of services assures regulatory control over prices charged to the class of consumers within the basket, and prevents cross-subsidization of services outside the basket by those inside.17 15 16 17 See James Nolan, “Assessing the Impact of Bill C-34 on the Grain Handling and Transportation System in the Province of Saskatchewan”, University of Saskatchewan, 2002. See, for example, “In the Matter of Policy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant Carriers”, CC Docket No. 87-313 (March 1989). Regulation of AT&T rates was abandoned after long distance competition strengthened. Ibid 337, p. 166. 25 Furthermore, Our baskets…approach can and should be tailored to give AT&T less flexibility in its pricing of residential and various less competitive services, and greater flexibility to price efficiently in more competitive areas.18 Side conditions provided additional controls on the extent of rate rebalancing. For example, the average residential rate was allowed to grow by only 1% more than the price cap index each year. This general approach to marketing flexibility has since been approved in many other telco plans. Marketing flexibility has also been featured in Canadian telecom regulation. In the first CRTC price cap plan, all capped services were placed in a single basket. Growth in the API was a revenue-share weighted average of rate elements. Numerous side conditions were imposed to control rate rebalancing and redesign. For example, the escalation in the prices of services in two “subbaskets” (Basic Residential Local Services and Other Capped Services) were each restricted to rise by no more than the inflation rate each year. Additionally, escalation in individual rates for residential and single-line basic services in smaller exchanges was limited to 10% each year. A few services, such as 9-1-1 service, were subject to a rate freeze. No caps were imposed on the terms of optional services. In the CRTC’s words, “Given the discretionary nature of this class of services, the Commission is of the view that an upper pricing constraint is not warranted.”19 The Commission also elected to remove from price caps certain services, such as Special Facilities Tariffs, that were “redundant or impractical” to include. However, it did not exclude services to competitive markets. In the second CRTC price cap plan, which is now under way, the price cap mechanism and light handed regulation were both still employed to afford telcos marketing flexibility. However, automatic rate rebalancing was further restricted by the establishment of more numerous service baskets. Side conditions were 18 19 Ibid 360, p. 180. CRTC (1997) op cit, 142 p. 21. 26 employed. For example, there were 5-10% annual caps on the escalation of individual rate elements. Rates for several services are, once again, frozen. Optional residential services were placed in separate baskets covered by caps. However, several services were excluded from the caps. These included, as before, business optional local services, certain complex service bundles that contained price-capped services, and certain Special Assembly Tariffs. In discussing the latter group, the Commission notes that “these services are generally offered to a limited number of customers and the rates are often developed having regard to factors such as long term customer commitments.”20 The Commission permitted telcos to offer certain services, such as Centrex, to competitive markets free from price caps. The marketing flexibility granted to Canada’s incumbent telcos brought marked changes in their rate and service offerings. Most notably, they elected to discount rates for services to larger volume customers in major metro areas substantially. Rates for residential customers, meanwhile, typically escalated by the maximum rates allowed. OIL PIPELINES The oil pipeline industry comprises a fairly diverse set of businesses. Some pipelines transport crude oil from producing fields to refineries or storage facilities. Petroleum product pipelines transport diverse refined products (e.g., gasoline, kerosene, home heating oils, jet fuels and diesel fuels) from refineries to marketing terminals.21 An oil pipeline can face competition from other, substantially unregulated modes of transportation, as well as from other pipelines. In 2002, crude oil pipelines carried 74.7% of the total crude oil transported while water carriers, motor carriers, and railroads accounted for 24.9%, 0.3% and 0.1%, respectively, of the total. In the same year, product pipelines carried 62.3% of the total while 20 21 CRTC (May 2002) 457. Oil Pipelines of the United States: Progress and Outlook, Association of Oil Pipelines, Washington, D.C. 27 the other three modes carried 26.3%, 3.5% and 2.3% of the total.22 It is plain from these statistics that water carriers are the main competitors to pipelines. However, they are able to compete with pipelines only where waterways are available. Pipelines serve markets with varied competitive pressures. An example would be a product pipeline running from the Gulf Coast along the eastern seaboard to the Northeast. It faces much less competition in Georgia and the Carolinas than it does in major cities of the Northeast, which are served by marine carriers, other pipelines, and local refineries. The 1906 Hepburn Act mandated that interstate oil companies be common carriers and that they charge just and reasonable rates. From 1906 until 1977, the rates and terms of service offered by the oil pipelines were regulated by the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC). In 1977, the Department of Energy Organization Act transferred regulatory authority of oil pipelines from the ICC to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The FERC initially adopted a cost based approach to regulation. In 1988, following a dispute over disclosure of confidential cost information by a pipeline, the FERC allowed a market-based rate alternative for pipelines that can show lack of significant market power.23 The Energy Policy Act of 1992 directed the FERC to develop a “simplified and generally applicable methodology” to regulate pipeline rates. In Order No. 561, the FERC set out a new ratemaking methodology, which uses indexing.24 The indexing methodology caps individual pipeline rates using a price cap index that is based on an inflation measure and a productivity offset.25 Although the 22 23 24 25 Shifts in Petroleum Transportation, 2002, Association of Oil Pipelines, Washington, D.C. Buckeye Pipe Line Co., 44 FERC ¶ 61,066 (1988). Order No. 561, Revisions to Oil Pipeline Regulation Pursuant to Energy Policy Act of 1992, III FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,985 (1993). Following a review of the indexing rate, as required by Order No. 561, the Commission issued a December 2000 order affirming the method. Five-Year Review of Oil Pipeline Pricing Index, 93 FERC ¶ 61,266, Docket No. RM00-11-000 (December 14, 2000). The Association of Oil Pipelines challenged this order in court and upon further review the FERC limited the index to track an inflation measure only. Five-Year Review of Oil Pipeline Pricing Index: 28 indexing method froze in place patterns of rates that existed upon its adoption, the order also permits cost-of-service proceedings that allow pipelines to request a rate above the index ceiling. In cases where pipelines can show a substantial divergence between actual cost and revenues based on rates at the ceiling level, they are allowed to charge cost-of-service rates. The FERC allows pipelines to charge market-based rates if they can demonstrate that they do not exercise significant market power in relevant markets.26 Market-based rates allow pipelines substantial pricing flexibility in competitive markets, where rates they charge shippers fluctuate in response to changing supply and demand conditions. Order No. 561 also sets out provisions for pipelines to charge rates on a negotiated basis. A version of this method that applies to existing rates, called settlement rates, allows pipelines pricing flexibility as long as they obtain “unanimous agreement” from all shippers using the rate; settlement rates can be filed that exceed the index ceiling as long as pipelines and all shippers agree on the rate. A second version of this method, which applies to new rates and is simply called negotiated rates, requires a pipeline to secure an agreement with a non-affiliated shipper to file this rate offering. Both methods allow pricing flexibility for pipelines as long as they do not use market power to ‘coerce’ agreement from shippers. These policy measures give pipeline companies substantial flexibility to respond to competition and to develop tailored service packages for customers. Market-based or negotiated rates allow pipelines to meet competition and take advantage of business opportunities. Indexation protects customers in less competitive markets and provides a potentially useful means of updating the terms of special contracts. 26 Order on Remand, 102 FERC ¶ 61,195, Docket Nos. RM00-11-000 and RM00-11-001 (February 24, 2003). The FERC issued Order No. 572, which details the requirements for application of marketbased rates. It also indicates that pipelines can not charge rates above the index ceiling until the Commission finds they lack significant market power. Order No. 572, Market-Based Ratemaking for Oil Pipelines, III FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,007 (1994). 29 GAS AND ELECTRIC UTILITIES The precedents for marketing flexibility are not as extensive in the gas and electric utility industries. This reflects, in part, less acute competitive challenges. However, all of the major marketing flexibility provisions discussed above do have precedent. The use of the price cap mechanism to permit automatic rate redesign and rebalancing, for instance has been approved in a number of jurisdictions. Price cap plans for Boston Gas, for example, have permitted automatic rebalancing of gas distribution rates to reduce interclass subsidies and increase price signal efficiency. The company has been prohibited, however, from pricing services below marginal cost. Automatic rate rebalancing was proposed by the OEB staff for provincial power distributors in the draft Rate Handbook. The proposal was rejected by the Board in its final decision. Light-handed regulation of optional rate and service offerings has considerable precedent in North American energy regulation. The California Public Service Commission has allowed Southern California Gas to offer negotiated rates and optional tariffs provided the price is not less than the longrun marginal cost. In Ontario, the OEB has approved light handed regulation for certain services of Union Gas. In 1996, the FERC issued a policy statement supporting expedited approval of negotiated gas transmission services provided that customers continued to have recourse to a rate that is based on cost of service principles. It also concluded that “where a natural gas company can establish that it lacks significant market power, market-based rates are a viable option for achieving the flexibility and added efficiency required by the current marketplace.”27 In discussions before the FERC, pipelines have cited the need for flexibility to address a number of marketing challenges, including competition from other pipelines, the dual-fuel capability of many large volume customers, the existence 27 74 FERC 61,076 (January 1996) p. 8. 30 of a secondary market for firm capacity, and the desire of new electric generators for price certainty. In the electric power industry, pricing flexibility was featured in rate plans for two Maine electric utilities, Central Maine Power (CMP) and Bangor HydroElectric (BHE) in the mid-1990s. Both companies were bundled power service providers at the time and had high operating costs and a number of economically marginal and/or price sensitive large volume customers. Special contracts with customers had previously been subject to lengthy investigations. The Maine Public Service Commission would approve them if it determined that the customer would not have remained a customer at the tariffed rate and the discount agreed to was not larger than necessary to keep the business. A change in state law expressly permitted the Commission to authorize pricing flexibility programs where companies could discount rates with more limited Commission oversight. A price cap plan was approved for CMP that gave it flexibility to discount rates for standard services, develop new customer classes for targeted services, and to enter into special rate contracts with individual customers without Commission approval. All offerings were subject to marginal cost floors. The Maine Public Utilities Commission, in approving the plan, stated that Captive customers are protected by the rate cap and revenue deficits borne by shareholders... Because CMP will have substantial exposure to revenue losses due to discounting, the Company will have strong incentive to avoid giving unnecessary discounts, and it will have a strong incentive to find cost savings to offset any such losses. Pricing flexibility gives CMP the opportunity to use price to compete to retain customers. These features of the ... pricing flexibility program simulate conditions in competitive markets and will help the Company adapt to increasing competition in its industry.28 28 Re Central Maine Power Company, Docket 92-345 (II), January 10, 1995, p. 24. 31 Similar language appeared in the Order approving BHE’s plan. The Maine Commission has since approved pricing flexibility to power distributors in the state who operate under price caps using similar reasoning.29 Both companies used the marketing flexibility granted under the first plan to offer special discounts to customers. This created the issue of who was to absorb the lost margin (called “revenue delta”) from discounts at the time of the next rate case: the companies or other customers. In addressing this issue for BHE the Maine Commission stated that We remain convinced that pricing flexibility decisions should not be treated like ordinary utility expenditures in which prudence investigations provide the insurance that utility actions have been reasonable. The best means to protect ratepayers from unreasonable price discounts is to adopt an incentive mechanism like a price cap in which future rate increases are unrelated to the amount of discounts granted. It is simply too difficult and expensive to realistically review the utility’s actions and customers’ alternatives that resulted in the utility’s granting a price discount.30 After considering the risk of unnecessary price discounts that BHE faced under its first plan the Commission decided to allocate the lost margins 85% to ratepayers and 15% to shareholders. In Ontario, Energy Board Staff recommended pricing flexibility for provincial power distributors in its proposed electric distribution Rates Handbook.31 Staff stated in the draft Handbook that One overall price cap for a utility that imposes an average adjustment to all prices may prove unsatisfactory from several perspectives including limiting a distributor’s ability to fine tune its cost allocation and its responsiveness to pricing pressures in particular sub-markets.32 Staff also cited the usefulness of pricing flexibility in achieving gradual rate harmonization after mergers. Staff provided an example of automatic rate rebalancing through a price cap mechanism. The pace of rebalancing would be 29 30 31 32 See, for example, Central Maine Power Company: Annual Price Change Pursuant to the Alternative Rate Plan, Docket No. 99-155, 13 July 1999 Bangor Hydro Electric: Proposed Increase in Rates, Docket No. 97-116, March 24, 1998. Ontario Energy Board Staff, Proposed Electric Distribution Rates Handbook, mimeo, June 30, 1999. Ibid, p. 4-9. 32 controlled via side conditions. The Board rejected Staff’s proposal in its Rates Handbook decision.33 3.3.4 Evaluation Rate caps can generate utility performance incentives much stronger than those obtained under typical cost of service regulation. One reason is that incentives are comprehensive so that a wide range of cost containment and marketing initiatives are encouraged. Another is that indexing can facilitate an extension of the period between rate cases. To the extent that this is true, improved unit cost performance does not reduce allowed price escalation during the term of the plan. The benefits of improved performance can thus go straight to the bottom line. The potential impact on productive and allocative efficiency is substantial. The actual incentive effects of rate caps depend greatly on plan details. For example, incentives increase with the length of the indexing period and with the introduction of post plan sharing provisions. Rate caps can provide a further boost to efficiency by permitting a relaxation of operating restrictions. The case of marketing flexibility is illustrative. To the extent that rate restrictions are external, customers of monopoly services can be insulated from the effects of a company’s operations in markets with price-elastic demand. This reduces concerns about cross subsidization. Lighthanded regulation of utility rates for non-core services is then possible. A company can also have more leeway in its purchases from affiliates and its depreciation practices. Rate caps can reduce regulatory cost. Some startup costs must, of course, be incurred to master the new regulatory system. These may include a close monitoring of the company’s operations during the terms of the first indexing plans. reduced. But the frequency of future rate cases can be substantially Furthermore, reliance on external indexes diffuses inherently controversial cost allocation and transfer pricing issues. 33 Decision with Reasons, RP-1999-0034, January 18, 2000. On the other hand, 33 controversy can be considerable over alternative methods for measuring input price and productivity growth. The numerous inherent advantages of rate caps are offset to some degree by disadvantages. One is regulatory risk. The novelty of rate indexing could encourage the selection of key plan parameters arbitrarily. Utilities may reasonably worry that that regulators will choose plan terms that prevent the recovery of prudently incurred cost. Customers may reasonably worry that plan terms will deny them a fair share of plan benefits. Concerns about arbitrary selection of key plan parameters reduce the willingness of parties to try the rateindexing option and can weaken the incentive benefits of price cap plans substantially. A rate freeze is a sensible alternative to indexing in jurisdictions where this is a concern but is not suitable in all times and places, as has been noted. Rate caps also involve business risk: the possibility that price restrictions will not track trends in external business conditions that affect a company’s unit cost. Relevant business conditions include weather, the business cycle, input prices, financial markets, and government policy. Windfall gains and losses may occur if rate caps don’t reflect changes in these conditions. 34 4. REVENUE CAPS 4.1 Comprehensive Revenue Caps 4.1.1 Description Under a comprehensive revenue cap the revenue requirement of the company and not its rates is the focus of regulation. The growth of the revenue requirement is usually limited to the growth in a revenue cap index (RCI), as in the following formula: growth Revenue Requirement < growth RCI [2] Like PCIs, RCIs often feature measures of price inflation. RCIs may include, additionally, a measure of output growth.34 The addition of a balancing account mechanism can ensure that actual revenues are similar or equal to the revenue requirement. The balancing account contains the value of any mismatch between actual revenue and the revenue requirement until rates can be adjusted to eliminate it. These arrangements are sometimes called revenue-decoupling mechanisms since they sever the link between revenue and efforts to market regulated services.35 Revenue cap mechanisms typically do not specify how revenue limits are translated into rate limits. The regulation of rate and service offerings can, in fact, continue using traditional methods. The utility can, in principle, be afforded some flexibility in the provision of rate and service options. However, incentives for efficient marketing are weaker than under a rate cap mechanism, as I discuss further below. 34 35 This is discussed further in Section 5. Revenue decoupling mechanisms have also been used in the absence of indexing. Prominent examples include the electric revenue adjustment mechanisms that have been used in California and Maine. 35 4.1.2 Precedents UNITED STATES A comprehensive revenue per customer indexing plan was approved for the gas delivery services of Southern California Gas (CA) in 1996. The company had proposed price caps but a revenue cap was deemed more consistent with its previous regulatory commitments. The CPUC has since approved revenue cap plans for the power and gas distribution services of Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas and Electric, and the power distribution services of Southern California Edison. A comprehensive revenue cap plan was approved in 1998 for the power distribution services of PacifiCorp in Oregon. A revenue per customer indexing plan was approved for the gas distribution services of Baltimore Gas & Electric in 1998. CANADA The National Energy Board (NEB) of Canada has approved comprehensive revenue caps for two oil pipelines, Enbridge Pipelines (formerly Interprovincial Pipe Line) and TransMountain Pipe Line. companies resulted from settlement agreements. Plans for both There is no evidence that industry unit cost trends were explicitly considered in the development of these plans. BRITAIN The power transmission services of National Grid have been subject to revenue caps since 1993. All regulated transmission services were subject to revenue caps under the first plan. Dispatching and other system operation services have since been exempted from revenue caps. AUSTRALIA Revenue caps are used by the ACCC to regulate power transmission services of Energy Australia, Powerlink Queensland, Powernet Victoria, and Trans Grid in Australia. The inflation factors in all of these plans are consumer price indexes. Revenue caps are also used to regulate power distributors in New South Wales. 36 4.1.3 Evaluation Comprehensive revenue caps can create strong incentives for cost containment by permitting operation for an extended period with an externalized revenue requirement. There are incentives for a wide range of cost containment initiatives. The external basis for the cap also encourages some forms of operating flexibility. For example, extended utility operation under a revenue cap could permit a regulator to relax restrictions on purchases from affiliates. One important difference between the consequences of rate and revenue indexing lies in the marketing of utility services. Incentives for improved marketing are general weaker than under rate caps. Marketing incentives may, in fact, be weaker than under COSR. For example, reducing rates for services in price elastic applications may, by raising total revenue, lower rates promptly. Utilities may, as a consequence, be less aggressive at promoting system uses, including efforts to avoid uneconomic bypass. They do however, have an incentive to raise rates for services that are especially costly to provide. Revenue caps can raise more concerns than rate caps about the quality of core services. As with rate caps, quality may suffer since there are strong incentives to cut costs. While the pressures to minimize costs are similar under rate and revenue caps, under a revenue cap revenues that are lost if poor service leads to fewer sales can be recovered through price increases on remaining customers using the balancing account. Since this is not possible under rate caps, the incentives to maintain service quality are weaker in the absence of counterbalancing incentive provisions. This concern will be greater to the extent that customers care about quality and lack cost-competitive alternatives. Revenue cap plans reduce windfall gains and losses from demand fluctuations. This is an important consideration for utilities that face unusually volatile demand due, for instance, to sensitivity to weather, prices of competing products, or prices in the end product markets of business users. 37 Stabilization of revenue can lower a utility’s capital cost but in the process destabilizes rates. For example, a recession in the service territory can place upward pressure on rates at a time when rate increases are especially unwelcome. Another important attribute of revenue caps is their ability to strengthen the incentives to promote energy conservation. Under rate caps, the promotion of conservation can reduce a utility’s operating margins. Under revenue caps, rates rise automatically to offset this effect. Conservation is an important goal in some jurisdictions. However, there are other methods for promoting energy conservation. One is a commitment by the utility before the start of a plan to achieve certain conservation objectives. Consideration should also be given to the issue of regulatory cost. Revenue caps can permit economies in the cost of regulation relative to COSR. However, regulatory cost is likely to be somewhat greater than under rate caps. One reason is the need for periodic filings to implement the balancing account mechanism. There may, additionally, be a continued need to consider the allocation of revenue requirements between customer groups, service offerings, and rate design. Note that the addition to the indexing formula of an output growth factor creates another potential plan design controversy. 4.2 Non-Comprehensive Revenue Caps 4.2.1 Basics Under non-comprehensive revenue caps there are caps on only a portion of the company’s revenue requirement. An example might be a cap on the revenue requirement (allowed cost) for O&M expenses. Partial revenue caps are, like comprehensive caps, usually fashioned using indexes. In the event of indexing, an adjustment for output quantity growth is once again needed. As with comprehensive revenue cap plans, partial indexing plans typically do not address 38 rate and service offerings. Utilities therefore typically require authority outside of partial rates and revenue caps to alter these offerings. 4.2.2 Precedents UNITED STATES An important early example of non-comprehensive revenue caps is the first PBR plan for San Diego Gas and Electric. This plan, which applied to both gas and electric services, was approved in 1994.36 It featured separate indexbased adjustments for revenue requirements corresponding to allowed O&M expenses and capital spending. Separate O&M indexing mechanisms were specified for gas and electric operations. The mechanisms included inflation factors, X-factors, and adjustments for output growth.37 CANADA Non-comprehensive revenue caps have been more widely used in Canada than in the U.S. BC Gas began operating under caps for certain categories of base rate revenue in 1994. The caps pertained to O&M expenses and small capital expenditures. BC Gas also operates under a revenue decoupling mechanism called the Revenue Stabilization Adjustment Mechanism. It applies only to revenues from residential and commercial sales. The NEB approved a non-comprehensive revenue cap plan for gas transmission services of Westcoast Energy in 1996. Indexing limited growth in the revenue requirement components covering O&M expenses and small capital additions. The formula for growth in both revenue cap indexes was forecasted inflation in a CPI. There was no explicit X or output factors in the formula. The Alberta commission has approved non-comprehensive revenue caps for NOVA Gas Transmission. The caps apply to O&M expenses and small capital additions. A plan was approved by the OEB for the gas delivery O&M expenses of Toronto-based Consumers Gas in 1998. 36 37 It has been claimed that the term “performance based ratemaking” was coined by San Diego personnel during this plan’s development. This plan was succeeded by the rate cap plan that is mentioned above. 39 4.2.3 Evaluation Non-comprehensive revenue caps can make revenues in the targeted areas less sensitive to the operations of the subject utility. This can substantially strengthen incentives to contain the associated costs. It can also permit increased operating flexibility in the targeted areas. Suppose, by way of example that a utility wishes to purchase many of its O&M services from unregulated affiliates. A cap on allowed O&M expenses can then permit more light-handed review of service transfers while permitting continued COSR for capital costs. Non-comprehensive revenue caps can make sense in situations where comprehensive caps do not. One example is a situation where a company expects to make a sequence of large capital additions in the next few years. The company has a legitimate concern about the recovery of these costs, and may wish for this reason to see them approved and included in the rate base. On the other hand, a sequence of traditional rate cases will weaken incentives for O&M cost management. One potential problem with partial revenue caps is the unevenness of performance incentives that result. There may be less incentive to control cost in non-targeted areas. The company may, in the extreme, be given an incentive to improve performance in the targeted areas at the expense of performance in other areas. If a utility were subject only to a cap on O&M revenue, for instance, excessive capital spending could be undertaken to reduce O&M expenses. Overall, the company’s performance might not improve. This problem is mitigated to the extent that the partial caps cover most areas of controllable cost. For example, plans covering both O&M expenditures and capital expenditures can be defended on the grounds that they cover all “controllable” costs. Partial revenue caps share with comprehensive caps several other attributes. One is relatively weak incentives for better marketing. Another is stronger incentives to promote energy conservation. 40 5. INDEX DESIGN ISSUES Rate and revenue cap indexes can have an important impact on the welfare of utilities and their customers. The indexes are commonly determined using formulas. The design of such formulas is therefore a salient issue in many PBR proceedings. In this section I discuss key capping index design issues. 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 Index Formulas Price cap index formulas vary from plan to plan but have the following general structure. The PCI growth rate (growthPCI ) is the difference between an inflation factor (P) and an X-factor (X), plus or minus a Z-factor (Z).38 The standard formula may be stated succinctly as growth PCI = P − X ± Z [3] Compared with price cap indexes, a growth rate formula for a revenue cap index requires an additional adjustment to reflect the effect of output growth on cost. Some approved RCI formulas have an explicit term for such an adjustment which may be called an output factor is here denoted by Y. growth RCI = P − X + Y ± Z [4] The X and Y terms as here described are sometimes captured in a consolidated X so that the growth rate formula resembles that for a price cap. If X happens to be similar to the expected growth of output (i.e.,Y = X ), the formula can be further simplified to growth RCI = P ± Z 38 [5] The term Z-factor appears to have developed in the FCC proceeding to develop a price cap plan for AT&T. It was so called because the PCI for AT&T also included an X-factor as here described and a “Y” factor to affect a specific category of price cap adjustments. 41 If, alternatively, the inflation rate is deemed to be similar to the unconsolidated X factor, the rate cap growth formula can be reduced to growth RCI = Y ± Z [6] Some plans restrict growth in revenue per customer. This can be shown to be mathematically equivalent to revenue requirement indexing where the growth rate in the number of customers is the output factor. 5.1.2 Inflation Measures The inflation factor, P, provides an automatic adjustment to the PCI for price inflation. It is sometimes fixed in advance but is more commonly the recent growth rate in an external price inflation measure. Three basic kinds of inflation measures have been used in approved rate-cap plans. These may be termed macroeconomic, industry-specific input price, and output price measures. We discuss each in turn. MACROECONOMIC MEASURES Macroeconomic inflation measures are summary measures of growth in the prices of a wide range of the economy’s goods and services. Those used in PBR plans are typically output price indexes computed by government agencies. Examples include price indexes for gross domestic product (GDPPIs) and consumer price indexes (CPIs). Macroeconomic measures are almost universally used in telecom utilities’ rate-cap plans. For example, the GDPPI has been employed in both price cap plans of the CRTC. Macroeconomic inflation measures have also been employed in several PBR plans for energy utilities. The price cap index for Union Gas, for instance, used as an inflation measure the Ontario CPI. Consumer price indexes such as Britain’s retail price index (RPI) are used in almost all also overseas indexing plans overseas. One advantage of macroeconomic inflation measures is their simplicity. Another is their credibility, since they are typically computed with some care by government agencies. Still another is their familiarity to stakeholders in the 42 regulatory process. The main concern with macroeconomic inflation measures is their ability to track growth in the prices of utility inputs. INDUSTRY SPECIFIC MEASURES Industry-specific input price indexes are expressly designed to track inflation in the prices of the relevant utility inputs. Such measures summarize the growth in subindexes that are chosen to track trends in the prices of major input categories. The index formula customarily assigns weights to the subindex growth rates which reflect the shares of the input categories in utility cost. This is the approach to index weighting which best captures the impact of growth in various input prices on cost. An industry-specific input price index was first used in the PBR plan for U.S. railroads. It was a weighted average of the growth rates in indexes of the prices of railroad inputs, including labor, fuel, materials, equipment rentals, depreciation, interest, and a miscellaneous input category. Each input was assigned a weight that reflected its share of the cost of railroad operations. An industry-specific input price index was first approved in the energy industry for the bundled power services of PacifiCorp (CA). The staff of the California Public Service Commission (CPUC) played an instrumental role in the index design. Industry-specific inflation measures have since been approved for the gas delivery services of Southern California Gas (CA), the gas and electric power delivery services of San Diego Gas and Electric (CA), and the power distribution services of Ontario utilities. By design, an industry-specific input price index can track industry input price fluctuations better than an economy-wide measure. Such an index can thus do a better job of reducing windfall gains and losses that might result from the failure of a macroeconomic index to track input price inflation. Business risk can be lessened thereby. These advantages are important to the extent that the input price growth of a utility industry differs from that of the economy. For example, energy transmission and distribution are unusually capital intensive businesses and are therefore unusually sensitive to change in the cost of funds. 43 This has a pattern of fluctuation that can differ from that of other utility inputs for extended periods. One disadvantage of the industry-specific approach is the complexity of the design challenge. No official source computes input price indexes for energy utilities. However, the construction of accurate indexes is aided by well- established theory and publicly-available data. An interesting issue in considering industry-specific inflation measures is their effect on regulatory risk. Industry-specific measures can in principle reduce operating risk and help sidestep controversy over possible adjustments needed to a PCI with a macroeconomic inflation measure to help it better track industry input price trends. On the other hand, approved industry-specific measures may not do the best possible job of tracking industry input price inflation. A good example is the measure approved in Ontario for power distribution. This counted only half of the calculated growth in the capital price in the name of rate stabilization. Since the capital price had the largest weight in the growth rate formula, the effected on allowed price escalation was substantial. This could matter greatly in the long run given the capital intensiveness of the distribution business. OUTPUT PRICE MEASURES Industry specific output price indexes are indexes of the prices charged by other service providers. For example, plans for two Midwestern U.S. electric utilities linked their industrial rates to those of neighboring utilities. The PBR plan for power distribution services of National Grid USA in Massachusetts will adjust its rates for five years using an index of the distribution rates of northeast utilities. Indexes of this kind reflect the unit cost trend of the industry. They therefore reflect productivity as well as input price trends. An advantage of their use is avoidance of controversy over how these trends should be measured. In North America, it has until recently been difficult to regulate most transmission and distribution services using peer price indexes due to the lack of unbundled price data on the services. 44 5.1.3 X-Factors The X-factor is an external parameter in the PCI formula that typically causes the PCI to grow more slowly than the inflation measure, to the benefit of customers. Thus, prices for regulated services are likely to decline in real terms. X is sometimes called a “productivity factor” or a “productivity offset” to the inflation measure since considerations of productivity growth are sometimes involved explicitly in choosing its value. Various methods have been used to ensure the external character of X. Most commonly, its value in each plan year is set in advance and is constant throughout the plan. However, in several approved plans the X-factors are set in advance but scheduled to vary from year to year. For example, X-factors in several cases have been scheduled to rise gradually over the term of the plan. X may also be recomputed periodically to reflect new information as long as the calculation method is established in advance. The best known precedent for this approach is the X-factor in the price cap index for U.S. railroads.39 This was an annually updated rolling average of the recent productivity growth of the railroad industry. 5.1.4 Z-Factors The Z-factor term of a price cap index adjusts the allowed rate of price escalation for external developments that are not reflected in the inflation and X-factors. It is apt to differ from period to period. One of the primary rationales for Z-factor adjustments is the need to adjust price limits for the effect of changes in tax rates and other government policies on the company’s unit cost. Absent such adjustments, policymakers can adopt new policies that increase the company’s unit cost confident in the knowledge that its earnings, rather than its rates, will be affected. Another rationale for Z-factors is to adjust for the effect of miscellaneous other external developments on industry unit costs that are not captured by the inflation and X-factors. 39 This is discussed in more detail below. Z-factors can potentially reduce 45 operating risk and discourage opportunistic behavior without weakening performance incentives since they are triggered only by external developments. A disadvantage is that they can significantly raise regulatory cost. Most index-based price cap plans have explicit rules for Z-factor adjustments. Those approved by the OEB for provincial power distributors and recorded in the distribution Rates Handbook are illustrative. • Causation – the expense must be clearly outside of the base upon which rates were derived. • Materiality – the cost must have a significant influence on the operation of the utility, otherwise they should be expensed in the normal course and addressed through organizational productivity improvements. • Inability of Management to Control – to qualify for Z-factor treatment, the cost must be attributable to some event outside of management’s ability to control. Examples include a tax change or requirements of the IMO that result in expenditures by the distribution utility. On the other hand, an ice storm that causes extensive damage in a system with sub-par maintenance would not qualify for Z-factor treatment. • Prudence – the expense must have been prudently incurred. This means that the option selected must represent the most cost-effective option (not necessarily least initial cost) for ratepayers. For example, some utilities will need to upgrade their billing systems to deal with market opening. The prudence standard requires that the utility justify purchasing a new system versus outsourcing the function to a vendor, association, or utility.40 While there is no general language about the relevance of government policy changes, the explicit mention of tax changes and Independent Market Operator requirements in the Rate Handbook is noteworthy. The Board shed 40 OEB, Draft Distribution Rates Handbook, 1999. 46 further light on events it deems relevant for Z factoring in its Union Gas decision. It states that The Board agrees with the intervenors that the use of Z-factors limited to changes in legislative and regulatory requirements and generally accepted accounting principles specific to the natural gas business is appropriate.41 5.2 Index Design Methods Two general approaches to the design of rate and revenue cap indexes have now been established: the North American approach and the British. These are so-named because of their region of origin. 5.2.1 The North American Approach Although index-based PBR is associated in the minds of many with Great Britain, North America actually has a longer history with this regulatory system. E. Fred Sudit of Rutgers University outlined the approach to PCI design that has become common in North America in a 1979 paper.42 William Baumol, then at Princeton University, elaborated on the idea in a 1982 paper.43 These early treatises influenced the American approach to PCI design, but credit must also go to other individuals who were involved in the early regulatory proceedings and supporting legislation. LOGIC OF PRICE CAP INDEXES The North American approach to index design is founded on the logic of economic indexes. The analysis begins with consideration of the growth in the prices charged by an industry that earns, in the long run, a competitive rate of return. In such an industry, the long-run trend in revenue equals the long-run trend in cost. 41 42 43 OEB, Decision with Reasons, RP-199-0017, July 2001. E. Fred Sudit, “Automatic Rate Adjustments Based on Total Factor Productivity Performance in Public Utility Regulation,” in Problems in Public Utility Economics and Regulation ed. M. Crew, Lexington Books, 1979. William J. Baumol, “Productivity Incentive Clauses and Rate Adjustment for Inflation,” Public Utilities Fortnightly, July 22, 1982, pp. 11-18. 47 trend Revenue = trend Cost [7] The assumption of a competitive rate of return is applicable to utility industries and even to individual utilities. It is also applicable to unregulated, competitively structured markets. Consider, now, that the trend in the revenue of any firm or industry is the sum of the trends in appropriately specified output price and quantity indexes. trend Revenue = trend Output Quantities + trend Output Prices [8] Relations [7] and [8] together imply that the trend in an index of the prices charged by an industry earning a competitive rate of return equals the trend in its unit cost index. trend Output Prices = trend Cost - trend Output Quantities = trend Unit Cost [9] The long run character of this important result merits emphasis. Fluctuations in input prices, demand and other external business conditions will cause earnings to fluctuate absent adjustments in production capacity. Fluctuations in certain expenditures that are made periodically can also have this effect. An example would be a major program of replacement investment for a distribution system with extensive asset depreciation. Since capacity adjustments are costly, they will typically not be made rapidly enough to prevent short-term fluctuations in returns around the competitive norm. The long run is a period long enough for the industry to adjust capacity to more secular trends in market conditions. The result in [9] provides a conceptual framework for the design of a rate adjustment index that we call the industry unit cost paradigm. For example, growth in a utility’s rates can be measured by an actual price index. A PCI can limit the growth in this index. A stretch factor established in advance of plan operation can be added to the formula which slows PCI growth to the benefit of 48 customers.44 A PCI is then calibrated to track the industry unit cost trend to the extent that trend PCI = trend Unit Cost Industry − Stretch Factor [10] A properly designed PCI provides automatic adjustments for trends in external business conditions that affect the unit cost of utility operation. It can therefore reduce utility operating risk without weakening performance incentives. This constitutes a remarkable advance in the technology for utility regulation. The design of PCIs that track the industry unit cost trend is aided by an additional result of index logic. It can be shown that the trend in an industry’s total cost is the sum of the trends in appropriately specified industry input price and quantity indexes. trend Cost = trend Input Prices + trend Input Quantities [11] It follows that the trend in an industry’s unit cost is the difference between the trends in industry input price and TFP indexes.45 trend Unit Cost = trend Input Prices − trend TFP [12] Furthermore, a PCI can be calibrated to track the industry unit cost trend if it satisfies the following formula: trend PCI = trend Input Prices Industry − (trend TFP Industry + Stretch Factor ) [13] An important issue in the development of a PCI is whether it should be designed to track short run or long run unit cost growth. An index designed to track short run growth will also track the long run growth trend if it is used over many years. The alternative is to design the index to track only long run trends. 44 45 Mention here of the stretch factor option is not meant to imply that a positive stretch factor is warranted in all cases. Here is the full logic behind this result: trend Unit Cost = trend Cost - trend Output Quantities = (trend Input Prices + trend Input Quantities ) − trend Output Quantities = trend Input Prices − (trend Output Quantities - trend Input Quantities ) = trend Input Prices − trend TFP 49 Different approaches can, in principle, be taken for the input price and productivity components of the index. One issue to consider when making the choice is the manner in which short-run input price and productivity fluctuations affect the prices charged by unregulated industries. Inflation in the prices charged by such industries sometimes accelerates (decelerates) rather promptly when input prices accelerate (decelerate). Airlines and trucking companies, for instance, sometimes hike prices in periods of rapid fuel price growth. An analogous result does not obtain for TFP. For example, TFP typically falls (rises) in the short run in response to a slackening (strengthening) of demand. These same developments typically have the reverse effect on prices in unregulated markets. A second consideration is the effect on risk. A price cap index that tracks short-term fluctuations in industry unit cost increases rate volatility but reduces utility operating risk. This can permit an extension of the period between rate reviews that strengthens performance incentives. Consider, next, the criterion of implementation cost. This depends in large measure on data availability. Data on price trends are available more quickly than the cost and quantity data that are needed, additionally, to measure TFP trends. Final data needed to compute the TFP growth of U.S. power distributors in 2004, for instance, was not available until the fall of 2005. The longer lag in the availability of cost and quantity data is due chiefly to the fact that these data typically come from annual reports whereas price indices are often calculated and reported on a monthly or quarterly basis. It is also germane that the calculation of TFP indexes can be quite a bit more complicated than the calculation of price indexes. Implementation cost also depends on the feasibility of calculating current long run trends accurately. Methods have been developed to measure the recent long run trend in the TFP of the industry. For example, a sample period suitable for calculating the recent long run trend can be chosen using research 50 on the drivers of TFP index volatility. The recent long run trend in an industry’s TFP is, moreover, often if not always a good proxy for the prospective trend over the next several years. 46 The use of historical data on industry input price trends to calculate the prospective future trend is more problematic. Industry input price indexes are often volatile. The calculation of an average annual growth rate thus depends greatly on the choice of the sample period. It can be difficult to reach consensus on what sample period would yield a long term input price trend. One reason is that research on the short run drivers of fluctuations in utility input prices is not well advanced. Absent a scientific basis for sample period selection, the choice of a sample period can engender controversy and raise the risk of PBR for utilities. Higher regulatory risk can raise the cost of funds and reduce thereby the net benefits of PBR. Historical trends in input prices are, furthermore, sometimes poor predictors of the trends that will prevail in the near future. Suppose, by way of example, that there has been rapid input price inflation in the last ten years but that the expectation is for more normal inflation in the next five years. In this situation, regulators would presumably be loath to fix PCI growth at a rate that reflects the 10-year historical trend. Examination of input prices in the power distribution industry is useful for illustrating these concepts.47 Since power distribution is capital intensive, the summary input price index is quite sensitive to fluctuations in the price of capital. These result from fluctuations in plant construction costs and the rate of return on capital. The rate of return on capital depends on the state of the economy and on expectations regarding future price inflation. 48 A sensible weighing of these considerations leads us to conclude that different treatments of input price and productivity growth are in most cases 46 47 48 Reliance on the long run trend can be problematic, however, when applied to utilities that contemplate major capital additions. This analysis also applies to power transmission, as we discuss further below. The rate of return on capital also reflects return on equity. 51 warranted when a PCI is calibrated to track the industry unit cost trend. The price inflation index should track short term input price fluctuations. The X factor, meanwhile, should generally reflect the long run historical trend of TFP. This general approach to PCI design has important advantages. The price inflation index measure exploits the greater availability of inflation data. Making the PCI responsive to short term input price growth reduces utility operating risk without weakening performance incentives. Having X reflect the long run industry TFP trend, meanwhile, sidesteps the need for more timely cost data and avoids the chore of annual TFP calculations. Given that the price inflation index should track recent input price growth, other important issues of its design must still be addressed. One is whether it should be expressly designed to track industry input price inflation as per relation [13]. There are several precedents for the use of an industry-specific inflation measure in rate adjustment indexes. The majority of rate indexing plans approved worldwide, however, feature macroeconomic inflation measures When a macroeconomic inflation measure is used, the PCI must be calibrated in a special way if it is to track the industry unit cost trend. Suppose, for example, that the inflation measure is the GDP-PI. This was noted above to be an index of output price inflation. Due to the broadly competitive structure of our economy, the long run trend in the GDP-PI is the difference between the trends in input price and TFP indexes for the economy. trend GDPPI = trend Input Prices Economy - trend TFP Economy [14] Equations [12] and [14] together imply that trend Unit Cost Industry = trend GDPPI Industry ⎡ ⎤ - trend TFP Economy - ⎢ trend TFP Economy Industry ⎥ - trend Input Prices ⎣+ trend Input Prices ⎦ ( ( ) ) [15] When the GDP-PI is used as the inflation measure, it follows that the PCI already tracks the input price and TFP trends of the economy. X factor calibration is 52 warranted only to the extent that there are differences in the input price and TFP trends of the utility industry and the economy. This analysis suggests that when the GDP-PI is employed as a price inflation index the PCI can be calibrated to track the industry unit cost trend when the X factor has two calibration terms: a productivity differential and an input price differential. The productivity differential is the difference between the TFP trends of the industry and the economy. X will be larger, slowing PCI growth, to the extent that the industry TFP trend exceeds the economy-wide TFP trend that is embodied in the GDP-PI. The input price differential is the difference between the input price trends of the economy and the industry. X will be larger (smaller) to the extent that the input price trend of the economy is more (less) rapid than that of the industry. The input price trends of a utility industry and the economy can differ for a number of reasons. One possibility is that prices in the utility industry grow at different rates than prices in the economy as a whole. For example, labor prices may grow more rapidly to the extent that utility workers have health care benefits that are better than the norm. Another possibility is that the prices of certain inputs grow at a different rate in some regions than they do on average throughout the economy. It is also possible that the industry has a different mix of inputs than the economy. Power distribution technology is, for example, noted above to be more capital intensive than the typical production process in our economy. It is therefore more sensitive to fluctuations in the price of capital. The difficulties, discussed above, in establishing a long-term input price trend also complicate identification of an appropriate input price differential. For example, the difference between the average annual growth rates of input price indexes for of the industry and the economy is sensitive to the choice of the sample period. It is less straightforward to establish the relevant sample period for a comparison of long-term industry and economy input price trends than it is for an analogous TFP trend comparison. Even if we could establish a differential between the long term trends it could differ considerably from the trend expected 53 over the prospective plan period. This situation invites gaming over the sample period used to calculate the input price differential. Controversy is possible, additionally, over the method used to calculate the price of capital. LOGIC OF REVENUE CAP INDEXES The extension of index logic to the case of revenue caps is straightforward. A revenue cap index that is based on index logic would be calibrated to track the cost trend of the industry rather than the unit cost trend. The cost trend of an industry is the sum of the unit cost trend and the output quantity trend. Recalling the results in [12] it follows that the cost trend is the difference between the input price and productivity trends plus the output quantity trend. A revenue cap index ("RCI") is then calibrated to track the industry cost trend if trend RCI = trend Input Prices - trend TFP + trend Output Quantities + OUtput Quantities [16] The RCI growth formula thus differs chiefly from the PCI growth formula chiefly in considering a provision for output growth. PRECEDENT The earliest use of index logic in regulation design emerged from hearings before U.S. federal regulatory commissions. As early as 1980, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) proposed to determine allowable increases in rail freight rates using the average increase in rail carrier costs.49 The Staggers Rail Act of 1980 was noted above to require index-based regulation for larger railroads. The law established a Zone of Rate freedom for certain rail services. Under Section 203 of the Act, the boundary of this zone was to be adjusted each quarter by an “Index of Railroad Cost compiled or verified by the commission with appropriate adjustments to reflect the changing composition of railroad cost, including the quality and mix of material and labor”. The growth rate of this index came to be called the Rail Cost Adjustment Factor (RCAF). 54 There was vigorous and protracted debate before the ICC regarding the appropriate form of this index. The most fundamental issue was whether the index should reflect the trend in the TFP of the industry as well as the input price trend. An index reflecting both would track the unit cost of the industry, as noted above. In 1989, the ICC concluded that the index should reflect the TFP trend of the railroad industry as well as its input price trend.50 The X-factor it adopted is a moving average of the growth rate in an index of railroad industry TFP, as noted above. The index measured the productivity of the very companies that were subject to the PBR plan. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has issued landmark decisions on PCI design that are broadly consistent with index logic. In approving the price cap plan for AT&T in 198951, inflation measures and industry TFP trends were discussed extensively.52 The X-factor reflected the industry productivity trend and an inflation measure adjustment. In approving rate indexing for the interstate services of local exchange carriers the need to calibrate the PCI to the industry unit cost trend was explicitly recognized. For example, in a 1995 order dealing with PCI, the FCC states that “the indexes are adjusted each year in accordance with a formula that accounts for industry-wide changes in unit costs”.53 Since the approval of the first plans at the federal level, rate-indexing plans have been adopted by a number of other regulatory commissions. The industry unit cost standard is frequently observed in PCI design. Commissions sometimes recognize the standard explicitly. 49 50 51 52 53 Thus the Massachusetts ICC, Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, “Railroad Cost Recovery Procedures,” Ex Parte No. 290 (Sub-No. 2), April 28, 1980, 49 CFR 1135. ICC, “Decision, Railroad Cost Recovery Procedures-Productivity Adjustment,” Ex Parte No. 290 (Sub-No. 4), March 22, 1989. “In the Matter of Policy and Rules concerning Rates for dominant Carriers.” 4FCC Rcd 27763; CC Docket No. 87-313 (March 15, 1989). The affected rates of AT&T were subsequently decontrolled. Federal communications Commission, First Report and Order in the Matter of Price Cap Performance for Local Exchange Carriers, cc Docket 94-1, April 7, 1995. 55 Department of Public Utilities, in approving a rate-cap plan for NYNEX, noted in 1995 that, Price cap regulation…replaces company specific test year cost based control of a firm’s rates with an index representing the expected changes in the cost of the average firm in the industry.54 The California Public Utilities Commission noted in the same year in approving the rate-cap plan for Southern California Edison that The price and productivity values should come from national or industry measures and not from the utility itself. The independence of the update rule from the utility’s own costs allows PBR regulation to resemble the unregulated market where the firm faces market prices which develop independently of its own cost and productivity. The productivity measure should come from a forecast of industry-specific productivity.”55 In Canada, the CRTC has also subscribed to the industry unit cost standard. In its order approving the PBR plan for the Stentor companies, the CRTC states that, “the price cap formula is composed of three basic components which, in total, reflect changes in the industry’s long run unit costs.56 The price cap index approved by the OEB for Ontario power distributors is constructed from industry specific input price and TFP trends. It is thus expressly designed to track the industry unit cost trend. Note, however, that the OEB did not elect to base the X-factor solely on the long-term TFP trend. As for RCI logic precedents, the RCI approved by the OEB for the O&M expenses of Enbridge Gas Distribution was based on index logic. So too was the revenue per customer index approved by the CPUC for Southern California Gas. TOTAL FACTOR PRODUCTIVITY Since TFP play an important role in North American style rate indexing it may prove useful to explain their workings in more detail. 54 55 Petition of New England Telephone and Telegraph Company dba/NYNEK for an Alternative Regulatory Plan for the company’s Massachusetts Intrastate Telecommunications Services. DPU 94-50. May 12, 1995. Application of Southern California Edison to adopt a Performance Based Rate Making Mechanism Effective January 1, 1995, Alternate Order of Commissioners Fessler and Duque, July 21, 1996. 56 The TFP index of an industry is the ratio of output and input quantity indexes. TFP = Output Quantities Input Quantities [17] The output quantity index of an industry summarizes trends in the amount of work that it performs. If output is multidimensional, the growth in each output quantity dimension considered is measured by a subindex. The growth in the output quantity index is typically a weighted average of the growth in the quantity subindexes. The input quantity index of an industry summarizes trends in the amounts of production inputs that it uses. Growth in the usage of each input category considered is measured by a subindex. For example, growth in the amount of labor services employed can be measured by a labor quantity subindex. The growth in the summary input quantity index is typically a weighted average of the growth in the quantity subindexes. The TFP index of an industry captures the wide range of developments that can cause its unit cost to grow at a different rate than its input prices. These developments include technological progress and the realization of scale economies. TFP is volatile but typically trends upward so that an industry’s unit cost grows more slowly than its input prices over time. Economic research has shown that the sources of TFP growth are diverse. One important source is technical change. New technologies permit an industry to produce given output quantities with fewer inputs. Economies of scale are a second source of TFP growth. These economies are available in the longer run when cost characteristically grows less rapidly than output. In that event, output growth can slow unit cost growth and raise TFP. A company’s potential for scale economy realization depends on its current operating scale and on the pace of its output growth. Incremental scale 56 Ibid paragraph 29. 57 economies will be greater the more rapid is output growth and the smaller is the initial operating scale. A third important source of TFP growth is X inefficiency. This is the degree to which individual companies operate at the maximum efficiency that technology allows. TFP will grow (decline) to the extent that X inefficiency diminishes (increases). The potential of a company for TFP growth from this source is greater the greater is its current level of operating inefficiency. An important source of TFP growth in the shorter run is the degree of capacity utilization. Producers in most industries find it uneconomical to adjust production capacity to short-run demand fluctuations. The capacity utilization rates of industries therefore fluctuate. TFP grows (declines) when capacity utilization rises (falls) because output is apt to change much more rapidly than capacity. Another short-run determinant of TFP growth is the pattern of expenditures that are more occasional than even in character. Expenditures of this kind include those for certain kinds of maintenance and investments. A surge in expenditures can slow productivity growth and even result in a productivity decline. Uneven spending is one of the reasons why the TFP growth of individual utilities is often more volatile than the TFP growth of the corresponding industry. The TFP trend of a utility industry is an empirical issue. Results of productivity research have been presented in several PBR proceedings. Regulators often choose X-factors without stating their views on the components. There are, however, several cases in which they have explicitly acknowledged the long run industry productivity trend. Here is a summary of the results. 58 Industry Company TFP Trend Gas distribution Boston Gas 0.4 Gas distribution Southern California Gas 0.5 Gas distribution San Diego Gas and Electric 0.7 Power distribution 0.9 Power distribution Ontario 0.9 Power distribution Southern California Edison 0.9 Telecommunications Canadian telcos 2.6 Telecommunications SNET – CT 2.1 Telecommunications Ameritech – IL 1.3 Telecommunications Nynex – ME 2.2 Telecommunications Nynex – MA 2.0 Telecommunications Ameritech – OH 2.8 Telecommunications Bell Atlantic – PA 2.9 These figures have important implications for energy utility regulation. One is that X-factors can reasonably be expected to be much higher in indexing plans for telecom services than in plans for many energy services. The current TFP trend for telecom utilities is apparently around two hundred basis points higher than that for energy distributors. This reflects, in the main, rapid technological change and demand growth in the telecommunications industry. It should not be surprising, then, to find approved telecommunications price cap plans with X-factors at least two hundred basis points above those in approved energy utility plans. These productivity figures also help to explain why a multi-year rate freeze may not financially stress telecom utilities as much as it would an energy utility. Given input price growth in the 2-3% range, index logic suggests that telecom utilities have recently experienced steady or moderately declining unit costs. This permits them to prosper under rate freezes. While energy utilities face an input price growth trend broadly similar to that of telecom utilities, their TFP growth is typically much slower. Accordingly, their input price growth is more likely to exceed their TFP growth, and their unit cost is more likely to rise over time. This is a common situation in our economy 59 as can be seen by the tendency of the consumer price index to rise over time. Many energy utilities will therefore have difficulty remaining financially viable for an extended period of time without nominal rate increases. An American-style PCI could address this situation by allowing utility rates to rise moderately each year in nominal terms to keep pace with industry unit cost growth. The fact that utility prices are apt to rise in nominal terms should by itself cause no more concern than in competitive sectors of the economy. REGIONAL RESEARCH FOCUS An important issue in North American style index calibration is the choice of a region for indexing research. Many network industries are, like gas distribution, natural monopolies. There is therefore no regional trade in most distribution services that could be used to identify an appropriate regional grouping. A sensible alternative is to choose a region with similar input price and productivity trends. Industries in different countries can exhibit different unit cost trends even if they are adjacent. Industries in different regions in countries of some size can also exhibit different unit cost trends, for several reasons. One is differences in regional economic growth. Variation in regional growth patterns is evident in both Canada and the U.S. Differences in government policies can lead to differences in the unit cost growth of utilities. For example, governments can differ in support for demand-side management efforts that affect volume growth. This analysis suggests that the region surrounding a utility will tend to have more similar input price and productivity trends than regions further afield. These considerations suggest that the unit cost trend in the region surrounding the subject utility can be the appropriate focus of input price and productivity research. However, circumstances can render this option unworkable as well. Some or all of the surrounding region may be in a different country. Additionally, the surrounding region may have few peer utilities, lack good utility operating data, or be dominated by just one or two utilities. 60 A review of North American indexing plans is useful in illustrating the region selection challenge. In Ontario, regulators elected to base the inflation and X-factors in the rate cap plan for power distributors on the input price and productivity trends of the provincial industry. The Massachusetts regulator explicitly approved the calibration of the Boston Gas X-factor using the TFP trend of northeast distributors. The California gas distribution industry is dominated by three companies. Neighboring states have much smaller economies and important differences in operating conditions. This consideration has been important in the CPUC’s approval of X-factor calibrations for Southern California Gas and SDG&E that were based on national industry productivity trends. In the telecommunications industry, X-factors in a number of telecommunications price cap plans for U.S. LECs have been established in proceedings where the company’s own productivity trend was the featured evidence. The FCC based its X-factor for interstate services of LECs on national TFP research but has acknowledged its potential inappropriateness for certain regions. The CRTC based its X-factor for LECs on national data in its first price cap plan. 5.2.2 The British Approach to Index Design The British approach to PCI design is that typical of utility rate regulation in Britain. It has since been adopted in several other countries. Most notable, perhaps, is its widespread use by regulators in Australia.57 Most British utilities were formerly public enterprises. British Telecom (BT) was the first to be privatized, in 1984. Since then, privatization has extended to Britain’s electric, gas, and water utilities. The decision to use rate indexing in British utility regulation was strongly influenced by the recommendations of Stephen Littlechild of the University of Birmingham. In a report released in 1983, he proposed to adjust BT’s rates 57 Other countries using the building block approach include Ireland and Mexico. 61 using an index with a growth rate formula of “RPI-X” form.58 A specific value for X was not recommended, nor was there significant discussion in Littlechild’s paper of the appropriate framework to be used to determine X. Rather, the value for X was described as “a number to be negotiated.” The lack of a well-defined framework has given British regulators considerable discretion in determining X-factors. Over time, however, broadly similar approaches have developed across Britain’s utility industries. Under “British-style” rate indexing, rate cases are typically held every five years. In contrast to North American practice, which focuses on a single test year, the rate case involves detailed multi-year cost and output forecasts. The principle “building blocks” of the total cost forecast are the forecasts of the value of the current capital stock and of capital spending, depreciation, the rate of return on capital, and O&M spending. A macroeconomic inflation index such as the RPI is used as the inflation measure of the price cap index. Given the forecasts of growth in total cost, billing determinants, and the RPI, it is possible to choose a combination of initial rates and an X-factor such that forecasted revenue equals forecasted cost. The British approach to the design of rate and revenue cap indexes has several advantages over the North American approach. One is the possibility of implementing it in situations where the North American approach is hampered by a lack of historical data that could be used for productivity calculations. This was, apparently, the situation in most of the British industries at the time of their privatization. The British approach is also advantageous in a situation where there really is no sizeable group of peers that could provide the basis for industry productivity trends even if data were available. This was and continues to be the situation in the British telecommunications and power and natural gas transmission industries. The British approach is also advantageous in situations where the expected forward looking productivity trends of individual utilities are markedly 58 Stephen Littlechild, Regulation of British Telecommunications’ Profitability: Report to the 62 different from the recent long-run TFP trend of the industry. This situation is often encountered in industries, like power generation and transmission, that have unusually bunched intertemporal patterns of investment. In that case, an individual utility might, for example, anticipate large scale investments in the next few years that will slow productivity growth markedly even though the recent productivity growth of the industry was fairly rapid. These advantages of the British-style approach to rate indexing should be weighted against some important disadvantages. One is the higher level of regulatory cost that it involves. A five year test rate case is substantially more complicated than the one-year test cases that are made possible by productivity indexing. The uncertainties of long term forecasts may also be said to discourage plans with longer terms, such as the seven- to ten-year plans now being approved in North America. Another serious problem with the British approach is the incentive that it provides to utilities to exaggerate their future cost growth. These disadvantages have spurred considerable innovation in British style regulation in recent years. For example, statistical benchmarking is frequently used to appraise O&M expense forecasts, and appraisals are often solicited from outsiders concerning capital spending projections. An Australian regulator, the Essential Services Commission in Victoria, now uses industry productivity research to forecast future O&M expenses. Secretary of State, February 1983. 63 6. SERVICE QUALITY PROVISIONS The attainment of appropriate quality standards is a critically important consideration in PBR plan design. Utilities can often save money by trimming maintenance expenditures and capital investments that affect quality. In many cases, the local utility is a monopoly provider and stands to lose fewer sales than a competitive firm if service quality is off the mark. The OEB notes the importance of service quality oversight in its Rates Handbook decision. It states that Any reduction in the quality and/or reliability of service represents a reduction in the value of that service. Therefore, as part of its function in regard to approving or fixing just and reasonable rates, the Board has a responsibility to oversee that service quality is preserved and improved.59 Formal service quality incentive mechanisms have been approved for numerous utilities. They are a form of benchmark PBR which rewards or penalizes a utility depending on the relationship between its measured quality of service and quality benchmarks. There are three basic elements in a service quality incentive plan: a series of indicators of the company’s quality of service; an associated set of quality benchmarks; and an award mechanism that leads to changes in utility rates or allowed returns. The indicators are measurable service quality dimensions. The benchmarks are the standards against which the indicators are judged. They can in principle be based on the company’s historical performance, industry norms, or levels that are deemed to be acceptable for other reasons. The award mechanism determines the adjustment in rates that is warranted by the change in service quality. Important design issues include the symmetry of awards and penalties and the customers’ valuation of specific quality indicators. 59 OEB, Rates Handbook Decision, ibid p. 50. 64 6.1 Benchmarking Basics The benchmarking approach to PBR involves the evaluation of one or more indicators of company activity using external performance standards (benchmarks). The standards are external to the extent that they are insensitive to the actions of subject utility managers. Evaluations and rate adjustments are accomplished by formal mechanisms that are established in advance of use and typically function for several years. The key features of a benchmark plan are the performance indicators, performance benchmarks, and the rate adjustment mechanism. The performance indicators used in approved benchmark plans vary greatly in scope. Plans are comprehensive to the extent that they cover all of the utility performance dimensions that matter to customers. The performance benchmarks used in benchmark plans are also varied. A common benchmark is a company’s activity level in a period just prior to plan commencement. A company is then rewarded for improvement in its performance relative to recent history. An alternative approach, which is an example of “yardstick regulation” or statistical benchmarking, is to use the corresponding performance indicator of a group of utilities. Under this approach, a company is rewarded for improving its performance indicator relative to the group. The utility group is sometimes called a peer group, and can consist of all utilities in the same region as the company subject to the plan. In that event, the peer group may be viewed as a proxy for the regional industry. In principle, the region can also be the entire nation. The rate adjustment mechanisms in approved benchmark plans vary. A major design issue is the customer sharing percentage. The mechanism may or may not feature a deadband in which deviations from the benchmark do not induce rate adjustments. 65 6.2 Quality Indicators A critical issue in the development of effective service quality provisions in a PBR plan is the choice of indicators on which performance will be judged. Ideally, individual quality indicators should satisfy four criteria: 1) They should be related to the relevant aspects of service; 2) focus on monopoly services; 3) cover all major quality dimensions, and 4) be no more complex than necessary to provide effective incentives. First, since measured service quality can ultimately affect customer rates, indicators should be linked to aspects of utility service customer’s value. This may seem obvious, but a strict application of these criteria excludes indicators that have been included in some plans. For instance, the knowledge and courtesy of phone center employees may be a legitimate quality indicator, but the goal of establishing worker training programs to build these skills is not. Second, indicators should focus on the quality of the activities for which there are few if any alternative suppliers. This is consistent with the principle that regulation, including regulation of service quality, is less necessary in competitive markets. Market forces are likely to create acceptable quality levels when products are available from multiple providers. Third, quality indicators should not focus on some important areas while ignoring others because performance may deteriorate in the non-targeted areas. Comprehensiveness can be achieved simply by adding indicators to a plan. However, regulatory costs often rise accordingly since more utility and commission resources must be devoted to quality monitoring, measurement, and the reconciliation of findings related to quality indicators. Some commissions have been sensitized to the regulatory costs of complex service quality plans. In these jurisdictions, service quality incentives have been simplified by relying on fewer, but more broadly-based, indicators. While the specific indicators may vary widely among approved service quality incentive plans, there are broad similarities between the types of indicators used for energy utilities. The most common categories of indicators are reliability and customer service. 66 6.3 Quality Benchmarks Quality benchmarks are the standards against which measured quality is judged. Benchmarks should be ideally sensitive to the external business conditions which influence a utility’s quality. These business conditions may be called quality “drivers”. The list of relevant factors includes weather (e.g. winds, lightning, extreme head and cold), vegetation (contact with power lines), the amount of undergrounding mandated by local authorities, the degree of ruralization in the territory (typically increasing the exposure of lines to the elements and lengthening response times when faults occur), the difficulty of the terrain served, and regulatory changes such as a restructuring of the industry to promote competition. These drivers can vary considerably between utilities and over time. Universally accepted quality standards do not exist for utility industries, so commissions have considerable latitude in setting benchmarks. For any given indicator, one straightforward benchmark is the utility’s average performance over a recent period. Quality assessments would then depend on measured quality levels that differ either positively or negatively from recent historical experience. Using past utility performance to set benchmarks is appealing in many ways. The data are of known quality and reflect local cost drivers. The construction of benchmarks from a utility’s past quality level should reflect the fact that a company’s measured quality can be affected by quality drivers that are volatile and prone to fluctuations that are hard to predict. Utilities should not ideally be subject to penalties or rewards because random factors have affected their measured service quality. PBR plans can be designed to mitigate the impact of random factors that might lead to inappropriate penalties or rewards. One way to handle the impact of fluctuations in quality drivers is through a deadband around the quality benchmark in the award/penalty mechanism. Statistical methods can provide a rigorous foundation for setting deadbands that reduce the probability of inappropriate penalties or rewards to specified levels 67 (e.g. 5%). Such statistical methods have been used in several service quality PBR plans for telecom utilities and have been proposed by energy utilities in some states.60 Statistically based dead bands should reflect historical fluctuations in indicator values. This is commonly measured by the standard deviation of sampled values. The greater the fluctuations have been, the higher the standard deviation and the wider the deadbands. Statistically based deadbands also reflect the size of the sample. The deadband should be wider the smaller is the sample. Regulators may not consider a utility’s past performance to be an adequate quality standard, especially if recent service levels were deemed poor. Some utility managers may also view the company’s history as inappropriate when its performance is exceptionally good. In this case, it may be considered unfairly demanding to expect the utility to match its historically superior performance on an ongoing basis. An alternative to basic benchmarks on the Company’s own history is to base them on the service quality performance of the industry. The industry may take the form of a national or regional sample or a peer group selected by other means. In principle, industry-based benchmarks may be attractive in PBR. They are clearly external to the subject utility, which creates strong performance incentives. Industry benchmarks also tend to be consistent with the operation of competitive market, where customer choices are driven by the cost and quality of products relative to available substitutes. In practice, however, industry-based benchmarks are often problematic. One reason is that uniform and publicly-available data on quality are not collected for large numbers of energy utilities. Another reason that industry- based benchmarks are problematic is differences in the operating conditions of utilities. Optimal quality levels reflect such key conditions as the cost of providing 60 “Investigation by the Department of Telecommunications and Energy on its own motion to establish guidelines for service quality standards for electric distribution companies and local gas distribution companies.” Massachusetts D.T.E. 99-84 (June 29, 2001). 68 quality service and the demand for quality. These conditions vary across service territories. The issue of key importance is whether a company’s quality level is good given the quality drivers that it faces. It is difficult to obtain a sizable amount of quality data from companies that are similarly situated. 6.4 Award and Penalty Rates Another significant plan design issue is the magnitude of any rewards or penalties levied. In practice, empirical evidence is rarely presented to justify the amount of potential penalties or rewards in a plan. Instead, penalty levels are sometimes chosen with the idea that they are “significant” enough to prevent service quality declines. Ideally, a service quality incentive requires information on how customers value different quality indicators, so that the potential rewards and penalties for performance will reflect the value of the service provided. Given its importance, it is somewhat surprising that little empirical work has been done on customer valuations of quality indicators included in incentive plans. In part this is because quality is inherently difficult to value. But while this information may not be readily available, it can be gathered from a number of sources. Although a complete discussion of the topic is beyond the scope of this report, three basic methods are used to estimate the value of service quality. One method uses proxy data related to the service attribute. For example, the value of having to wait for a field service representative to arrive can be approximated as the customer’s lost wages (i.e., the opportunity cost of the customer’s time). Proxy prices have the advantage of simplicity, but they can be imprecise and bear a tenuous link to actual service valuations. A second method of estimating customer valuation uses market-based measures for the value of service. The difference between firm and interruptible rates is one example of market-based data that reflects some customers’ valuations of reliability. Another example of market-based measures is the use of hedonic price indexes, which are developed by regressing market prices on 69 identifiable quality attributes. Hedonic price indexes reflect the notion that price differences are due to implicit markets for individual product characteristics. Some official statistics utilize hedonic methods. For example, the Bureau of Labor Statistics adjusts for quality changes of some products when computing the Consumer Price Index. While market-based methods are often conceptually sound, they can be controversial, are often not well-understood, and can produce divergent estimates of underlying quality valuations. In addition, hedonic methods are less likely to capture the underlying quality valuations in utility markets since prices often reflect regulatory decisions rather than market forces. Finally, quality valuations can also be obtained through customer surveys. An advantage of this approach is that surveys can focus on specific aspects of utility services that might be included in an incentive plan. However, survey results reflect subjective perceptions rather than actual consumer behavior, and hypothetical valuations may not be a good guide to how consumers would actually act in markets. 6.5 Plan Symmetry The symmetry of the award mechanism is another important design issue. It has been argued that symmetric awards (i.e. both rewards and penalties are possible) are not needed when quality incentives are designed only to maintain quality levels which might otherwise decline due to the stronger incentives to cut costs under PBR. However, symmetric plans can be calibrated to incent only the maintenance of current quality standards. The encouragement of better quality may, in any event, be desirable. All types of PBR, including service quality incentives, are fundamentally motivated by a desire to improve utility performance and not simply to prevent performance from slipping. Asymmetric plans generally do not create incentives for companies to improve quality and thus may limit the total customer benefit that is available from utility operations. 70 The impact of external business conditions on measured service quality performance also tends to support symmetric service quality incentives. As noted, some business conditions can be quite volatile and may lead to inappropriate penalties or rewards. Symmetric service quality incentives reduce the likelihood that random factors will lead to inappropriate net penalties or rewards over the course of a multi-year incentive plan. That is because random changes in business conditions can lead to rewards as well as penalties. Over time, the magnitudes of any inappropriate penalties and rewards can therefore be expected to cancel each other out. This leads to reasonable penalties and rewards that on average reflect a utility’s underlying quality performance. This would not be the case with an asymmetric service quality incentive, where external factors may subject a company to penalties without the chance of being compensated with offsetting rewards. Symmetric plans are also more consistent with the workings of unregulated markets. Customers in such markets routinely pay higher prices for higher quality products. Many farmers, for instance, do not have full control over the quality of their produce from year to year and earn quality premia when production conditions are favorable as well as lower prices when they are unfavorable. However, competitive markets usually offer an array of goods with varying quality levels, and not all customers choose to consume high-quality goods. In some cases, incentive plans lead to price increases on monopoly services. Where this is the case, at least some customers may be paying for quality improvements that they do not want. The uncertainties related to the magnitude of rewards or penalties lend additional support for symmetric service incentives over asymmetric incentives. Since regulators often use considerable discretion in setting penalty rates, a symmetric plan may discipline regulators into choosing more appropriate rates. That is, with an asymmetric plan, regulators may err on the side of choosing very high penalties to assure that quality does not decline under the plan. This is less 71 likely under a symmetric plan, which would require an equally high reward due to performance improvements. Hence, even if an asymmetric plan is ultimately approved, a symmetric service quality proposal may be beneficial if the prospect of symmetry leads to more appropriate magnitudes for penalty payments. 6.6 Informal Quality Provisions Service quality PBR is becoming more important in utility regulation. Quality incentive mechanisms can play an important role in ensuring that incentives for quality and unit cost containment are balanced. Despite their importance, research to place these plan provisions on a solid foundation of reason and empirical research is not well advanced. The many challenges encountered in the design of benchmark incentive mechanisms for quality, combined with the dearth of good research in the field, make it reasonable to question whether such mechanisms are the best way to regulate quality in PBR plans. Continuation of traditional quality regulation, which holds the utility responsible for quality and obliges it to address any deficiencies, remains a sensible alternative. A hybrid system is also worthy of a consideration in which the utility is obligated to make regular reports on a set of quality indicators. 6.7 Precedents There are a large number of formal service quality provisions in approved rate plans. Service quality PBR is especially well established in New York and California. Generic proceedings on service quality PBR have been held in several states.61 Symmetric service quality plans have been approved for energy utilities. For example, both the California and New York commissions have adopted symmetric service quality plans based on explicit findings that the underlying 61 See, for example, Massachusetts D.T.E. 99-84, op cit. 72 principles are sound. However, asymmetric service incentives are somewhat more common. Despite the many precedents for formal service quality incentive mechanisms, many PBR plans do not have them. The absence of incentive mechanisms is especially common in first generation plans. For example, the OEB did not approve a formal mechanism for power distribution in its Rates Handbook decision. It stated in the decision that The Board recognizes that electricity industry restructuring introduces many unknown factors that could impact on performance levels and customer expectations. Further, there is a lack of consistent information on historical performance. Therefore, the Board is of the view that, for first generation PBR, a cautions approach to introducing service quality performance indicators and standards is warranted. The proposed approach in first generation PBR appropriately focuses on data collection, reporting, and monitoring of service quality and reliability performance by all distribution utilities.62 The Board also elected not to approve a formal quality incentive mechanism in the first general Union Gas PBR plan. 62 OEB, Rates Handbook decision, ibid p. 50. 73 7. BENEFIT SHARING PROVISIONS 7.1 Introduction As I explained in Section 2, a well-designed PBR plan generates stronger performance incentives with fewer operating restrictions than cost of service regulation. Performance is expected to improve under such a plan, and utilities can earn more and their customers pay less – at the same time – than could be the case under cost of service regulation. The details of a PBR plan will influence the allocation of plan benefits between utilities and their customers, and the proper mechanism for sharing plan benefits is a controversial issue in many PBR proceedings. Benefit-sharing provisions should allow both shareholders and customers to fare better than under standard rate regulation. If PBR is voluntary, utilities have little incentive to agree to a plan unless it offers a reasonable chance for higher earnings, especially in view of the higher risk entailed. It is incorrect, then, to point to higher utility earnings under PBR as evidence of its “failure.” Higher utility earnings are consistent with successful PBR as long as customers also benefit compared with a continuation of the status quo. The selection of a benefit sharing mechanism should be based on sensible criteria. I evaluate alternative sharing mechanisms primarily in terms of their effect in three areas: performance incentives, cross-subsidization, and risk reduction. Other attributes considered include simplicity and “salability,” (i.e., the ability to convincingly demonstrate benefit sharing). Various PBR plan provisions influence on customer benefits. These can be grouped into two general categories. One is predetermined sharing provisions such as initial rate cuts and enhanced rate trajectory. These are so called because they are determined in advance of plan operation and are delivered to customers whether or not performance actually improves. A second general category of benefit sharing provisions is “real time provisions.” These 74 include earnings sharing and cost-based rate resets. Customer welfare also depends, of course, on the market responsiveness of rate and service offerings and on service quality. In this section, I focus on the measures that are most expressly devoted to benefit sharing. In this section, I analyze the salient benefit-sharing provisions. I describe the basic features of each approach, detail important precedents, and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages as a means of benefit-sharing. 7.2 Enhanced Rate Trajectory One way to share the benefits of PBR is to enhance the rate trajectory so that it is more favorable to customers. Consider first how this might be done in the context of a rate or revenue requirement index. The X-factor in such indexes influences allowed rate escalation. A higher value for X benefits customers of regulated services. An X-factor designed in accordance with North American principles is calibrated to reflect the TFP trend of the relevant industry. One way to share expected plan benefits with customers, then, is to set the X-factor at a level above the calibration point. This component of the X-factor was noted above to be called a stretch factor. It is set in advance to help ensure an external character for X. However, it can be allowed to vary from year to year. Stretch factors have been featured in many North American indexing plans. They are sometimes explicit and sometimes implicitly added to the X-factor. Rate freezes do not involve explicit stretch factors but often contain sizable implicit ones. Suppose, for example, that input price inflation is 2% and normal productivity growth is 1%. The stretch factor implicit in a rate freeze would in this case be 1%. The growth trend in rates is not the only way that customer welfare is affected by the rate trajectory. Customers are also affected by the extent to which the company absorbs risk. The base productivity factor, for example, is more than just the offering of the benefit of normal productivity growth. It is, furthermore, a commitment by the company to provide said benefit over a multi 75 year period during which actual productivity growth may be quite different. A rate freeze offers the customer protection against input price as well as productivity risk. An important advantage of stretch factors is that their values can be assigned independently of a company’s activities during the plan. Stretch factors therefore do not compromise performance incentives or operating flexibility. Valuations made prior to the first indexing period clearly have this attribute The appropriate stretch factor depends in part on the prospects for productivity growth during the plan term. Expected productivity growth should by this logic be lower the greater is the efficiency of the company. Benchmarking studies can shed light on a company’s operating efficiency. However, such studies invite controversy and good studies are expensive. Absent such work, regulators should take careful note of the regulatory system under which a company has operated. Regarding their salability, stretch factors are appealing to regulators insofar as they represent an advance commitment to customer benefits. Customers therefore benefit whether or not performance improvements are realized—at least during the term of the plan. On the other hand, customers and their representatives may not understand that stretch factors are designed to be insensitive to a utility’s current earnings and may resent high earnings if they occur. It is helpful in this regard for regulators to acknowledge the value of stretch factors and the long run benefits of high earnings when approving PBR plans. 7.3 Initial Rate Cuts A less common approach to sharing plan benefits is to lower the initial (base year) rates or revenue requirement below the levels that would otherwise result. When this is done, consumers immediately reap a plan benefit. Moreover, benefits continue to be created in subsequent years since, with lower 76 initial rates, lower prices result from index-based rate adjustments. This approach has been more widely used in Great Britain than in North American PBR to date. The advantages and disadvantages of initial rate cuts as a benefit sharing mechanism are similar to those for stretch factors. To the extent that rate cuts do not deepen in successive plans in response to performance improvements, performance incentives are strong. Cuts at the outset of the first plan do not affect incentives. The concern is, instead, with the size of initial rate cuts that might occur at the start of subsequent plans and their linkage to past performance improvements under PBR. As with stretch factors, initial rate cuts do not mitigate business risk and can actually increase regulatory risk absent a proper conceptual and empirical foundation. Customers benefit whether or not utility performance improves but may resent high earnings if they occur. A unique advantage of initial rate adjustments is the immediacy of the benefits. On the other hand, a unique disadvantage is the difficulty of demonstrating that rate cuts are in fact being made when, as is common, companies propose rate increases just prior to indexing. Utilities are then in the awkward position of claiming that they could have asked for even larger price increases and that customers have benefited from the company’s restraint. Since other parties will have differing opinions about the warranted rate hike, the benefits may be less convincing. Regulators considering initial rate cuts should recognize that they are in lieu of other benefit sharing provisions. For example, any initial rate cut should in principal reduce the appropriate stretch factor. recognized in British-style PBR. This principal is clearly Regulators in Britain and Australia explicitly discuss how plan benefits are to be divided between rate cuts and higher X-factors. 77 7.4 Earnings-Sharing 7.4.1 Description An earnings-sharing mechanism (ESM) adjusts a company’s price restrictions when its rate of return (ROR) has been in a certain range over a recent historical period. A typical ESM provides for rate adjustments when the actual (pre-sharing) ROR differs from a target ROR by certain prescribed amounts. The mechanisms are established in advance of their use and typically function for several years. The most widely-used rate of return in ESMs is return on equity (ROE) Approved ESMs vary significantly in several ways. The most important difference is the shares of surplus (and/or deficit) earnings assigned to shareholders and customers. These shares may differ in different ranges around the target ROE. Many plans feature a deadband around the target in which rates are insensitive to ROE fluctuations. Immediately beyond the deadband, the customer share is commonly 50%. In some plans, it increases substantially when ROE is extraordinarily high and falls substantially when it is extraordinarily low. Thus, the company share falls with the extent of surplus earnings. ESMs with this attribute are sometimes called “regressive.” Alternatively, a “progressive” ESM increases the company’s share of benefits as surplus earnings increase. Some plans are symmetric in the sense that they provide for rate decreases when earnings are high and similar rate increases when earnings are commensurately low. Other plans provide for rate adjustments only when earnings are high or low. For example, a plan approved for a Maine utility shares earnings deficits but not surpluses. Other plans share only surpluses. The symmetry of an ESM can, naturally, have a major impact on the risk-return balance of a PBR plan. 78 7.4.2 Precedents UNITED STATES ESMs are one of the oldest approaches to PBR. They were used in England as early as 1855 to regulate local gas companies.63 A plan was adopted in Canada in 1877 to regulate Consumers Gas. An early American plan was that established in 1905 for Boston Consolidated Gas. A plan for the Potomac Electric Power, approved in 1925, remained in effect until 1955. ESMs have been used recently by many U.S. energy utilities. Most recent PBR plans for U.S. and Canadian energy utilities involve ESMs. However, ESMs were not included in the PBR plans for National Grid (MA) or the plans approved by the FERC for oil pipelines or the power transmission services of International Transmission. Experience with ESMs in the North American telecommunications industry is also interesting. Most of the early price cap plans at both the federal and state level included an earnings sharing mechanism (ESM) as an adjunct to the price cap mechanism. For example, the original FCC plan for the LECs included an ESM to provide a “backstop” in the event that the X-factors established by the FCC were substantially in error or in the event that a particular LEC’s productivity significantly differed from the average.64 In addition, the first price cap plans in California (Pacific Bell and GTE-California in 1990), New York (Rochester Telephone in 1991), Rhode Island (1992), and New Jersey (1993) all featured ESMs. However, the FCC’s later LEC price cap plan, adopted in 1997, did not include earnings sharing. The FCC believed that ESMs blunt the efficiency incentives created by price caps since companies must immediately share the benefits of efforts to reduce their unit costs.65 The FCC also noted that “the 63 64 65 For further discussion of the early precedents see Harry Trebing, “Toward An Incentive System of Regulation:, Public Utilities Fortnightly, July 18, 1963, p. 22-37. For example, see Second Report and Order, CC Docket 87-313, September 19, 1990, FCC 90-314, paras 120-165. For example, see Fourth Report and Order, CC Docket 94-1, May 7, 1997, FCC 97-159, para 148. 79 removal of sharing also removes a major vestige of rate-of-return regulation that created incentives to shift costs between services to evade sharing in the interstate jurisdiction.”66 The FCC went on to state that the cost-shifting and cross subsidy incentives inherent in rate-of-return-based sharing mechanisms were at odds with the goal of promoting greater competition and eventually deregulating LECs, as envisioned by the Telecommunications Act of 1996:67 Not only is sharing inconsistent with the general competitive paradigm that was established in the 1996 Act, but sharing might make it more difficult to deregulate services that become subject to substantial competition by creating an opportunity for LECs to misallocate costs from deregulated common carrier services to services that remain subject to sharing requirements. As more and more incumbent LEC services become subject to competitive pressures, the public interest detriments of the cross subsidy incentives inherent in sharing become worse as the costs that can be misallocated to services that remain subject to sharing requirements increase. Without the elimination of sharing, it might become necessary to adopt new structural or nonstructural safeguards to prevent or limit these misallocations. Rather than consider adopting such administratively burdensome requirements, I conclude that eliminating sharing is the more reasonable course.68 Similarly, in state jurisdictions, ESMs are becoming increasingly rare as an adjunct to price cap plans. Few states currently use rate indexing in conjunction with an ESM to regulate the dominant LEC. In U.S. energy utility regulation, ESMs are more common but many recent plans do not have them. 66 67 68 Id Id, para 151. Some FCC Commissioners were even more adamant in their opinion about the negative features of earnings sharing. For example, Commission Chong stated that: “I am particularly pleased that this Report and Order puts a stake through the heart of ‘sharing,’ the requirement that incumbent LECs earning more than specified rates of return must ‘share’ half or all of the amount above those rates of return with their access customers in the form of lower rates the following year. Since sharing continues the inefficiencies of a rate-of-return era, I have long believed that a system of pure price caps without sharing would be preferable. I believe that I have correctly found today that sharing tends to blunt the efficiency incentives I sought to create through the price cap plan.” Separate statement of Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong, Fourth Report and Order, CC Docket 94-1, May 7, 1997, FCC 97-159, p.2. 80 CANADA In Canada, ESMs have been fairly common in PBR plans for energy utilities. The OEB, for instance, approved the use of an ESM in its price cap plans for Union Gas. Several plans that lack ESMs have featured benchmarkstyle sharing mechanisms. Neither CRTC rate indexing plan for Canada’s telecom utilities featured ESMs. BRITAIN AND AUSTRALIA Regulators in Britain have considered the adoption of ESMs on several occasions. One review of a British Gas plan featured an especially thorough deliberation of this issue. However, few ESMs have been adopted to date in Britain. There are also no ESMs in the approved index plans for Australia’s power transmission and distribution utilities. 7.4.3 Evaluation ESMs have some important advantages as benefit sharing mechanisms. One is their ability to mitigate risk. This property is, of course, greater when ESMs are symmetric. ESMs are an automatic means of adjusting rates for a wide range of risky external developments. This can be appealing where risks are substantial or Commissions lack the technical expertise to approve alternative risk mitigation measures such as industry-specific input price indexes. As an alternative to initial rate reductions and X-factors, ESMs also reduce regulatory risk. In effect, benefits are shared as realized and there is less pressure on regulators to choose stretch factors and initial rate reductions that share the unknowable plan benefits. There is, however, some regulatory risk to the utility in proposing an ESM: principally, the risk that the Commission will approve an asymmetric ESM in which earnings shortfalls aren’t shared. In addition to risk management, another benefit of ESMs is their popularity. Many stakeholders appear to believe that ESMs align shareholder and customer interests. If a distributor had a 14% ROE last year, for instance, the ESM might reduce the revenue from regulated services by the value of 100 81 basis points of ROE. ESMs also help keep utility earnings within politically acceptable bounds. On the downside, ESMs do not by themselves guarantee that customers benefit from a PBR plan. Stakeholders may complain if utility earnings fail to reach the sharing range. Failure to reach the sharing range is especially likely when there are low initial rates or a high stretch factor. Stakeholders must also remember that their rates may go up during an earnings shortfall. Another disadvantage of ESMs is that the continued focus on earnings keeps alive inherently controversial issues like utility-affiliate transactions and cost allocations between a utility’s various regulated services and any competitive market services. This can give rise to controversies in ESM implementation hearings. Regulators may anticipate this and deny the company operating flexibility. The effect of ESMs on performance incentives is complicated. Compared to a multiyear plan in which rate restrictions are completely insensitive to a utility’s performance, a plan with an ESM should in theory weaken performance incentives. After all, utility managers have less incentive to improve performance if half of the after-tax benefits go to customers. On the other hand, the practical reality is that the inclusion of an ESM in a plan may encourage interested parties to agree to an extension of the period between plan reviews. ESMs may also help the parties agree to plan termination provisions that have less deleterious incentive consequences. For example, it can be agreed that in the event of any cost based true-up of rates at the end of the plan, a company is entitled to keep its share of any surplus earnings and is not entitled to compensation for its share of surplus losses. The analysis of the impact of ESMs on the direct cost of regulation has a similar flavor. ESMs increase regulatory costs during periods where companies are not otherwise subject to regulatory intervention, such as a multi-year rate plan. For example, with ESMs it may be necessary to compute the cost of regulated services, and therefore to allocate total cost between regulated and 82 unregulated services.69 This effect is offset to the extent that the inclusion of an ESM in a plan can persuade stakeholders to agree to extend the period between formal rate cases. The reasons for the prevalence of ESMs in the approved PBR plans of North American energy utilities and their relative paucity in the PBR plans of telecom utilities merit brief consideration. Two explanations seem plausible. First, cost allocation issues have historically loomed larger for telecom companies than for energy utilities due in part to the greater competitive pressures. Because customers have so many alternatives to utility service, the marketing and cost allocation issues that result from ESMs may be more costly for telecom utilities. A second reason for the discrepancy in the use of ESMs may be the relative novelty of PBR for energy utilities. As noted above, many early PBR plans for telcos featured ESMs, but earnings-sharing in the industry has become rarer over time. Similarly, ESMs may become less common for energy utilities as regulators and parties gain experience with PBR, including better knowledge as to all the costs associated with sharing mechanisms. 7.5 Plan Termination Provisions Plan termination provisions are provisions for what happens to regulation on the occasion of a PBR plan’s termination. These typically involve a formal rate case under both North American and British style index plan design methods. Two issues are salient in the specification of plan termination provisions. One is the plan term, which is the duration of time between formal rate cases. The other is the degree to which rate resets reflect other, external considerations. 69 This is a major concern for telecom utilities, which typically provide extensive regulated and unregulated services from the same facilities. 83 7.5.1 Plan Term Most PBR plans specify the term of their application. Formal rate cases will typically not be held during this term. PRECEDENTS The trend in PBR has clearly been towards plans of longer term. Plans of three year’s duration were typical during the 1990’s. More recently, five year terms have become standard and some plans of considerably longer duration have been approved. Especially noteworthy in this regard are the ten year plans for power distribution services of National Grid in Massachusetts and New York and gas distribution services of Berkshire Gas and Boston Gas in Massachusetts. EVALUATION The rate case typically held at the termination of a plan is an important opportunity to share plan benefits with customers. Thus, short plan terms let customers share in benefits sooner. Short plan terms also reduce business and regulatory risk. This makes them more suitable for businesses undergoing rapid change or for regulatory jurisdictions where there is exceptional risk of unusual stretch factors or initial rate adjustments. On the other hand, plans of longer duration strengthen performance incentives and alleviate concerns about cross-subsidies and novel operating practices that can lead to operating restrictions. Longer terms are especially useful in encouraging initiatives that involve up front costs to achieve long-run efficiency gains. That is one reason why longer plan terms are of interest in PBR plans occasioned by utility mergers. Both of the National Grid plans just mentioned involved mergers. The risk of a longer plan term can be reduced by several other plan provisions, including industry-specific inflation measures, Z-factors, marketing flexibility, and earnings sharing mechanisms. 84 7.5.2 Rate Reset Provisions DESCRIPTION The rate reset provisions of PBR plans can in principle involve widely varying degrees of externalization. At one extreme, rates may be reset entirely on the basis of a rate case and thus reset the company’s rates to its cost and output. At the other, a plan could be reset entirely on the basis of external data. For example, a rate or revenue cap index could be revised only to better reflect the recent unit cost trend of the relevant industry. The middle ground includes a number of possible options. One idea is to set the new rates as an average of the rates resulting from a new rate case and the rates resulting from one year’s continuation of the old PBR mechanism. If the company has been operating under an ESM, another idea is to permit the company to keep its share of surplus earnings. PRECEDENTS Rate cases are a common input into the resetting of rates for energy utilities worldwide. For example, AmerenUE was permitted to keep some surplus earnings under an ESM at the time of a PBR plan update. These permit the company to keep some of the benefits of efforts to engineer long-term performance gains. In Britain and Australia, where rates reflect multi-year cost forecasts, several approved plans provide for companies to keep a share of lower-than-forecasted cost during the next plan. These provisions are some times called “efficiency carryover” mechanisms. EVALUATION Rate reset mechanisms have a major impact on customer benefits from PBR. A rate reset that is based entirely on a rate case passes to customers the full benefit of cost savings achieved. Risk is reduced. Yet rate reset mechanisms also have a major impact on the incentives to make long term performance gains. To the extent that a full cost-based rate trueup is not ensured, performance incentives are strengthened and there are reduced concerns about cross subsidies and novel practices that can lead to 85 operating restrictions. Incentives for initiatives involving up front costs and long term benefits are, once again, especially affected. On the other hand, partial rate resets could prove problematic if the reset occurs when the utility is embarking on a program of major capital investments. 86 7.5.3 Concluding Remarks on PBR Plan Design Our discussion has revealed that many tools are available for the construction of PBR plans for energy utilities. These tools have differential impacts on performance incentives, operating flexibility and customer benefits. It’s challenging to design a plan that strikes the right balance. The benefits from PBR are maximized by plans that generate strong and balanced incentives for a wide array of activities. For example, plans should encourage utilities to strike the right balance of attention between cost containment and service quality. Benefits are typically greater for comprehensive rate or revenue cap plans than for non-comprehensive plans. Benefits are greater for price cap plans with marketing flexibility than for revenue caps, especially when they facilitate better utility marketing. Our analysis has also highlighted the importance of encouraging energy utilities to undertake initiatives that involve up-front cost to achieve long term performance gains. Plan termination provisions play an especially critical role in the incentives for such initiatives. The greater risk of provisions that strengthen such incentives can be offset by more careful attention to eliminating unnecessary sources of operating risk under the plan. Regarding the risk-return balance, careful plan design can help to achieve a risk-return balance that is right for utilities and their customers. Tools that reduce risk without unduly raising concerns about performance incentives and operating practices are especially desirable. For example, an industry-specific input price index can track fluctuations in a company’s input prices better than a macroeconomic output price index. An X-factor based on a regional rather than a national TFP trend may better reflect the realistic expectation for unit cost growth. The Z-factor can reflect changes in government policy and other worrisome external developments. The importance of tailoring plans to fit the circumstances of a utility must also be stressed. When it comes to PBR plan design, one size does not fit all. Utilities vary in their productivity growth expectations, risk exposure, and need for 87 marketing flexibility. Different plans are therefore indicated if all are to properly balance risk, return, and customer benefit considerations. 88 III. PBR FOR POWER TRANSMISSION In the final sections of the report I consider the application of PBR to power transmission. In Section 9, we provide a general discussion of the transmission business and its implications for PBR. There follows in Section 10 a review of precedents for PBR in the United States, Canada, and Australia. We conclude the report in Section 11 with an examination of the situation of HQ TransÉnergie and the potential advantages of a PBR approach to its regulation. 8. THE POWER TRANSMISSION BUSINESS 8.1 Transmission Service Supply Power transmission is the long distance transportation of electricity. Power is moved over stationary conducting lines. These are usually elevated above the ground by towers or poles. In urban areas, however, they are sometimes routed through underground conduits. Transmission is conducted most economically at much higher voltages than those at which power is generated or locally distributed. The transmission business therefore involves an extensive amount of voltage transformation. This occurs at transmission substations, where voltage is raised in preparation for long distance transport or lowered in preparation for local delivery. The operation of transmission grids is extremely complicated. The preservation of system integrity requires that the quantity of power receipts must be matched almost exactly by the quantity of deliveries at each point in time. System integrity can also be jeopardized if power flows at any point on the system exceed available transfer capacity. A transmission system operator must also control the quality of power. The complexity of the task increases with the number of receipt and delivery points and power shippers. 89 The management of power flows and the control of power quality requires sophisticated software and an array of specialized equipment. Power supplies can also be useful. Suppose, for example, that a shipper requests delivery of power across a congested interface. The transmission operator can enable such a trade by inducing an increase in the supply of power in the area of the requested delivery. This can be a cost-effective alternative to additional investments, especially in cases where the congestion is only occasional. Power supplies are also used to balance the system and to control power quality. Power transmission technology is highly capital intensive. The combined cost of conductors, structures, substations, and other transmission plant typically accounts for more than 70% of the total cost of service. This cost share is considerably greater than the corresponding share for power distribution. One reason is that the transmission business involves only large-volume customers so that there is less need for labor-intensive billing cycle and customer information (e.g. call center) services. The relationship of transmission cost to output is another important consideration. In the long run, the important output-related drivers of transmission cost are peak load, distance shipped, and the number of locations at which pickups and deliveries must be made. Load is generally more peaked to the extent that it is ultimately used for either air conditioning or space heating and is not used in interruptible business applications.70 The distance power is shipped depends chiefly on the distance between sources of system supply and demand. It also depends on the tendency of receipt and delivery points to lie along a few linear routes. The number of receipt and delivery points matters because each point requires a substation, much as interstate highway entry and exit requires specialized ramps. The impact of output on transmission cost has a radically different impact in the short run. The great bulk of cost is fixed and fluctuations in volume or peak load often have little impact on cost up to point at which capacity is fully utilized. 90 At that point, system integrity can be compromised in the absence of plant additions. Line losses are the chief variable cost of system operation. These are greater the greater is distance shipped but nonetheless account for only a modest share of total cost over typical transmission distances. The fixedness of most transmission costs in the short run means that productivity growth is thus highly sensitive to output growth that doesn’t tax capacity. Economies of scale can be realized in transmission. Special features of power transmission that encourage scale economies include the coordination problems that would otherwise form long distance trade over more balkanized systems. The benefits of scale economies help to explain why, in many countries, there are far fewer power transmission utilities than distribution utilities. In Canada, for example, transmission is regulated at the provincial level and these regulators typically have oversight over only one transmission utility, which is often sizeable. In Ontario, this contrasts with a responsibility to regulate more than a hundred power distributors. In Britain, there are three power transmission utilities and fourteen power distributors. In the Netherlands, the national regulator has jurisdiction over one transmission utility and more than a dozen distributors. In Australia, the national regulator has oversight over five major transmission utilities. There are around fifteen power distributors in that nation. The intertemporal pattern of investment in power transmission facilities differs considerably from that in gas or electric distribution. Investments in distribution tend to be spread rather evenly over time because the growth of urban areas, where consumption is typically concentrated, involves a horizontal expansion of the area of economic activity into areas that were previously rural. This attribute of distribution is not shared by power transmission. In the populated parts of North America, for instance, a transmission grid spanning the continent was constructed years ago in a flurry of construction that was largely completed by 1970. This grid supported the growth in U.S. power consumption for many years. Transmission construction was also slowed for many years by 70 Extensive use in both air conditioning and space heating in a region tends to reduce load 91 an overbuild in the generation sector of the industry. A rapid increase in transmission construction is foreseen in the coming decade as new power plants are built and the grid is strengthened to support more long distance trade. As in other utility businesses, opportunities exist to outsource certain transmission services. Some tasks can be economically outsourced. Mergers may produce scale economies. New technologies are available for adaptation. These include improved conducting materials and the use of monitoring and communications equipment to permit real-time rating of transmission facilities. 8.2 Transmission Service Demand The demand for power transmission arises chiefly from the fact that it is often efficient to locate generation at sites that are distant from major load centers. This is so for many reasons. • Generation cost is typically lower closer to sources of primal energy such as coal and gas fields and hydropower sites. These locations are often distant from consumption centers. • There are certain economies to be realized from larger generating stations and the capacity of these stations often exceeds local needs.71 • Different regions sometimes have different demand peaks so that it is economical to meet demand peaks in one region from idle generating facilities in another. A good example of this is the trade between eastern Canada and the northeast United States. • Generation in cities involves higher land and labor costs. It can also involve undesirable safety, noise, visual, and air and water quality externalities. Air quality is a special concern with coal and oil-fired generation. Safety is a special concern with nuclear generation. • Transmission can, by facilitating long distance trade, consolidate local power markets into larger and more competitively structured regional 71 peakedness. Large power plants are, for this reason, sometimes called “central” generating stations. 92 markets. This can be a lower cost way to promote low power prices than alternative measures, such as the regulation of rates for generation or the prohibition of local generation concentration. The demand for power transmission differs in important ways from the demand for power distribution. One reason is the greater importance of industrial establishments and other large volume consumers of power in the transmission business. These customers typically account for about one third of North American power consumption. However, they often make little use of utility power distribution services. Some large volume customers generate their own power or take delivery of power at high voltage. In either case, they may bypass the distribution system almost entirely. Others take delivery at subtransmission or primary voltage but undertake local delivery services themselves. In contrast, large volume customers typically make extensive use of transmission systems unless they generate their own power. It follows that the finances of the transmission business are more dependent on the demand of large volume customers than are the finances of the distribution business. These customers often have more elastic demands for delivery services than the residential and small-volume business customers that dominate distribution demand. This is true chiefly because they are more likely to have access to cost-competitive alternatives to the transmission services of the local utility. These alternatives include, most notably, self generation. This alternative is especially cost competitive where the resultant waste heat can be used in the production process of a customer or neighboring establishments. Cost competitive alternatives to the use of a transmission system by a largevolume customer can also include the relocation of output to facilities in other regions where the cost of power is lower. A customer can also have elastic demand if it uses large amounts of power and its operations are economically marginal due to an uncompetitive cost structure or unusually low prices for the products that it makes. 93 Another important difference between the demands for power transmission and distribution is the extensiveness of on-system generation. In contrast to the power (or, for that matter, gas) distribution business, a sizable share of the energy delivered by a typical power transmission system is produced on-system. Extensive facilities are devoted to the receipt of power from on system power plants, including substations and extra line investments. In power exporting regions, a sizable share of EHV capacity is also devoted to the movement of locally generated power. Sensitivity to local generation activity matters because these operations sometimes display considerable demand elasticity and/or volatility. In the short run, generators may or may not produce depending on whether net back prices cover their marginal cost of operation. Production from oil and gas fired generators is especially volatile due to their high marginal cost and the volatility of the fuel prices. The recent dramatic decline of traditional gas fired power generation in Texas is an example. Receipts of power from wind forms are often volatile due to the volatility of wind conditions. In the long run, generating companies can choose the location of their plants as well as their level of operation. Chronically marginal plants may close. While a certain number of plants are bound to be located on a given transmission system, the economics of some projects will be more marginal and hence more sensitive to the expected terms of service. Included in this group may be certain older plants for which owners are considering major life extensions. Customers considering major new investments are naturally concerned about how the terms of service may change over the service life of plants Another difference between the demand for transmission and energy distribution lies in the greater choices that customers sometimes have in routing power shipments. Most power retailers have little choice but to use the local distribution system to affect final delivery. Quite often, the power that an end user consumes enters the distribution system at the nearest receipt point. In the transmission business, however, power merchants can obtain power from 94 numerous locations and can move power produced to numerous locations. In some cases, they also have a choice between alternative routings for shipments between two points. Routing choices can have a significant impact on transmission system use. Demand is hard to predict, as it often depends on regional differences in power prices. Routing decisions can also be sensitive to the offered terms of service. For example, the use of a grid for long distance shipments can be especially sensitive to the transmission charge for that service. So too will be the use of the grid when the shipper has cost competitive routing alternatives. The demand uncertainty and elasticity challenge pertain to components of the grid as well as its overall use. For example, a rebound in local generation can cause disuse of facilities that heretofore had been used for imports. Different transmission services involve quite different costs for the provider. Cost will generally be higher to the extent that shipments involve: • longer distance; • greater use of the system at times and places of peak system use; • more numerous receipt and delivery points; • receipt and delivery points that are distant from major transmission corridors. The differences between the demands for power transmission and distribution that we have discussed here have important implications for utility owners. Demand is more complex and involves greater operating risk. Different service requests can involve markedly different costs. System use is more sensitive to the terms on which services are offered. Sources of significant elasticity include: • large volume users that can self generate, can consume power at alternative locations, and/or are economically marginal • economically marginal generations • generating companies seeking new production sites • shippers with alternative means to ship power between fixed points. 95 In summary, the marketing challenge facing the power transmission business is more like that facing railroads than that facing power distributors. Power marketing performance can substantially reduce system use and thereby reduce the contribution that transmission can make to the North American economy. For example, long distance trade may be unnecessarily discouraged, thereby limiting the competitiveness of bulk power markets. Poor power marketing can also make system use unnecessarily costly. For example, a failure to price deliveries across a congested interface high enough may ultimately resort in additional investment that isn’t warranted. One aspect of power transmission demand that does not differ between power transmission and distribution is the importance of service quality. Electricity is vital to the operation of households and business establishments. An outright failure to deliver power therefore has a high cost to customers. Other dimensions of service quality also matter to customers. For new generators, these include a timely response to requests for connections. The special role of the transmission industry in containing the cost of generation and promoting competition means that the assessment of service quality is more complex than in distribution. It is not enough simply to ensure that the flow of power to distribution substations is uninterrupted. The transmission industry will be judged, additionally, on its ability to accommodate power trades that reduce the cost of generation and promote power market competition. This is not to say that the industry should be expected to execute all shipment requests. The goal is, instead, to be able in the long run to execute shipment requests that have a value to customers that equals or exceeds the cost of service. Useful information on the value of such services can be obtained from examination of inter-regional differences in power prices. 8.3 Implications of Power Transmission PBR The special features of the power transmission business have important implications for the design of an appropriate regulatory system. Consider first the 96 issue of regulatory cost. In Section 2, we made the point that PBR is more advantageous to the extent that it makes possible sizable savings in the cost of effective regulation. COSR is especially costly to the extent that it involves numerous utilities and/or is inherently complex and controversial. In this section we have noted that many regulators have jurisdiction over only a small number of power transmission utilities. On the other hand we have seen that, for many transmission utilities, the effective marketing of transmission services can be quite complex. Utilities can, through their rate and service offerings, encourage customers to use the transmission system in less costly ways. For example, they can be encouraged to build power plants close to existing transmission lines and economize on the use of congested interfaces by buying power or building power plants in load pockets. Tight capacity can be allocated to the highest valued users. The rates and terms of service can also be used to encourage transmission system use. The need for market-responsive terms is especially great in uses that are elastic with respect to rates and other terms of service. Elastic uses of the system include, as we have seen, shipments that involve: • unusually long distances • alternative possible routings • new generation. We have shown that the price cap approach to PBR is extensively used in utility industries that need complex, market-responsive rate and service offerings. This approach is potentially useful in transmission regulation as well. A transmission utility that owns and operates its system, for instance, can be granted greater flexibility to redesign rates for tariffed services and to offer various optional rates and services. The profit motive will encourage them to strike the best balance between the complexity and frequent change of offered terms of service and the desire to use terms to manage system congestion and promote system use. Making revenues dependent on the extent of system use bolsters incentives to maintain or improve service quality. 97 This advantage of price caps is not, however, equally strong in all transmission settings. • System operators that are not independent of market participants may not be eligible for extensive marketing flexibility. • Alternatives to the price cap approach to achieving marketing flexibility are available. These include secondary markets for firm transmission rights and organized markets for power in which prices reflect capacity constraints.72 • A “rough and ready” approach to system rate design can sometimes do an adequate job of achieving essential marketing goals such as the encouragement of price-elastic system uses. • Independent system operators are prevalent in the United States, Australia and parts of Canada. All of these organizations are not-for-profit entities that do not own the grids that they operate. Both conditions limit the effectiveness of financial incentives. • Price caps may, for some transmission utilities, involve an unusual amount of risk for which regulators aren’t prepared to offer appropriate compensation. PBR is also more advantageous to the extent that established PBR mechanisms can be readily and effectively implemented. In Section 2, we commented that the active ingredients for PBR include the combination of external rate adjustment mechanisms and external data using economic reasoning and empirical research. In Section 3, we explained that a major example of this is the North American approach to economic indexing. This works best when the industry productivity growth trend of the recent past can be calculated and is a good predictor of the same trend during the prospective plan period. Certain features of power transmission business complicate the use of this method: 72 Both of these alternatives can, however, be integrated into a price cap framework. 98 • Power transmission is capital intensive and major investments are more sporadic than in power distribution. When major investments are bunched, a transmission utility is therefore likely to experience a temporary surge in unit cost that can cause earnings to plunge absent rate increases. Timely rate hikes can avoid this outcome and reduce utility concerns about the riskiness of relationship specific assets. A British-style approach to indexing can finesse this problem since the price cap index would in this case be sensitive to the pace of expected investment. • The calculating of productivity growth for the calibration of a price cap index is complicated by the fact that such growth is very sensitive to the growth in system use. It can be difficult to identify a productivity trend that is commensurate with the expected growth in system use during the plan period. A British-style approach to indexing can finesse this problem since it is based on an explicit forecast of output growth. • In Section 2, we also commented that the short term advantages of PBR are greater to the extent that a utility can slow its unit cost growth. In this section, we have noted that an unusually high percentage of transmission cost is capital cost. Most of this cost is not controllable in the short run. The short term performance gains from cost containment are thus limited in the transmission business. In Section 9.1, we noted that transmission system operation sometimes involves large expenditures on power. When such purchases are needed they can involve high prices due to local market concentrations, a tight market, and/or the high marginal cost of generation. It is difficult although not impossible to develop a price cap or revenue cap index that provides appropriate compensation for such contingencies. Such costs could be recovered outside of PBR but this would create imbalanced incentive problems. For example, an operator might make excessive power purchases to finesse congestion in order to avoid the cost of an investment that is actually cost effective. 99 9. PRECEDENTS FOR TRANSMISSION PBR 9.1 United States 9.1.1 An Introduction to the FERC Most power transmission services of U.S. electric utilities are subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) in Washington.73 To understand the role of PBR at the FERC, it is helpful to understand some other important dimensions of FERC regulation. We review here three of the main ones. COSR TRADITION The chief responsibility of the FERC and its predecessor agency, the Federal Power Administration (“FPA”), has been to regulate the interstate commerce of U.S. energy utilities. Most U.S. energy utilities are investor owned.74 The FERC and the FPA have together been engaged in the regulation of investor-owned utilities (“IOUs”) for many years. Since, additionally, PBR is a comparatively recent development, the FERC can draw on many years of COSR experience in deciding how to regulate transmission today. Indeed, the FERC and the FPA have over the years been involved in some of the classic court decisions that shaped the development of COSR in the States.75 COMPETITION POLICY Like other Washington regulatory agencies, the FERC has devoted a great deal of time and effort in the last twenty years to the promotion of competition in segments of its jurisdictional industries where competition is 73 74 75 The FERC also regulates U.S. bulk power markets and interstate oil and natural gas transmission. It does not have jurisdiction over power or natural gas retail sales or distribution. Publicly owned utilities (e.g. the Bonneville Power Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, and the Western Area Power Administration) have been established chiefly to produce and transport power from federally-controlled hydropower sites. See, for example, the landmark Supreme Court decision, Federal Power Commission et. al. v. Hope Natural Gas Co. 320 U.S. 591 (1943). 100 feasible. Its efforts to create a competitive interstate market for natural gas have been quite successful. Beginning in the 1980s the Commission induced pipeline companies, through a series of measures, to make unbundled gas transmission services widely available to independent marketers and consumers. The previously dominant and largely non-competitive role of pipelines in the interstate sale of gas was sharply scaled back. State commissions subsequently took the companion measure of inducing local gas distribution companies (“LDCs”) to make unbundled distribution services to large volume customers widely available. The role of LDCs in retail gas sales to these customers was sharply scaled back Since, additionally, the North American gas production industry is competitively structured, the result has been the development of a national wholesale market for gas that is one of the most efficient energy commodity markets in the world. In 1992, the U.S. Congress passed the National Energy Act in 1992. Title VII of the Act required open access to the interstate power transmission system. The FERC, as the chief regulator of U.S. power transmission, was encharged with implementing these provisions. The FERC has encountered many challenges in its efforts to promote bulk power market competition. Most retail sales of power in the United States have traditionally been provided by investor-owned utilities engaged in generation, transmission, and distribution. The typical utility generated most of the power that it sold and located most of its generating plants on its own transmission system. However, IOUs did make some bulk power sales to other IOUs and to municipal and cooperatively owned utilities. A continuation of vertical integration was an obstacle to the development of competitive bulk power markets. Utilities might be loath to purchase power from independent suppliers, thereby reducing the size of the market. Transmission owners (TOs) would sometimes be incented, absent policy restrictions, to deviate from sound transmission operating practices in pursuit of power market goals. For example, a TO might offer transmission services to 101 competing suppliers which, when compared to the terms on which it used its transmission system, involved higher charges and/or inferior quality. Structural measures are available to remedy this problem. For example, utility companies can be induced by some combination of “carrots” and “sticks” to sell or spin off either their generating facilities or their power delivery facilities. Alternatively, they can be induced to transfer their transmission assets to companies with bylaws that make them relatively passive owners76 . The result of such policies would be specialized power transportation utilities that are independent of market participants77. Companies of this kind are called, variously, “transcos” and “independent transmission companies” (“ITCs”). This approach to power industry organization has, for the most part, not been pursued in United States. The fact that most transmission services were provided by IOUs rather than government enterprises is largely responsible. Alternative arrangements were pursued that do not require a forced restructuring. For example, the federal government’s Public Utilities Resource Procurement Act encouraged vertically integrated utilities to purchase more power from independent producers. The FERC has required vertically integrated utilities to offer unbundled power transmission services. Structural separations could, in principle, be urged by some of the fifty state governments or the District of Columbia. It is these governments and not the federal government that decide whether to implement retail power market competition. More than half of the fifty states have, in fact, chosen not to pursue retail competition and none of these states has encouraged a complete structural separation of generation and transmission.78 Most states that have implemented retail competition have not induced such separations either. In these states, which include Connecticut, 76 77 78 Entergy was an earlier advocate of this approach. See their April 1999 petition for a declaratory order in Docket No. EL99-57-000. We use the general term “transportation” since these companies could, in principle, provide distribution as well as transmission services. These are, for the most part, states in which the regulated price of power was not markedly higher than prices in bulk power markets so that the benefits of restructuring seemed insubstantial. Vermont and Wisconsin have encouraged the establishment of specialized transmission utilities but these are owned by utilities involved in generation. 102 Illinois, Ohio, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Texas, utilities have typically transferred their generating plants to unregulated affiliates. Only two transcos have yet been established and both of these operate only in the state of Michigan. It follows from this history that most owners of United States transmission facilities are still extensively involved in power generation. An analogue to this situation in the gas transmission industry would be for a pipeline company to be extensively engaged in the production and sale of natural gas and for its shipments of such gas to account for a sizable share of all supplies that are moved on its system. Under these circumstances, the FERC has encouraged (but not required) utilities that are unwilling to pursue structural separation to place their transmission systems under the control of independent operating organizations. This involves some form of long term contract, which in the States is called a transmission operating agreement. Various approaches to the government of such operating organizations are possible. Independent system operators (“ISOs”) are one option. These are characteristically run by non-profit boards that represent the interests of a range of parties in addition to TOs. For-profit operators are another possibility. Independence is by no means the only complication that the FERC has encountered in its efforts to develop competitive power markets. For one thing, the service territories of most United States utility companies have traditionally been limited to portions of a single state.79 While some consolidation of the industry has occurred in recent years (e.g. the merger of American Electric Power and Central & Southwest), ownership of the United States power transmission grid is still highly balkanized. Long distance shipments of power can then potentially involve serious coordination problems for affected utilities. It can also involve sizable transaction costs for shippers. 79 For example, long- Notable exceptions have included the multi-state transmission systems of Allegheny Power, American Electric Power, Central and Southwest, Northeast Utilities, Pacificorp, and the Southern Company. 103 distance shippers in the early days of open access sometimes paid charges to multiple TOs along the contract path, a phenomenon called rate “pancaking”. The balkanization of service territories has also meant that the United States transmission system is not designed to support large volume, long distance power flows. The capacity to deliver power between regions is in some cases limited, and this can accentuate regional bulk power price disparities. Bulk power prices can be especially high in certain load “pockets” in which the power generation industry is not competitively structured and the ability of power trade to provide price relief is limited. Still another complication in restructuring is the loss of scope economies that were once enjoyed from the vertical integration of generation and transmission. For example, vertical integration encourages the sitting of generating plants and transmission lines where they can reduce the combined cost of generation and transmission. Once transmission and generation functions are separated, pricing policies must be fashioned that encourage the rational sitting of new generating plants and incent transmission owners to make needed investments. The FERC has issued a number of orders in an effort to address these challenges. In a 1996 decision, Order No. 88880, the Commission found that some utilities had engaged in unduly discriminatory and anticompetitive practices in their provision of transmission services. It required utilities to file non- discriminatory open access transmission tariffs and to take transmission service under the same tariff of general applicability as did others. FERC Order 200081, issued in 1999, took the further step of encouraging utilities to place their transmission assets under the control of regional transmission organizations (“RTOs”) that would be independent of power market participants. These organizations would be responsible for both the day to day operation and the longer term investment decisions of the transmission systems 80 FERC Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access Non-discriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities and Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities, Order No. 888 61 FR 21,540 (May 10, 1996). 104 in their region. They would establish the terms of transmission service and be the point of contact for the utility and other shippers. The Order offered some guidelines for RTO development. Of these, the following are especially germane to the development of transmission PBR. • The FERC did not mandate a particular approach to RTO organization. In fact, it explicitly indicated an openness to a range of organizational structures that included ISOs, transcos, and “hybrid” structures in which one or more transcos operated under the direction of ISOs. • A preference was stated for “market mechanisms” rather than administrative curtailment procedures such as transmission loading relief to ease transmission system congestion. While not requiring a specific approach, the FERC noted that two approaches, locational marginal pricing (“LMP”) and tradable firm transmission rights (“FTRs”), appeared to be sound. LMP is an indirect approach to the management of congestion through pricing which involves power markets organized by the system operator. Prices may vary at different points on the system to reflect system transfer constraints. A number of RTO proposals were fielded in compliance with Order 2000. Proposals were eventually approved for the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator (MISO) in 2001, the PJM Interconnection in 2002, ISO New England in 2004, and the Southwest Power Pool in 2005. organizations have an ISO structure.82 All of these ISOs are also operating with FERC blessing but without RTO designation in California, New York, and Texas. While ISOs are ubiquitous, the Commission has retained some interest in for profit system operators. In a 1999 declaratory order, it indicated an openness to the passive ownership approach to Transco organization. In 2001, it conditionally approved the establishment of GridSouth Transco, a for-profit entity 81 82 Regional Transmission Organizations (RM99-2-00) (December 1999) The FERC in fact chose the MISO proposal for the Midwest region over that of a competing transco proposal by the Alliance Companies. 105 that would operate the transmission systems of TOs in the Carolinas.83 In 2002, the FERC conditionally approved the establishment of Grid Florida, a for-profit entity that would operate the transmission systems of some Florida TOs and acquire and operate the systems of others in exchange for a passive ownership interest. All of these initiatives sputtered, however, after the general idea of an RTO performing the functions expected by the FERC (including the management of power markets) proved unpopular in the southeast. The FERC has also sanctioned the establishment within ISOs of for-profit ITCs that lack the scale and scope to be RTOs. Such companies have been allowed to perform certain functions that the RTO would otherwise perform. The general concept of such “hybrid” organizational structures involving subordinate ITCs has been approved by the Commission in decisions concerning the MISO84, SeTrans, and ISO New England85. Two subordinate ITCs, Michigan Electric Transmission Company (“Michigan Transco”) and International Transmission, are now operating. The FERC has, additionally, given its conditional approval to other subordinate ITCs that have either disbanded or have not yet commenced operation. These include the Alliance Gridco, Grid America, Illinois Electric Transmission Company, TRANSlink, and TransConnect. Since the FERC has not mandated RTO participation, the transmission systems in several areas of the United States are still operated by TOs subject to the guidelines in FERC Order 888. The affected regions are the southeastern, south central, southwestern, Rocky Mountain, and northwestern states, as well as Alaska and Hawaii. Virtually all of the TOs in these states have continued their past involvement in generation. MARKETING FLEXIBILITY The FERC has displayed a longstanding interest in granting its jurisdictional utilities a measure of marketing flexibility. This reflects, in part, the 83 84 85 The FERC conditionally approved a similar arrangement for SeTrans Regional Transmission Organization in 1992. 90 FERC 61,192 (2000). 106 FERC 61,032 (2004) 106 fact that many of its jurisdictional utilities serve markets with diverse competitive pressures and seek the production economies that are possible from serving diverse markets from a common set of assets. • Market-based rates are permitted for transmission services where the existence of competitive market pressures can be demonstrated. • The negotiated/resource rates program allows jurisdictional carriers to offer negotiated rates on market-determined terms so long as customers have recourse to a standard rate that has been deemed just and reasonable. • Secondary markets have been encouraged for firm transmission capacity. Under this approach, pricing flexibility is achieved by trade between transmission system users. For example, LDCs sell their surplus rights to use pipelines during the summer months to other gas marketers at a considerable discount. INCREMENTAL PRICING Note, finally, that the FERC has for many years been a practitioner of incremental pricing for new transmission facilities. Under this ratemaking approach, the cost of new facilities may be recovered from the users of those facilities and not “rolled in” to a common cost of service that is recovered from all customers. 9.1.2 PBR at the FERC Washington D.C. has over the years established a reputation as one of the world’s leading centers of PBR innovation. The Interstate Commerce Commission (d/b/a the Surface Transportation Board), and the Federal Communications Commission were amongst the first regulators in the world to implement large scale PBR plans. These two agencies also pioneered the North American approach to rate indexing. This approach involves, as we have seen, research on industry input price and productivity trends. 107 EARLY FERC DECISIONS The FERC and its predecessor agency, the Federal Power Commission, have experimented with many alternatives to COSR over the years. An early and large-scale experiment was the use of “area rates” to regulate the wellhead prices for natural gas sold in interstate commerce. The FERC was driven to experiment with such expedients after it was ordered by the Courts to regulate the prices of tens of thousands of gas wells.86 Around 1990, the Commission began a more systematic review of “incentive rate” options for utility services. The ability of PBR to facilitate marketing flexibility played a prominent role in this review. For example, the Office of Economic Policy (OEP) released a report on incentive ratemaking for gas transmission in 1989. The Staff acknowledged three basic goals of PBR: reductions in pipeline cost, reduced administrative burdens, and improved pipeline pricing and services. With regard to the third goal, staff commented that pipelines presently have little incentive or ability to design demand-responsive rates, market their services aggressively, or seek innovative ways to improve service and minimize cost. An illustrative price cap plan was detailed in the paper. This plan would allow pipelines to negotiate alternative rates with customers and offer new services without Commission approval so long as the pipeline also offered certificated services at the indexed, FERC-approved rates. Despite identifying certain advantages of PBR, staff stressed that incentive regulation should be voluntary since “there is no consensus on a preferred approach, nor a general agreement on how successful the various programs have been in achieving efficiency. In March of 1992 the FERC launched a generic hearing on PBR.87 A final policy statement was issued in October 1992.88 The Commission maintained that it “is not required to follow any specific type of ratemaking formula and is not 86 87 88 Federal legislation ultimately resulted in the decontrol of these prices. FERC, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Incentive Regulation, Docket No. PL92-1-000 (March 13, 1992). FERC, Incentive Ratemaking for Interstate Natural Gas Pipelines, Oil Pipelines, and Electric Utilities, Decision No. PL92-1-000 (October 30, 1992). 108 limited to designing rates for the utilities it regulates based on traditional cost of service ratemaking”. The appraisal of PBR was generally positive. The FERC commented that “incentive ratemaking is an alternative regulatory mechanism that can reward utilities for efficiency and benefit customers with lower rates”. It emphasized the multi-dimensional character of efficiency, stating that Utilities should operate at optimal levels, allocate services efficiently, invest only when economically justified, and capture expanding markets…The Commission remains committed to adopting regulation that promotes efficient use of existing facilities, efficient investment choices, and aggressive marketing. Perhaps the most striking feature of the 1992 document was the tough standards that the FERC enunciated for PBR plan approval. Most importantly, it required a quantification of the benefits of PBR relative to continued COSR. This standard greatly complicated PBR filings, not least of all because it seemed to require the presentation of cost of service evidence. In 1995, the FERC approved a settlement agreement that established a multi-year rate indexing plan for the current customers of Transwestern Pipeline Company.89 This settlement avoided prolonged litigation that would have arisen if Transwestern had filed for a general rate increase to reallocate costs attributable to the relinquishment of a large block of capacity by a major Transwestern customer, Southern California Gas. This is a good example of the use of PBR to avoid an awkward application of COSR. In 1995, the FERC approved five-year price cap plans for jurisdictional oil product pipelines under the mandate of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. These plans featured marketing flexibility and a price cap index. The plans were updated in the year 2000. 1995 was also the year in which the FERC began a generic proceeding on alternatives to traditional cost of service ratemaking for natural gas pipelines. A 89 72 FERC 61,985 (1995). 109 policy statement was issued in this proceeding in 1996.90 The most noteworthy development on the PBR front was the replacement of the standard that plan benefits be quantified with the more workable standard that the benefits of PBR be shared. Apart from the oil pipeline plans which, as noted above, were mandated by law, formal PBR proposals to the FERC were rare before Order 2000. A few plans were proposed by gas pipeline companies (including Florida Gas Transmission91, Viking Gas Transmission, and Northern Natural Gas) and rejected by the FERC. A plan featuring an index-based cap on allowed O&M expenses was approved for El Paso Natural Gas in 1998. Several reasons may be ventured for the paucity of FERC-approved PBR plans during this period. One is that this was a period of generally slow input price growth. This situation helped companies to stay out of rate cases without recourse to formal PBR. A related circumstance is that incremental pricing often separated the regulation of older assets and capacity additions. Slow growth in the rate base for older assets also reduced the need for rate cases. Difficult evidentiary requirements for FERC PBR filings in the early 1990s have already been noted. The marketing flexibility provisions of FERC policy reduced the need for PBR. These provisions included, as noted above, negotiated rates, market based rates, and secondary markets for transmission capacity. ORDER 2000 Order 2000 devoted considerable attention to the issue of “innovative ratemaking” practices”. The term “innovative ratemaking” was intended to encompass PBR and various of other ratemaking reforms that include “innovative pricing”. We discuss PBR and innovative pricing in turn. Regarding PBR, the Commission concluded that it can provide “significant benefits” over COSR and encouraged its consideration by RTOs. It expressed a 90 91 FERC, Statement of Policy and Request for Comments, Docket No. RM95-6-000, RM96-7000 (January 31, 1996). For FGT see Docket Nos. RP91-197 and RP95-103. For Northern Natural see Docket No. RP00-152-000, 90 FERC 61,064. 110 willingness to consider various PBR plan design features. Approaches discussed in the NOPR include rate moratoriums and other kinds of rate caps, revenue caps, and performance standards (benchmarks). Despite the advantages, the Commission stated at 541 that “there is almost no support for making PBR mandatory, and we therefore will not require RTO filings to include PBR proposals, although we encourage such proposals”. The Commission traced at 544-546 some principles for the design of PBR plan. Plans should be comprehensive, symmetrical, share benefits with customers, and should not compromise reliability. With regard to who is eligible to operate under PBR, the Commission stated at 506 that innovative rate treatments should be made by RTOs. The Commission further stated at 542 that in the context of an ISO or a tiered ISO/Transco that has been described by some commentators, the activities that contribute to performance may be shared between the RTO and the transmission owners… the RTO design would simply ensure that the rewards and penalties associated with the activities performed by transmission owners would flow through to the owners to achieve the desired results. In addition to PBR measures, the FERC indicated in Order 2000 a willingness to consider certain innovative pricing provisions for TOs that are members of approved RTOs. The provisions sanctioned include: “formula rates” (which decouple a TO’s earnings from its own equity valuation); the continued use of (presumably favorable) older rates or authorized rates of return; “levelized rates” (which recover all capital costs through a uniform payment over the life of an asset); and accelerated depreciation on new investments. By way of rationale for these provisions, the Commission stated a desire to remove the “pricing disincentives” to RTO participation. Prominent among these disincentives are the risks involved in ceding control over transmission assets (e.g. planning and expansion decisions) to an RTO. The Commission also acknowledged miscellaneous risks that are encountered in a world of unbundled transmission. It is not clear in the Order why the consideration of 111 these risks would not be a normal part of ongoing COSR. The possibility is thus raised that the FERC was threatening to withhold a fair ROE from firms that did not participate in RTOs. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: PBR PBR ideas were discussed in the Order 2000 compliance filings of several TO groups. Most of these proposals were non-specific. In the year 2000, the FERC conditionally approved a PBR plan for International Transmission.92 This plan involved a four-year rate moratorium.93 However, delays in the spin-off of International Transmission and in its participation in an RTO subsequently delayed the start of the plan and significantly shortened its term. In 2001 the FERC issued three decisions that clarified the nature of acceptable PBR proposals for TOs. In a decision involving Southern Company Services94 it found that PBR incentives are acceptable that motivate the grid operator to perform in response to the market and to improve grid operation… In other words, we would accept those incentives that are properly configured in that they reward the grid operator and decisionmaker for improved grid performance. Incentives are not acceptable that would flow to the transmission owners who, because they are proposed to be passive owners of the RTO, do not make any incentives regarding grid operation. Simply put, it is inappropriate to send a price signal to a passive owner that cannot respond to a price signal.95 This decision was controversial inasmuch as PBR could in principle be used to elicit better investment and cost management performances from passive TOs. In fashioning this policy, the FERC may therefore have revealed a willingness to use PBR as ”candy” to promote structural change in the transmission business. 92 93 94 95 92 FERC 61,276. The company also requested some operating flexibility during the moratorium period. Specifically, reserved the right to introduce new, innovative, and optional transmission products and services on a pilot program basis and to pursue market-based transmission projects. 94 FERC 61,271 (2001) The Southern Company filing was, in any event, unacceptable on other grounds as well and was rejected. 112 It also showed a certain nonchalance concerning the issue of transmission cost containment. In a 2001 decision involving RTO West96, the Commission addressed a PBR proposal of TransConnect, a proposed subordinate Transco. It noted that under Order 2000 the RTO, as the sole administrator of the transmission tariff for the region, has the exclusive authority to file the rates for service under that tariff. TOs are entitled only to make Section 205 filings with the FERC to recover the costs that they incur under RTO operation. When a TO is independent of market participants but is not the RTO, it can include in such revenue requirement filings a request for PBR and other incentive-oriented rate recovery mechanisms. However, such incentive provisions must reward or penalize the transmission owners for actions that they control (e.g. incentives to reduce operating and maintenance costs or incentives to expand the grid). The FERC later addressed the PBR provisions of a TransConnect rate filing, accepting some and rejecting others.97 However, TransConnect never became an operational utility. In a 2001 order provisionally granting RTO status to PJM98, the FERC rejected a PBR proposal by PJM TOs on the grounds that most of these companies lacked the requisite independence characteristics and that TOs are not, in any event, authorized to make rate filings under Order 2000. A request for rehearing was denied.99 PBR ideas advanced by Entergy in its Order 2000 compliance filing were not addressed by the FERC when it rejected the filing for other reasons in 2001.100 Entergy’s 2004 proposal to contract with an Independent Coordinator of Transmission has no PBR content. In 2002, the FERC conditionally approved a PBR proposal of Michigan Electric Transmission Company (“METC”). The conditionally approved plan froze the company‘s currently effective rates for approximately three years. 96 97 98 99 100 Avista Corporation et al, 95 FERC 61,114 (2001). 100 FERC 61,297 (2002). PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. et al. 96 FERC 61,061 (2001) 101 FERC 61,345 (2002).. 96 FERC 61,062 (2001). 113 Additionally, the company was allowed to recover, on a deferred basis over five years beginning at the end of the plan, the annual cost (depreciation and return on investment) of any new transmission facilities incurred from Jan. 1, 20001 though December 31, 2005. METC had noted in its filing the need for substantial capital spending. The November 2005 notice of proposed rulemaking on incentive-based rate treatments, discussed further below, contains a section on PBR. The FERC states at 34 that Because it is difficult to observe directly the level of effort a utility, transmission company, ISO or RTO expends on cutting costs and improving efficiency, performance-based regulation may provide a valuable tool to motivate transmission entities to maintain and operate their systems reliably and efficiently. It notes that “common performance-based models” include price-cap regulation, targeted incentives, and “benchmark incentives which establish rewards based on the performance of a reference group performing similar activities.” The characterization of this latter “model” as common is surprising since incentive mechanisms of this kind are in fact fairly rare in PBR. The discussion of PBR is also noteworthy for not restating that PBR was reserved for companies that are independent of market participants. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: INNOVATIVE PRICING Progress on the innovative pricing front has been somewhat greater. In 2002, the FERC granted a 50 basis point ROE premium to TOs that participate in the MISO.101 Its stated policy reason was “the level of operating independence that the Midwest ISO provides”. This decision was appealed by the Public Service Commission of Kentucky to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In 2005 the Court remanded the decision to the FERC for reconsideration.102 101 102 100 FERC 61,292 (2002). See U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Kentucky v FERC, February 2005. The opinion was written by John Roberts, who has since become Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. 114 In January of 2003, the FERC issued a notice of proposed policy statement on innovative rate making.103 This paper has come to be known as the transmission pricing policy statement. It advanced for discussion the following specific innovative pricing measures: • A generic 50 basis point adder to the allowed ROE of all transmission facilities transferred to a FERC-approved RTO. • A lump-sum revenue requirement adder equal to an additional 150 basis points for the transferred facilities of any utility that participates in an RTO and meets the FERC’s independent ownership requirement. • A generic 100 basis point ROE adder for “investment in new transmission facilities “which are found appropriate pursuant to an RTO planning process”. A deadline of 31 December 2004 was proposed to qualify for these measures. In February 2003, the FERC approved a 100 basis point adder to the allowed ROE of International Transmission, as well as a favorable debt/equity ratio. In November 2003, it approved the same adder to the allowed ROE of METC and permitted a formulaic debt/equity ratio.104 In explaining these decisions it stated that the Commission has granted certain rate treatments to transmission owners in consideration for the benefits achieved by establishing fully independent ownership and operation of transmission. In 2000, the FERC approved certain innovative pricing provisions for American Transmission Company.105 The treatment of investment cost in COSR was changed in two respects: the value of construction work in progress was allowed to be included in the rate base (where it can earn a rate of return) and pre-certification costs related to construction projects are now expensed. The 103 104 105 FERC, Proposed Pricing Policy for Efficient Operation and Expansion of the Power Grid, Docket No. PL03-1-00, 102 FERC 61,032. 105 FERC 61,214 (2003). 107 FERC 61,117 (2004). 115 company was, additionally, permitted a formulaic 50/50 debt/equity capital structure for purposes of calculating the allowed rate of return. The FERC notes at 2 of its order that ATC requested these modifications as alternative incentives to the ROE basis point incentive adders outlined in the Commission’s Proposed Pricing Policy Statement. ATC requested these alternative incentives to facilitate the financing of approximately $2.3 to $2.8 billion in new transmission facility construction over the next ten years. The FERC also approved in 2005 a 50 basis point incentive adder to the ROE component recovered in RTO-New England’s rates for regional network service. In the same order it accepted subject to suspension, hearing, and the application of any future and more definitive pricing policy statement a proposed 100 basis point adder for new transmission investment. In a follow up order106 the FERC clarified the kinds of new investments that would be eligible for this adder.107 It also addressed the reasonableness of granting ROE premia, stating at 67 that A return on equity is not susceptible to precise calculation. It is based, rather, on a range of reasonable returns, which take into account a number of factors that may be both cost-related and policy related, including business risk factors. In this context, it is appropriate for the Commission to adjust the allowed return for Transmission Owners that undertake commitments designed to enhance the overall competitiveness and efficiency of the wholesale markets, so long as the resulting rate of return is within the range of reasonable returns. In June 2005, the Commission issued an order on remand concerning the 50-basis point adder to the allowed ROEs of TOs that participate in the Midwest ISO. It vacated its prior decision to offer the adder, while observing that the ISO 106 107 109 FERC 61,147 (2004). The Commission states at 66 that the adder would pertain to investments “that, among other things: (1) are approved through the RTEP process; (ii) are capable of being installed relatively quickly; (iii) include the use of improved materials that allow significant increases in transfer capacity using existing rights-of-way and structures; (iv) utilize equipment that allows greater control of energy flows, enabling greater use of existing facilities; (v) has sophisticated monitoring and communications equipment that allows real-time rating of transmission facilities, facilitating greater use of existing facilities; or (vi) is a new technology or innovation that will increase regional transfer capacity. 116 or its TOs can make a filing to include an incentive adder. The Commission stated at 3 that we continue to believe that implementation of incentives to encourage participation by transmission owners in a regional transmission organization (RTO) such as the Midwest ISO is sound public policy. In late June of 2005, the FERC issued a policy statement to clarify the passive ownership structures for transmission utilities that could qualify them for ITC status and thereby make them eligible for innovative rate treatments. The Commission stated that it would be willing to accept proposals from ITCs which have market participants as passive minority equity holders. This decision indicated renewed interest in the Transco approach to industry organization. Title XII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, titled the Electricity Modernization Act of 2005108, contains a section on transmission “rate reform”. Section 219 of the Act gives the FERC one year to establish, by rule, incentive-based (including performance-based) rate treatments for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce by public utilities for the purpose of benefiting consumers by ensuring reliability and reducing the cost of delivered power by reducing transmission congestion. The chief goal of the section seems to be the promotion of transmission investment. In Subsection (a), the promotion of investment, the provision of “a return on equity that attracts new investment”, and the deployment of new technologies (which presumably involve investment) are explicitly stated goals. In subsection (c) it is stated that the Commission shall, to the extent within its jurisdiction, provide for incentives for each transmitting utility or electric utility that joins a Transmission Organization. The Act strengthens the ability of the FERC to offer innovative pricing benefits to utilities that participate in RTOs and perhaps other kinds of “transmission organizations”. It may also push the FERC to change its policy and allow passive TOs to operate under PBR. 117 On November 18, the FERC issued a notice of proposed rulemaking entitled Promoting Transmission Investment Through Pricing Reform.109 It proposes to amend its regulations concerning incentive-based rate treatments for power transmission. A key feature of the NOPR is an expressed willingness to reconsider the ratemaking treatment of new transmission investments by all utilities in light of the restructuring of the industry. This is an important clarification in policy. Measures under consideration include • An ROE “sufficient to attract new investment” • Inclusion of prudently incurred CWIP in rate base • Expensing of pre-commercial operations costs • Reduced risk of stranded transmission cost • Accelerated depreciation • Deferred recovery of new facility costs for utilities subject to retail rate moratoria The FERC, additionally, proposed to offer an ROE premium for ITCs, for TOs that participate in RTOs and other ISOs, and for investments in advanced technologies. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS: SERVICE QUALITY The regulation of transmission service quality received increasing attention in the States following a regional transmission outage in 2003 which, apparently, originated in the system of a MISO utility. The FERC has not traditionally played a direct role in transmission service quality regulation. Oversight has instead been exercised chiefly by the North American Electric Reliability Council (“NERC”), a voluntary association that includes most U.S. electric utilities. The NERC established Operating Policies and Planning Standards that provide voluntary guidelines for operating and planning the transmission system. 108 109 In 2005 the NERC adopted a comprehensive set of H.R.6, Title XII, 109th Congress (2005) 113 FERC 61,182 (November 2005). 118 measurable reliability standards. However, these standards are also voluntary and are not coupled with mandatory enforcement penalties. Section 1211 of the EPAct contains amendments to the Federal Power Act that address reliability regulation. The most critical provisions are as follows. • The FERC is authorized to certify and regulate an Electric Reliability Organization (“ERO”) “the purpose of which is to establish and enforce reliability standards for its bulk power system”. • The term reliability standards “includes requirements for the operation of the existing bulk power system facilities…and the design of planned additions or modifications to such facilities to the extent necessary to provide for reliable operation.” This language suggests that regulation may focus on quality management practices as much or more than quality management outcomes. • The Act defines the term ‘reliable operation’ as “operating the elements of the bulk power system within equipment and electric system thermal, voltage, and stability limits so that instability, uncontrolled separation, or cascading failures of such system will not occur.” This language suggests that the ERO will focus primarily and even exclusively on traditional reliability concerns and not on other dimensions of transmission service quality, such as congestion management and the promptness of responses to service requests. • The ERO is authorized to “impose…a penalty on a user or owner or operator of the bulk power system for a violation of a reliability standard approved by the Commission”. • Reliability organizations established under the terms of the Act must be independent of the users and owners and operators of the bulk power system. However, they cannot be departments, agencies, or instrumentalities of the federal government. This language prevents the FERC and RTOs from performing most duties of the ERO and, indeed, makes RTO activities a subject for ERO scrutiny. The Act also seems, to 119 encourage the assignment of the job to an organization that evolves from the present NERC. • The FERC is, however, given considerable power over the ERO including, in addition to the power of certification, the power to approve or reject reliability standards and penalties and to issue its own penalties. • The regulatory process provided for under the act is cumbersome. Consider, for example, the guidelines for penalties. The Act states that the ERO can make a penalty finding “after notice and an opportunity for a hearing.” Such penalties are subject to review by the Commission on its own motion or upon application by the party that is subject to the penalty. A Commission review requires “notice and opportunity for a hearing (which hearing may consist solely of the record before the ERO and opportunity for the presentation of supporting reasons to affirm, modify, or set aside a penalty)”. The Act also provides for the establishment of regional advisory bodies to council the ERO. The FERC issued a set of proposed rules concerning the certification and regulation of the ERO in a September 2005 notice.110 The proposed rules are, for the most part, a straightforward implementation of the guidelines provided in the act. The envisioned regulatory system is even more cumbersome than that detailed in the Act. The Commission states at 19, for instance, that it “generally anticipates that it will provide notice and opportunity for hearing of any proposed Reliability Standard or a modification to a Reliability Standard”. The Commission also proposes to “by order affirm, set aside, or modify” each and every penalty. 110 112 FERC 61,239 (2005). 120 The Commission provides useful guidance as to the nature of penalties, stating that Any penalty imposed for a violation of a Reliability Standard shall bear a reasonable relation to the seriousness of the violation and shall take into consideration efforts of such user, owner, or operator of the bulk power system to remedy violation in a timely manner. The imposition of penalties is not limited to monetary penalties and may include, but is not limited to, limitations on activities, functions, operations, and other appropriate sanctions, including the establishment of a reliability watch list. CONCLUSION We conclude from this review of FERC policy and its relevance for HQ TransÉnergie that there has to date been essentially no use PBR in the regulation of United States power transmission. This outcome is the result of a complex set of factors that includes the following. • Most TOs in the States are not independent of market participants. Given the FERC’s policy over several years to use PBR as a reward for independence, this has meant that the vast majority of TOs did not qualified to operate under PBR. • Independent organizations such as ISO New England now control the transmission systems serving most of the U.S. economy and these organizations are eligible for PBR. However, all of these entities are of non-profit character, are not owners of transmission systems, and could experience substantial operating risk under PBR, and have not proposed to operate under PBR. • The FERC has devoted immense time and effort to the development and monitoring of organized power markets which could otherwise have gone to the refinement of TO regulation. Malfunction of an ISO-managed market in California was a particular distraction. • In the case of transmission services for the retail loads of vertically integrated utilities the FERC share jurisdiction with state regulators. It is not clear what happens if the FERC opts for PBR but state regulators prefer a continuation of COSR. 121 • A major issue before the FERC is who should pay for new investments that are needed to promote long distance trade but are not currently needed for native load service. It is not yet clear how existing PBR mechanisms would be adapted to deal with this situation. • The ability of PBR to facilitate marketing flexibility is a potential advantage in power transmission regulation. However, the FERC has developed a pro forma tariff for unbundled power transmission that does a rough and ready job of offering low rates for the chief price elastic use: point to point services. Furthermore, the Commission has encouraged approaches to congestion management (e.g. LMP) and transmission ratemaking (e.g. incremental pricing and secondary capacity markets) that do not dovetail easily with the traditional price cap approach to marketing flexibility and are to some degree substitutes for it. • The FERC is clearly preoccupied right now with the stimulation of transmission system investment. It has been slow to address how the ROE needed to attract investment has been changed by its restructuring initiative. Attention to the establishment of an appropriate risk return balance that calls forth needed investment is understandable. PBR is not a remedy for an underinvestment problem given the strong incentives that it provides for cost containment; the fact that PBR generally increases operating risk; and the fact that “bunched” investments are difficult to accommodate under the North American approach to index-based PBR. • United States transmission operators are in most cases IOUs that have long operated under COSR. Many and perhaps most have not been involved in a rate case for transmission assets for many years. Recall also, that O&M expenses account for only a small share of the cost of power transmission. These conditions reduce the potential for rapid performance gains from transmission PBR that might exist with a state enterprise or a recently privatized utility. 122 It is also important to note that the rate of return premia and other inducements that the FERC discusses under the heading of incentive ratemaking are not a customary form of PBR and are not applicable to HQ TransÉnergie. HQ TransÉnergie is already an ITC, is not controlled by an independent system operator, and does not face an unusual risk of cost recovery. PBR is generally about improved performance that enables utilities to offer lower rates than would be possible under COSR. 9.2 Canada 9.2.1 Jurisdiction Regulation of the Canadian power industry occurs chiefly at the provincial level. The National Energy Board plays a much smaller role in power transmission regulation than its U.S. counterpart. Important differences exist in provincial approaches to regulation. Power transmission service in Canada is provided chiefly by provinciallyowned utilities. Most or all of the provinces with these utilities have moved to make them operate more like IOUs. These utilities have been subject to increasingly close oversight by provincial regulators. IOUs predominate in the electric utility industries of Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island and continue to own most transmission facilities in these provinces. 9.2.2 Industry Structure Policymakers in most Canadian provinces have in recent years required utilities to offer unbundled transportation services. These efforts have been motivated in part by a desire to promote power market competition and in part by a desire to facilitate exports to the United States by conforming to FERC guidelines laid forth in Order 888 and other decisions. Prior to these unbundling initiatives, all of the large transmission providers were also extensively involved in power generation. This has inevitably lead to concerns about independence 123 when transmission services were unbundled. different solutions to this challenge. The provinces have pursued The context in Québec is presented in Section 11. ALBERTA Transmission services in Alberta were for many years provided by a trio of vertically integrated IOUs. After a provincial initiative to promote wholesale market competition, all three of these companies continued to own and operate generating plants in the province. However, one company spun off its sizable transmission system and this became an independent transmission utility (AltaLink). Another company established a specialized transmission subsidiary (EPCOR Transmission). The province established a power pool and engaged a for-profit entity (ESBI) for several years to be Alberta’s “transmission administrator”. Both functions have since been provided by an independent entity, the Alberta Electric System Operator. The TOs continue to perform many O&M functions. BRITISH COLUMBIA In British Columbia, transmission service was for many years provided chiefly by a vertically integrated government-owned corporation, BC Hydro. A separate corporation, BC Power Transmission, was established recently to operate BC Hydro’s facilities. It owns control centers and certain other system operation assets. However, BC Hydro still owns the grid and also provides many O&M services to BCTC under contract. MANITOBA In Manitoba, generation and transmission service has for many years been provided by a vertically integrated government-owned corporation, Manitoba Hydro. An unbundled transmission tariff was first established in 1997. The transmission function is separated from other business functions and bills the other business units for the use of the transmission facilities. 124 NEW BRUNSWICK In New Brunswick, transmission services were for many years provided by a vertically integrated utility, New Brunswick Power. An OATT was approved for the company in 2003. The transmission assets have since been transferred to a specialized subsidiary, New Brunswick Power Transmission. This company performs many O&M functions, but tariff design and implementation are now undertaken by a new independent entity, the New Brunswick System Operator. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Power transmission service in Newfoundland and Labrador is provided chiefly by two vertically integrated utilities: Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, a government-owned corporation, and Newfoundand Power, an IOU. These companies do not trade with the United States and power transmission is not separately regulated. Nova Scotia In Nova Scotia, power transmission services are still provided by a vertically integrated IOU, Nova Scotia Power (d/b/a NSPI). approved for the company in 2005. An OATT was The company operates the grid and administers the tariff. ONTARIO In Ontario a government-owned corporation, Ontario Hydro, for many years provided most generation and transmission services in the province. The province undertook a radical restructuring that placed power transmission operations in a specialized power delivery utility, Hydro One Networks. Hydro One is unaffiliated with any generating company but the province, which owns 100% of Hydro One, still owns extensive generation capacity in the province.. The Ontario power grid is now operated by the Independent Market Operator. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Transmission service on Prince Edward Island is provided by Maritime Electric, a vertically integrated IOU. 125 Saskatchewan In Saskatchewan, generation and transmission has for many years been provided by SaskPower, a government-owned corporation. The Company now provides power transmission services under an OATT. Functional independence was promoted in 2001 by the establishment of a subsidiary company, North Point, to perform certain generation, load management, and marketing services. 9.2.3 Regulatory System ALBERTA Transmission utilities are regulated in Alberta by the Energy Utilities Board (“EUB”). This Board must approve the transmission facility owner (TFO) tariffs that TOs file with the transmission administrator. These are essentially revenue requirement applications and do not concern the rates charged to transmission system users. The EUB has experimented with PBR in decisions concerning ATCO Gas and NOVA Gas Transmission. However, it has generally followed a cost of service approach to the regulation of the power industry, and uses COSR to regulate the TFO applications. ETI expressed an interest in PBR in its first TFO application, and began monitoring a set of performance measures. An Alberta Transmission Reliability Committee chaired by the transmission administrator and comprised of industry stakeholders has considered the development of a set of performance standards for the transmission system in Alberta. BRITISH COLUMBIA Energy utility regulation in British Columbia is conducted by the BC Utilities Commission. This Commission has in the past regulated two provincial utilities − Terasen Gas and West Kootenay Power using PBR. BC Hydro has to date been reviewed using only conventional rate cases. BCTC also operates under COSR and plans to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. Since the rate base of the company is small relative to its operating cost, 126 PBR could involve extreme operating risk. However, the Commission has directed BCTC to begin monitoring a series of reliability and performance indices and to report on these indices in its annual capital plan reports. MANITOBA Manitoba Hydro is regulated by the Manitoba Public Utilities Board. The PUB uses a COSR approach to regulation. However, Manitoba Hydro has operated for extended periods without rate increases. A rate case was concluded most recently in 2004 that resulted in a 5% rate hike. The Company’s OATT is based on the FERC pro-forma OATT. NEW BRUNSWICK The New Brunswick Board of Commissioner of Public Utilities has traditionally used COSR to regulate electric utilities. Its regulation of New Brunswick Power Transmission does involve one PBR-style innovation, an ROE range. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR Newfoundland utilities are subject to the jurisdiction of the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Commissioners of Public Utilities. The Board uses a largely traditional COSR approach to regulation. Rate cases were recently concluded for both of the transmission service providers. One innovation with a PBR flavor was the use of an annual adjustment formula for the rate of return which uses bond yields in Canadian capital markets.. NOVA SCOTIA The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board regulates NSPI using COSR. The Company’s most recent rate case for NSPI was filed in 2004 and completed this year. ONTARIO The Ontario Energy Board has in the past experimented with index-based PBR for its jurisdictional power and gas distribution utilities. Its interest in PBR for power distribution has been spurred in part by its responsibility to regulate more than 100 distributors. Consumers Gas and Union Gas have also been 127 regulated using PBR. Their interest in PBR is spurred in part by the fact that these companies have in recent years experienced slow growth in volumes per customer. This has slowed productivity growth and induced them to file frequent rate cases. The OEB has indicated a desire to continue with PBR regulation of gas distribution. The transmission operations of Hydro One have never been subject to PBR. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Maritime Electric is regulated by the Prince Edward Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. The company operated for several years under a plan that set rates at 110% of the equivalent rates that New Brunswick Power charged for similar service in New Brunswick. In December 2003, the Government of Prince Edward Island passed legislation returning Maritime Electric to traditional cost of service regulation. SASKATCHEWAN Rate proposals of SaskPower are reviewed by the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel and must ultimately be approved by the provincial cabinet. A COSR approach to regulation is used. The most recent rate case was held in 2004. ANALYSIS COSR is used almost exclusively in the regulation of power transmission in Canada. The analysis developed in this paper provides some persuasive theories as to why Canadian regulators have not as yet made extensive use of PBR. • Most provincial regulators have jurisdiction over only a few utilities. This sharply reduces the potential regulatory cost savings from transmission PBR. • Most transmission owners have been subject to COSR for some time, and several have operated for extended periods in the past decade without rate hikes. Considering as well the small share of O&M expenses in 128 transmission cost there is not much likelihood that PBR would trigger large short-run gains in operating efficiency. • Major investments are expected in the transmission systems of several provinces (e.g. Alberta & BC) in the next few years. We have seen that these are difficult to accommodate under some popular forms of PBR. • The transmission systems in Alberta, Ontario, and New Brunswick are now operated by independent, non-profit entities. This precludes the traditional use of PBR to afford greater system operators greater marketing flexibility. Utilities in many other provinces lack the independence to be permitted extensive marketing flexibility. • The data required for the calculation of historical industry productivity trends are not readily available. 9.3 Australia 9.3.1 Industry Structure Power transmission in Australia was for many years provided by vertically integrated utilities with monopolies on service in a particular state. In some states (e.g. Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and Western Australia) this utility provided generation, transmission, and distribution services. In others (e.g. New South Wales and Queensland) it provided only generation and transmission services, and distribution was carried out by other utilities. All of the vertically integrated utilities were state enterprises in the mid1990s. This facilitated a radical restructuring of the Australian power industry in that decade under the terms of the National Electricity Law. Today, each state has several competing generation businesses, several power distributors, and a single monopoly transmission business. The transcos and their respective states are as follows: • New South Wales − Transgrid • Queensland − Powerlink Queensland 129 • South Australia − ElectraNet • Tasmania − Transend • Victoria − SPI Powernet Only two states (e.g. Victoria and South Australia) have elected to privatize their transcos. This means that in several states, the government is a common owner of generation and transmission facilities. A public enterprise, the National Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO), has been established to operate the interstate transmission system and a power pool called the National Electricity Market. These restructuring measures have encouraged regional trade flows for which the transmission system was not designed. This has given rise to substantial transmission system investments in recent years. 9.3.2 Transmission Regulation Prior to restructuring, regulation of Australian utilities was fairly informal. Future rates were often agreed to in meetings between senior utility managers and government officials. After restructuring, the transmission utilities were regulated for several years by state regulators. They were then transferred to the jurisdiction of the Australia Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). They are now regulated by a unit of the ACCC known as the Australian Energy Regulator. Because the transmission system is operated by an ISO, the regulation of transmission utilities pertains chiefly to their revenue requirement for capital ownership and routine O&M. This sidesteps the issue of how accelerated regional power flows should affect the rate trajectory. employed to revenue requirement regulation. A PBR approach is Rate plans typically have a duration of five years. British-style revenue cap indexing is commonly employed. This means that the revenue cap index for each utility is specific to expectations regard its capital investments and other costs during the plan period. 130 Extensive new transmission system investments are underway in Australia to support expanded long distance trade. The expected investments of different transmission companies vary greatly. Since indexing is British-style, the X factors of the revenue cap indexes vary greatly. Here are the most recent values. Company X-factor Indexing Formula Approval Date Electranet 0.00 CPI – 0.00 December 2002 Energy Australia 1.30 CPI - 1.30 January 2000 Powerlink Queensland -6.70 CPI + 6.70 November 2001 SPI Power Net -0.77 CPI + 0.77 December 2002 Transgrid -1.30 CPI + 1.30 January 2000 Notice that three of the five X-factors are negative so that index growth exceeds CPI growth. The following considerations help to explain the use of PBR to regulate power transmission utilities in Australia. • Regulators lacked long experience with COSR, and so incurred no special start up costs in adopting the form of regulation prevalent in Britain. • The British approach to PBR, in any event, has a solid cost of service foundation and is especially well suited to accommodating large scale capital investments. • All of the transmission utilities had in the recent past been state enterprises, which raised hopes concerning short run performance gains. 131 10. PBR FOR HQ TRANSÉNERGIE 10.1 Features of Québec’s Transmission Industry 10.1.1 HQ TransÉnergie HQ TransÉnergie as noted earlier provides power transmission services in Québec. It operates and maintains the system and also owns the assets. Since, additionally, the province is vast and its economy sizable, HQ TransÉnergie is one of the largest transmission providers in North America. 10.1.2 Importance of Transmission Power transmission plays an important role in the economy of Québec. The province has an enormous capacity for low-cost hydroelectric generation. Policy measures have ensured that the cost savings from this capacity are passed along to retail customers in the form of low rates. Many consumers rely on power for their space heating needs, which are extensive in Québec’s climate. Industries, such as aluminum production, with power intensive technologies are important in the province. Most hydroelectric resources in Québec are located at sites that are remote from the main centers of provincial power consumption. It is also noteworthy that Québec has a mounting interest in power production from wind energy and most of the promising sites are also remote. Transmission thus plays a key role in making low-cost and environmentally friendly power available to Québec consumers. The province, effectively, employs a transmission-intensive power supply technology. One manifestation of this is that transmission service currently accounts for about a quarter of the revenue requirement of HQ Distribution. 132 10.1.3 Structural Considerations Hydro-Québec is a public enterprise that provides most power generation, transmission and distribution services in the province. Established in 1944, the Company was converted by a 1981 act into a joint-stock business corporation, with the provincial government as a 100% shareholder. HQ TransÉnergie was established in 1997 as a division of Hydro-Québec which provides unbundled transmission services. creation of divisions The restructuring initiative continued in 2001 with the to undertake the company’s power production (HQ Production) and distribution (HQ Distribution). These two divisions are the biggest customers of HQ TransÉnergie and account for almost all of its revenue. HQ TransÉnergie provides transmission service to all of its other customers under a non-discriminatory tariff. Furthermore, HQ TransÉnergie follows a Code of conduct approved by the Régie governing transactions with affiliates. 10.1.4 Québec Regulation Hydro-Québec when carrying on electric power transmission activities through its division HQ TransÉnergie is subject to regulation by the Régie to the extent provided by the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie (the “Act”). Article 49 of the Act states that it must “favour measures or incentives to improve the performance of the electric power carrier or a natural gas distributor and the satisfaction of consumer needs”. This language could be interpreted as encouraging either or both of PBR and the use of internal benchmarks for management purposes. The Régie has twice approved PBR plans for Québec’s gas distributor, Société en commandite Gaz Métro. However, COSR has been used to date to regulate HQ TransÉnergie. The provincial government authorized the rates charged by the company for many years. The first transmission rate case was filed at the Régie in 1998. A final decision in this case was not reached until 2002. A new rate case was filed in 2004. A decision in this case is not expected until 2006. 133 The approach to the design of HQ TransÉnergie’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) is fairly common since it follows the FERC pro forma tariff. HQ Distribution uses the tariffed native load service to secure delivery of its power. HQ Production uses the tariffed point-to-point services to deliver the power that it sells outside Québec. Point-to-point services are available on an annual, monthly, weekly, daily, and hourly basis. The annual service is firm while the hourly service is non-firm and the other services are available on both a firm and non-firm basis. The revenue requirement is divided amongst the transmission services on the basis of their expected annual coincident peak demand during the test period. System demand is winter peaking since HQ Distribution purchases most power shipped on the system and has a winter peaking load. Most point to point transactions are made in the summer, when there is excess generation and transmission capacity and shipments can be made at the low hourly rates. Point to point shipments thus account for only a small share of system revenue. Several additional features of transmission ratemaking in Québec merit note. • The native load revenue requirement is collected from HQ Distribution in lump sum payments and not using a rate per unit of actual or expected maximum system use. This is an important consideration in a period in which HQ Distribution has accounted for a progressively larger share of system use. HQ TransÉnergie must, effectively, file a new rate application if it wishes to recover the revenue shortfall that results from changes in the use of the transmission services. • According to a decision of the Régie, connection costs for new generation or additions to the transmission system of up to CAN 522 $/kW are included in the rate base. Costs in excess of this must be paid by customers (e.g. generators) who make connection requests. Customers requesting connections to remote sites must therefore pay for a sizable share of the incremental transmission system investment. This limits the 134 impact of system expansion on the unit cost of owning and operating rate based assets. • The problem of congestion on the HQ TransÉnergie system is small in comparison to the situation in the United States or Australia, where an upturn in regional power trade over a system of balkanized ownership has produced many bottlenecks. This reduces the need for complicated rate designs to manage congestion. • Transmission tariffs must comply with the legal and regulatory framework in Québec. Article 49 of the Act stipulates the requirement for uniform rates throughout the territory served by the transmission system. HQ TransÉnergie currently has no authority to discount its rates or to offer special contracts for the use of the system. Furthermore, the Régie has in the past refused to grant HQ TransÉnergie full discretion to set discounts. 10.1.5 Québec’s Power Market HQ Production has the legal obligation to supply up to 165 TWh of heritage electricity yearly at a low fixed price to HQ Distribution. This “heritage pool” at present roughly equals the needs of HQ Distribution. The Act directs HQ Distribution to obtain its incremental power requirements via competitive bidding at market-based rates. These requirements are expected to rise gradually in coming years. HQ Production can participate in these bids or use its incremental production capacity to sell power outside the province. Policymakers have intervened to influence the technologies that will be used to meet the incremental power requirements of HQ Distribution. They have to date favored renewable energy sources such as wind farms over thermal sources. Québec is adjacent to Ontario in Canada, and to New York and New England in the United States. Each of these regions has a sizable demand for power and bulk power markets that are readily accessible to Québec producers. The sizable MISO market in the Midwestern U.S. can be accessed through the facilities of Hydro One. 135 Prices in these markets have generally been high in recent years. In Ohio, for instance, dismay over bulk power prices has prompted regulators to delay competitive bidding and to sanction the continuation of the high retail prices charged by some utilities which prompted the restructuring of the state’s power industry in the first place. Ontario is struggling to secure new power supplies that are sufficient to permit the shuttering of several coal fired power plants. In the future, concern about global warming may give hydropower an additional advantage in these markets. Under the twin circumstances of high prices for new power supplies and a growing provincial need, the capacity to produce power in Québec is expected to increase substantially in the next ten years. HQ Production is currently building new hydro facilities such as Mercier, Eastmain, and Péribonka. Major additional projects are in the planning stages in the Eastmain, Rupert, and Romaine watersheds. The company also maintains an inventory of other projects that may become economic under favorable conditions. In addition to the HQ Production initiatives, independent power producers are planning major expansions of wind generation capacity. Note also that Québec has a natural advantage in having some areas of relatively sparse population and/or slow economic growth that are located close to some of the major power consumption centers of eastern North America. State of the art environmentally friendly power plants constructed in such areas could have real advantages over U.S. production from high-priced natural gas or the depleting reserves of eastern low-sulfur coal or from high-sulfur Midwestern coal. Such plants could materially stimulate local Québec economies since they can involve extensive ongoing staffing in addition to sizable construction projects. The power market situation just described has important implications for HQ TransÉnergie. Most of these new generation projects are remotely sited and will require new transmission plant construction. Since HQ TransÉnergie, additionally, needs to make extensive system refurbishments and investments to serve growing demand, the investment plan of the company needs to be 136 ambitious in the next few years. In totality, the Hydro-Québec Strategic Plan 2004-2008 reports that investments of CAN 3.8 billion are anticipated. This compares to a 2002 asset base of CAN 17.3 billion for HQ TransÉnergie. The power market situation also poses some marketing challenges for HQ TransÉnergie. For example, the economics of some potential generating projects will be sensitive to charges for use of the common system. Long term contracts for these terms of service could improve the likelihood that some of these projects go forward. 10.2 Indicated Regulatory Strategy In this section, we integrate our discussion of the Québec situation with the analysis developed in previous sections to consider the proper role of PBR in the regulation of HQ TransÉnergie. We do this by reviewing systematically the conditions that determine whether PBR is advantageous. 10.2.1 Cost of Effective COSR PBR is more advantageous to the extent that the cost of effective COSR is unusually high. We review here each of the potential complications discussed in Section 2. NUMBER OF JURISDICTIONAL UTILITIES The number of utilities under the jurisdiction of the Régie is quite small. Its regulatory burden is, in fact, less than that of a typical state regulator in the United States. Such regulators typically have jurisdiction over several telephone, gas, and electric companies. We have seen that COSR is still the most common form of energy utility regulation at the state level. This situation is markedly different from that which induced the Ontario Energy Board to use PBR to regulate power distributors. INTRACTABLE REGULATORY ISSUES: COST Regulation of the cost of power transmission is not especially controversial. The construction of transmission facilities to remote sites could be 137 controversial if their costs were born by all system users. In Québec, however, a sizable share of the costs of connecting remote sites is born by those who benefit. The cost of regulating transmission cost also depends on the growth trend and volatility of input prices. Power transmission is, as we have seen, a capital intensive business that makes only modest use of price volatile energy inputs. Prices of capital and other transmission inputs have, to the best of my knowledge, risen only gradually in Canada in recent years. INTRACTABLE REGULATORY ISSUES: MARKETING Potential difficulties in the design of rate and service offerings are, as we have seen, one of the most common reasons to use PBR. In Section 10.2, we noted that transmission system operators sometimes need a substantial amount of marketing flexibility. In the case of HQ TransÉnergie, the need for marketing flexibility is diminished by several circumstances. • The existing approach to rate design is fairly effective at meeting some of the main marketing challenges. For example, costly uses of the system are discouraged by the use of the annual coincident peak demand to allocate the revenue requirement, as well as by the sizable extra charges for remote connections. Rates for point-to-point services and the unit price of the native load service are reasonable under the market and regulatory conditions of HQ TransÉnergie. • There are some potential new generation projects in Québec whose economics would be sensitive to charges for use of the transmission system. For example, a change in the rates for point-to-point services could have major repercussions for point-to-point customers trading with markets in neighboring regions. In this situation, PBR could be useful in facilitating some marketing flexibility for HQ TransÉnergie. For example, it could be authorized to enter into long term contracts governing the rates for point-to-point service. The terms of such contracts could be subject to a reasonable price floor. On the other hand, the legal and regulatory 138 framework in Québec was noted above to discourage HQ TransÉnergie from discriminating between potential new generators by adopting terms and conditions for use of the system according to their specific development needs. It is also noteworthy that transmission rates could be fine-tuned under the current tariff design process. • Another challenge in the regulation of HQ TransÉnergie’s marketing is the need, under the current regulatory system, for frequent reallocations of the revenue requirement. As we have seen, this results from the fact that the HQ Distribution bill does not adjust automatically with its use of the system. Rate design hearings raise the controversial issue of cost allocation and can weaken performance incentives, especially to the extent that the hearings also involve a reconsideration of the revenue requirement as well as an examination of the expected demand. Automatic adjustments to the native load bill would reduce the need for frequent rate design hearings. On the other hand, traditional COSR remedies are also available to alleviate this situation. For example, the native load bill could be converted from a lump sum payment to a rate per unit of maximum demand, while treating as incentives the variations in the revenue requirement. This method has some benefits but its implementation depends on the endorsement of stakeholders. 10.2.2 Cost of Effective PBR The advantage of PBR is greater to the extent that the established approaches are readily and effectively implemented. We consider here the extent to which established approaches to PBR can be readily and effectively implemented for HQ TransÉnergie. DATA AVAILABILITY Data are not readily available for the accurate computation of the historical productivity trend of the power transmission industry of eastern Canada or of Canada as a whole. Indeed, the requisite data are not fully available even for 139 HQ TransÉnergie. Utilities are not easily drawn to provide or share detailed operating data and such data are not available in comparable formats. Furthermore, the COPE data set of the Canadian Electricity Association , while useful for benchmarking, is not in my opinion suitable for the calculation of longrun productivity trends. The required data are available for some utilities in the United States. However, the suitability of these data has been complicated by the ongoing restructuring of the industry. One of several important complications is the many transfers of assets that have occurred between the transmission and distribution categories. RELEVANCE OF HISTORICAL PRODUCTIVITY TRENDS The use of the historical productivity trends that are required in the North American approach to indexing was noted above to be generally problematic in a power transmission application. In particular, it can be difficult to identify a historical productivity trend that is relevant to a transmission utility’s particular output and capital spending outlook. ADJUSTMENTS FOR INPUT PRICE INFLATION The appropriate compensation for input price inflation was shown in Section 5 to be a subject of considerable controversy in many PBR proceedings. The growth trend in the price of capital has been an area of particular dispute. In a capital intensive business like power transmission, the importance of this issue is amplified. The Ontario proceedings to develop price cap plans for Union gas and provincial power distributors are good examples. If the Régie pursues an index-based approach to PBR, it will find itself considering the right form of an industry-specific input price index, including the right way to measure capital prices. On the other hand, HQ TransÉnergie does not have marked system congestion problems or face price-volatile local power markets and this makes it somewhat easier to design an inflation measure that effectively compensates the company for changes in the unit cost of system operations. 140 DIFFICULTY OF IMPLEMENTING SERVICE QUALITY PROVISIONS Service quality provisions were noted above to be a vitally important component of transmission PBR. The implementation of comprehensive PBR or PBR for O&M expenses could, by strengthening incentives for cost containment, incent an undesirable decline in service quality if the service quality provisions of the plan are improperly designed. Important design issues include the appropriate performance indicators, benchmarks, and penalty/award rates. Year to year fluctuations in quality levels often reflect changes in weather and other external business conditions rather than changes in quality effort. Quality benchmarks based on a company’s historic quality should therefore be based on several (e.g. 5) years of data. Quality benchmarks based on data for other companies are problematic due primarily to differences in data collection methods and in external business conditions such as forestation that influence quality. In the case of HQ TransÉnergie, work to develop appropriate quality provisions still has some ways to go. The development of indicators covering the main quality components has to be pursued allowing afterwards the gathering of corresponding historical data. Once underway, such a program will improve the ability of the Régie to monitor the efficiency of HQ TransÉnergie and reduce to some extent the need to implement PBR. Research to develop appropriate award-penalty mechanisms for transmission service quality is not well-advanced. In the U.S.A. for example, consideration of appropriate mechanisms is just beginning. Absent considerable additional work, it follows that it may be prudent to delay the implementation of forms of PBR that greatly alter cost containment incentives. COST PERFORMANCE INDICATORS The Régie has also expressed an interest in cost performance indicators. These are commonly used in internal benchmarking but are not that widely used in transmission PBR or in North American PBR generally.111 111 Benchmarking is, however, used as an input to rate cases, especially overseas. Accurate 141 benchmarking of utility cost is generally challenging. The operating scale, services performed, and other business conditions facing utilities vary and their effects on utility cost are complex and poorly understood. Pacific Economics Group is a world leader in statistical cost benchmarking and has benchmarked transmission cost and many other categories of energy utility cost. Based on this experience, I can say that the state of the art in power transmission benchmarking is well behind that for power distribution, gas distribution, or bundled power service. Utility cost benchmarking in Canada is hindered by the lack of standardized and publicly available data on utility operations. The main current source of data, the COPE data set of the Canadian Electricity Association, is not publicly available and the sample is not large. The simple cost indicators discussed by the Régie do not have an accuracy sufficient to provide incentives. If the Régie expects to develop transmission cost benchmarks that are suitable for incentives it should expect the process to take several years. PBR RISK An important limitation of PBR is its tendency to increase utility operating risk. The recovery of capital cost is a particular concern. HQ TransÉnergie is in the midst of a program of accelerated investment that is occasioned chiefly by the accelerated construction of new generation capacity in Québec and additions to the transmission system to respond to growing demand. In this context, HQ TransÉnergie has an understandable interest in receiving payment for the resultant cost promptly. Moreover, it is appropriate for the Régie to allow the recovery of the revenue requirement under the statutes of the Act and fundamental regulatory and economic principles COSR is well suited for ensuring this cost recovery. On the other hand, the current connection policies of the Régie have the effect that a sizable portion of the potential new investments as well as parts of the ongoing investments could be excluded from the rate base. It is possible that PBR for the rate base could coincide with COSR for major capital investments, 142 an approach that has been pursued for other utilities in Canada (e.g. NOVA Gas Transmission). However, this could raise some legitimate concerns about uneven performance incentives. Namely, the company might seek ways to reduce the cost of owning and operating rate based assets via larger expenditures on major capital additions. 10.2.3 Prospects for Performance Gains The benefits of PBR are greater to the extent that it can trigger early and sizable gains in operating performance. We review here some of the major considerations that go into an assessment of HQ TransÉnergie’s prospects for performance improvement. • O&M expenses are the most important category of controllable cost in the short run. These were noted in Section 9 to account for an unusually small share of the cost of power transmission, which limits the opportunity for quick performance gains • PBR can in some cases lead to sizable short term gains in utility marketing performance. This is not true in the case for HQ TransÉnergie, however. As we have seen, its current tariff design does an adequate job of addressing the major short-run marketing challenges. The company does not face major congestion challenges. Its current approach to ratemaking involves, as it should, extra charges for remote connections and does not discourage price elastic system uses. • HQ TransÉnergie has operated for some time under COSR, with periodic reviews of operating prudence. Transmission rates were unchanged from 1997 to 2001. The company operated under a self-imposed expenditure freeze from 2003 to 2006. As for marketing performance, we have already noted that the current approach to rate design is fairly sound. According to the Act, the Régie has to hold a public hearing to review each rate case that HQ TransÉnergie files. Under these circumstances, the Régie clearly cannot have the same hopes for improved operating 143 efficiency that regulators in Australia and Britain had when they implemented transmission PBR for current and recently privatized state enterprises. Since the energy market is changing rapidly, HQ TransÉnergie and the Régie should nonetheless remain vigilant about prevailing business conditions, and be flexible and open to challenges prompted by customers' needs and stakeholders' objectives. • Effective PBR involves a delicate balance of incentives for cost containment and the maintenance or improvement of service quality. The Régie must recognize that a poorly designed PBR plan could get this balance wrong and result in an undesirable decline in quality. PBR may, relatedly, encourage HQ TransÉnergie to scale back other activities that benefit the public but don’t contribute to its bottom line. These include improvements in customer services and in the transmission system, in conjunction with environmentally friendly approaches to system expansion and approaches to input procurement that have more benefits for the occupants of remote areas. We may conclude from this discussion that PBR is unlikely to produce sizable benefits for the customers of HQ TransÉnergie in the short run. On the other hand, given the current regulatory system and expected changes in business conditions in the energy market inside and outside Québec, HQ TransÉnergie is likely to file rate applications more frequently in the coming years. This will weaken its performance incentives. For example, the company could have weaker incentives to contain the cost of O&M expenses and capital refurbishments under a two year rate case cycle than under a four or five year rate case cycle. It should also be noted that in a capital intensive business such as power transmission, the containment of capital cost is, in the long run, a critically important dimension of operating efficiency. HQ TransÉnergie has some control over its capital spending but not necessarily over the cost of funds in financial 144 markets. Extending some form of PBR to capital spending yields benefits only in the long run. 10.2.4 Conclusion Our review suggests that COSR works reasonably well in an application to power transmission in Québec. HQ TransÉnergie filed so far only two rate cases before the Régie. Its unit transmission rates have been stable since 2001 and the revenue requirement decreased slightly over the same period. It is currently operating under an expenditure freeze until 2006 while the quality of service is under control. It seems, therefore, that COSR has worked quite well thus far. The eventual implementation of some form of PBR for HQ TransÉnergie may yield some additional benefits. However, there is not a strong case to implement PBR at this time. Such an initiative is not likely to trigger sizable and rapid improvements in operating performance or to substantially reduce the regulatory cost of the Régie, not the least reason being that approval for all investments must be obtained from the Régie according to regulations. The implementation of common forms of PBR such as North American style indexing is, moreover, problematic for the reasons discussed above. Under these circumstances, I recommend that the Régie proceed with caution and prudence in implementing PBR for HQ TransEnergie. Meanwhile, the Régie should continue cost-of-service regulation while gaining more insight on its operating performance. Even after pursuing cost-of-service regulation on a regular basis for a number of years, a transitional step involving close monitoring makes sense for HQ TransÉnergie before moving toward a broad-based incentive regulatory structure. A sensible near term goal would be to focus on the development of an appropriate set of quality indicators and to start monitoring these indicators. Attention should be paid to similar initiatives in other Canadian provinces (e.g. Alberta and British Columbia) and in the U.S.A. Quality may be broadly defined to include issues of customer service as well as reliability. If the Régie intends to 145 consider the development of cost benchmarking, it should expect real progress in this area to be slow and challenging, as has been the case for other utilities. Alternatively, the Régie can rely on the historic performance of HQ TransÉnergie to develop indicators that are traceable and reliable over time. I believe, in conclusion, that the Régie is well advised to seize the opportunity and continue work to develop transmission service quality and prospective cost indicators. The main purpose would be to provide further regulatory insight and monitoring of HQ TransÉnergie’s performance, while building a foundation for future PBR. RESUME OF MARK NEWTON LOWRY December 2005 Home Address: 1511 Sumac Drive Madison, WI 53705 (608) 233-4822 Business Address: 22 E. Mifflin St., Suite 302 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 257-1522 Ext. 23 Date of Birth: August 7, 1952 Education: High School: Hawken School, Gates Mills, Ohio, 1970 BA: Ibero-American Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 1977 Ph.D.: Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Wisconsin -Madison, May 1984 Relevant Work Experience, Primary Positions: October 1998-Present Partner, Pacific Economics Group, Madison, WI Manages PEG’s Madison office. Specific duties include project management and research, written reports, public presentations, expert witness testimony, personnel management, and marketing. Research specialties include: performance-based regulation, statistical benchmarking; utility industry restructuring, and codes of competitive conduct. January 1993-October 1998 January 1989-December 1992 Vice President Senior Economist, Christensen Associates, Madison, WI Directed the company's Regulatory Strategy group. Participated in all Christensen Associates testimony on energy utility PBR and statistical benchmarking during these years. August 1984-December 1988 Assistant Professor, Department of Mineral Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Responsibilities included research and graduate and undergraduate teaching and advising. Courses taught: Min Ec 387 (Introduction to Mineral Economics); 390 (Mineral Market Modeling); 484 (Political Economy of Energy and the Environment) and 506 (Applied Econometrics). Teaching and research specialty: analysis of markets for energy products and metals. Mark Newton Lowry August 1983-July 1984 Page 2 Instructor, Department of Mineral Economics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Taught courses in Mineral Economics (noted above) while completing Ph.D. thesis. April 1982-August 1983 Research Assistant to Dr. Peter Helmberger, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dissertation research on the role of speculative storage in markets for field crops. Work included the development of a quarterly econometric model of the U.S. soybean market. March 1981-March 1982 Natural Gas Industry Analyst, Madison Consulting Group, Madison, Wisconsin Research under Dr. Charles Cicchetti in two areas: – Impact of the Natural Gas Policy Act on the production and average wellhead price of natural gas in the United States. An original model was developed for forecasting these variables through 1985. – Research supporting litigation testimony in an antitrust suit involving natural gas producers and pipelines in the San Juan Basin of New Mexico. This research was occasioned by an antitrust case involving Public Service Co. of New Mexico, Southern Union Gas Pipeline Co., and Conoco and other natural gas producers. Relevant Work Experience, Visiting Positions: May-August 1985 Professeur Visiteur, Centre for International Business Studies, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Montreal, Quebec. Research on the behavior of inventories in metal markets. Major Consulting Projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Research on Gas Market Competition for a Western Electric Utility. 1981. Research on the Natural Gas Policy Act for a Northeast Trade Association. 1981 Interruptible Service Research for an Industry Research Institute. 1989. Research on Load Relief from Interruptible Services for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1989. Design of Time-of-Use Rates for a Midwest Electric Utility. 1989. PBR Consultation for a Southeast Gas Transmission Company. 1989. Mark Newton Lowry 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Page 3 Gas Transmission Productivity Research for a U.S. Trade Association. 1990. Productivity Research for a Northeast Gas and Electric Utility. 1990-91. Comprehensive Performance Indexes for a Northeast Gas and Electric Utility. 1990-1991. PBR Consultation for a Southeast Electric Utility. 1991. Research on Electric Revenue Adjustment Mechanisms for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1991. Productivity Research for a Western Gas Distributor. 1991. Cost Performance Indexes for a Northeast Gas and Electric Utility. 1991. Gas Transmission Rate Design for a Western Electric Utility. 1991. Gas Supply Cost Indexing for a Western Gas Distributor. 1992. Gas Transmission Strategy for a Western Electric Utility. 1992. Design and Negotiation of Comprehensive Benchmark Incentive Plans for a Northeast Gas and Electric Utility. 1992. Bundled Power Service Productivity Research for a Western Electric Utility. 1993-96. Development of PBR Options for a Western Electric Utility. 1993. Review of the Regional Gas Transmission Market for a Western Electric Utility. 1993. Productivity and PBR Research and Testimony for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1993. Productivity and PBR Research and Testimony for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1994. Productivity Research for a Western Gas Distributor. 1994. White Paper on Price Cap Regulation for a U.S. Trade Association. 1994. Bundled Power Service Benchmarking for a Western Electric Utility. 1994. White Paper on PBR for a U.S. Trade Association. 1995. Productivity Research and PBR Plan Design for a Northeast Gas and Electric Company. 1995. Regulatory Strategy for a Restructuring Canadian Electric Utility. 1995. PBR Consultation for a Japanese Electric Utility. 1995. Regulatory Strategy for a Restructuring Northeast Electric Utility. 1995. Productivity Research and Plan Design Testimony for a Western Gas Distributor. 1995. Productivity Testimony for a Northeast Gas Distributor. 1995. Speech on PBR for a Western Electric Utility. 1995. Development of a PBR Plan for a Midwest Gas Distributor. 1996. Stranded Cost Recovery and Power Distribution PBR for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1996. Benchmarking and Productivity Research and Testimony for a Northeast Gas Distributor. 1996. Consultation on Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribution PBR for a Latin American Regulator. 1996. Power Distribution Benchmarking for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1996. Testimony on PBR for a Northeast Power Distributor. 1996. Bundled Power Service Benchmarking for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1996. Design of Gas Distributor Service Territories for a Latin American Regulator. 1996. Bundled Power Service Benchmarking for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1996. Service Quality PBR for a Canadian Gas Distributor. 1996. Productivity and PBR Research and Testimony for a Canadian Gas Distributor. 1997. Bundled Power Service Benchmarking for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1997. Mark Newton Lowry 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Page 4 Design of a Price Cap Plan for a South American Regulator. 1997. White Paper on Utility Brand Name Policy for a U.S. Trade Association. 1997. Bundled Power Service Benchmarking and Testimony for a Western Electric Utility. 1997. Review of a Power Purchase Contract Dispute for a Midwest City. 1997. Research on Benchmarking and Stranded Cost Recovery for a U.S. Trade Association. 1997. Research and Testimony on Productivity Trends for a Northeast Gas Distributor. 1997. PBR Plan Design, Benchmarking, and Testimony for a Southeast Gas Distributor. 1997. White Paper on Power Distribution PBR for a U.S. Trade Association. 1997-99. White Paper and Public Appearances on PBR Options for Australian Power Distributors. 1997-98. 55. Gas and Power Distribution PBR Research and Testimony for a Western Energy Utility. 199798. 56. Research on the Cost Structure of Power Distribution for a U.S. Trade Association. 1998. 57. Research on Cross-Subsidization for a U.S. Trade Association. 1998. 64. Testimony on Brand Names for a U.S. Trade Association. 1998. 65. Research and Testimony on Economies of Scale in Power Supply for a Western Electric Utility. 1998. 66. PBR Plan Design and Testimony for a Western Electric Utility. 1998-99. 67. PBR and Bundled Power Service Testimony and Testimony for a Southeast Electric Utility. 1998-99. 68. Statistical Benchmarking for an Australian Power Distributor. 1998-9. 69. Testimony on Functional Separation of Power Generation and Delivery for a U.S. Trade Association. 1998. 70. Design of a Stranded Benefit Passthrough Mechanism for a Restructuring Electric Utility. 1998. 71. Consultation on PBR and Code of Conduct Issues for a Western Electric Utility. 1999. 72. PBR and Bundled Power Service Benchmarking Research and Testimony for a Southwest Electric Utility. 1999. 73. Power Transmission and Distribution Cost Benchmarking for a Western Electric Utility. 1999. 74. Cost Benchmarking for Three Australian Power Distributors. 1999. 75. Bundled Power Service Benchmarking for a Northeast Electric Utility. 1999. 76. Benchmarking Research for an Australian Power Distributor. 2000. 77. Critique of a Commission-Sponsored Benchmarking Study for Three Australian Power Distributors. 2000. 78. Statistical Benchmarking for an Australian Power Transco. 2000. 79. PBR Testimony for a Southwest Electric Utility. 2000. 80. PBR Workshop (for Regulators) for a Northeast Gas and Electric Utility. 2000. 81. Research on Economies of Scale and Scope for an Australian Electric Utility. 2000. 82. Research and Testimony on Economies of Scale in Power Delivery, Metering, and Billing for a Consortium of Northeast Electric Utilities. 2000. 83. Research and Testimony on Service Quality PBR for a consortium of Northeast Energy Utilities. 2000. Mark Newton Lowry 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Page 5 Power and Natural Gas Procurement PBR for a Western Electric Utility. 2000. PBR Plan Design for a Canadian Natural Gas Distributor. 2000. TFP and Benchmarking Research for a Western Gas and Electric Utility. 2000. E-Forum on PBR for Power Procurement for a U.S. Trade Association. 2001. PBR Presentation to Florida’s Energy 2000 Commission for a U.S. Trade Association. 2001. Research on Power Market Competition for an Australian Electric Utility. 2001. TFP and Other PBR Research and Testimony for a Northeast Power Distributor. 2000. PBR and Productivity for a Canadian Electric Utility. 2002 Statistical Benchmarking for an Australian Power Transco. 2002. PBR and Bundled Power Service Benchmarking Research and Testimony for a Midwest Energy Utility. 2002. 94. Consultation on the Future of Power Transmission and Distribution Regulation for a Western Electric Utility. 2002. 95. Benchmarking and Productivity Research and Testimony for a Western Gas and Electric Company. 2002. 96. Workshop on PBR (for Regulators) for a Canadian Trade Association. 2003. 97. PBR, Productivity, and Benchmarking Research for a Mid-Atlantic Gas and Electric Utility. 2003. 98. Workshop on PBR (for Regulators) for a Southeast Electric Utility. 2003. 99. Strategic Advice for a Midwest Power Transmission Company. 2003. 100. PBR Research for a Canadian Gas Distributor. 2003. 101. Benchmarking Research and Testimony for a Canadian Gas Distributor. 2003-2004. 102. Consultation on Benchmarking and Productivity Issues for Two British Power Distributors. 2003. 103. Productivity and Benchmarking Research for a South American Energy Regulator. 20032004. 104. Statistical Benchmarking of Power Transmission for a Japanese Research Institute. 2003-4. 105. Consultation on PBR for a Western Gas Distributor. 2003-4. 106. Research and Advice on PBR for Gas Distribution for a Western Gas Distributor. 2004. 107. PBR, Benchmarking and Productivity Research and Testimony for a Western Gas and Electric Distributor. 2004. 108. Advice on Productivity for Two British Power Distributors. 2004. 109. Workshop on Service Quality Regulation for a Canadian Trade Association. 2004. Strategic Advice for a Canadian Trade Association. 2004. 110. 111. White Paper on Unbundled Storage and Local Gas Markets for a Midwestern Gas Distributor. 2004. 112. Statistical Benchmarking Research for a British Power Distributor. 2004. 113. Statistical Benchmarking Research for Three British Power Distributors. 2004. 114. Benchmarking Testimony for Three Ontario Power Distributors. 2004. 115. Indexation of O&M Expenses for an Australian Power Distributor. 2004. 116. Statistical benchmarking of O&M Expenses for a Canadian Power Distributor. 2004. 117. Benchmarking Testimony for a Canadian Power Distributor. 2005. Mark Newton Lowry 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. Page 6 Statistical Benchmarking for a Canadian Power Distributor. 2005 White Paper on Benchmarking for a Canadian Trade Association. 2005. Statistical Benchmarking for a Southeast Bundled Power Utility. 2005 Statistical Benchmarking of a Nuclear Power Plant and Testimony. 2005. White Paper on Utility Rate Trends for a U.S. Trade Association. 2005. TFP Research for a Northeast Power Distribution Utility, 2005. Seminars PBR and Statistical Benchmarking for a Northeast Electric Utility, 2005. Statistical Benchmarking for a Northeast Power Distribution Utility, 2005. White Paper on Power Transmission PBR for a Canadian Electric Utility, 2005. Publications: 1. Public vs. Private Management of Mineral Inventories: A Statement of the Issues. Earth and Mineral Sciences 53, (3) Spring 1984. 2. Review of Energy, Foresight, and Strategy, Thomas Sargent, ed. (Baltimore: Resources for the Future, 1985). Energy Journal 6 (4), 1986. 3. The Changing Role of the United States in World Mineral Trade in W.R. Bush, editor, The Economics of Internationally Traded Minerals. (Littleton, CO: Society of Mining Engineers, 1986). 4. Assessing Metals Demand in Less Developed Countries: Another Look at the Leapfrog Effect. Materials and Society 10 (3), 1986. 5. Modeling the Convenience Yield from Precautionary Storage of Refined Oil Products (with junior author Bok Jae Lee) in John Rowse, ed. World Energy Markets: Coping with Instability (Calgary, AL: Friesen Printers, 1987). 6. Pricing and Storage of Field Crops: A Quarterly Model Applied to Soybeans (with junior authors Joseph Glauber, Mario Miranda, and Peter Helmberger). American Journal of Agricultural Economics 69 (4), November, 1987. 7. Storage, Monopoly Power, and Sticky Prices. les Cahiers du CETAI no. 87-03 March 1987. 8. Monopoly Power, Rigid Prices, and the Management of Inventories by Metals Producers. Materials and Society 12 (1) 1988. 9. Review of Oil Prices, Market Response, and Contingency Planning, by George Horwich and David Leo Weimer, (Washington, American Enterprise Institute, 1984), Energy Journal 8 (3) 1988. 10. A Competitive Model of Primary Sector Storage of Refined Oil Products. July 1987, Resources and Energy 10 (2) 1988. 11. Modeling the Convenience Yield from Precautionary Storage: The Case of Distillate Fuel Oil. Energy Economics 10 (4) 1988. 12. Speculative Stocks and Working Stocks. Economic Letters 28 1988. 13. Theory of Pricing and Storage of Field Crops With an Application to Soybeans [with Joseph Glauber (senior author), Mario Miranda, and Peter Helmberger]. University of Mark Newton Lowry 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Page 7 Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Research Report no. R3421, 1988. Competitive Speculative Storage and the Cost of Petroleum Supply. The Energy Journal 10 (1) 1989. Evaluating Alternative Measures of Credited Load Relief: Results From a Recent Study For New England Electric. In Demand Side Management: Partnerships in Planning for the Next Decade (Palo Alto: Electric Power Research Institute,1991). Futures Prices and Hidden Stocks of Refined Oil Products. In O. Guvanen, W.C. Labys, and J.B. Lesourd, editors, International Commodity Market Models: Advances in Methodology and Applications (London: Chapman and Hall, 1991). Indexed Price Caps for U.S. Electric Utilities. The Electricity Journal, September-October 1991. Gas Supply Cost Incentive Plans for Local Distribution Companies. Proceedings of the Eight NARUC Biennial Regulatory Information Conference (Columbus: National Regulatory Research Institute, 1993). TFP Trends of U.S. Electric Utilities, 1975-92 (with Herb Thompson). Proceedings of the Ninth NARUC Biennial Regulatory Information Conference, (Columbus: National Regulatory Research Institute, 1994). A Price Cap Designers Handbook (with Lawrence Kaufmann). (Washington: Edison Electric Institute, 1995.) The Treatment of Z Factors in Price Cap Plans (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Applied Economics Letters 2 1995. Performance-Based Regulation of U.S. Electric Utilities: The State of the Art and Directions for Further Research (with Lawrence Kaufmann). Palo Alto: Electric Power Research Institute, December 1995. Forecasting the Productivity Growth of Natural Gas Distributors (with Lawrence Kaufmann). AGA Forecasting Review, Vol. 5, March 1996. Branding Electric Utility Products: Analysis and Experience in Regulated Industries (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Washington: Edison Electric Institute, 1997. Price Cap Regulation for Power Distribution (with Larry Kaufmann), Washington: Edison Electric Institute, 1998. Controlling for Cross-Subsidization in Electric Utility Regulation (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Washington: Edison Electric Institute, 1998. The Cost Structure of Power Distribution with Implications for Public Policy (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Washington: Edison Electric Institute 1999. Price Caps for Distribution Service: Do They Make Sense? (with Eric Ackerman and Lawrence Kaufmann), Edison Times, 1999. Performance-Based Regulation of Utilities (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Energy Law Journal, 2002. “Performance-Based Regulation and Business Strategy” (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Natural Gas, February 2003 Mark Newton Lowry Page 8 31. “Performance-Based Regulation and Energy Utility Business Strategy (With Lawrence Kaufmann), in Natural Gas and Electric Power Industries Analysis 2003, Houston: Financial Communications, 2003. 32. “Price Control Regulation in North America: The Role of Indexing and Benchmarking”, Methods to Regulate Unbundled Transmission and Distribution Business on Electricity Markets: Proceedings, Stockholm: Elforsk, 2003. 33. “Performance-Based Regulation Developments for Gas Utilities (with Lawrence Kaufmann), Natural Gas and Electricity, April 2004. 35. “Econometric Cost Benchmarking of Power Distribution Cost” ” (with Lullit Getachew and David Hovde), Energy Journal, July 2005. Professional Presentations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. American Institute of Mining Engineering, New Orleans, LA, March 1986 International Association of Energy Economists, Calgary, AL, July 1987 American Agricultural Economics Association, Knoxville, TN, August 1988 Association d'Econometrie Appliqué, Washington, DC, October 1988 Electric Council of New England, Boston, MA, November 1989 Electric Power Research Institute, Milwaukee, WI, May 1990 New York State Energy Office, Saratoga Springs, NY, October 1990 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Columbus, OH, September 1992 Midwest Gas Association, Aspen, CO, October 1993 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Williamsburg, VA, January 1994 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Kalispell, MT, May 1994 Edison Electric Institute, Washington, DC, March 1995 National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Orlando, FL, March 1995 Illinois Commerce Commission, St. Charles, IL, June 1995 Michigan State University Public Utilities Institute, Williamsburg, VA, December 1996 Edison Electric Institute, Washington DC, December 1995 IBC Conferences, San Francisco, CA, April 1996 AIC Conferences, Orlando, FL, April 1996 IBC Conferences, San Antonio, TX, June 1996 American Gas Association, Arlington, VA, July 1996 IBC Conferences, Washington, DC, October 1996 Center for Regulatory Studies, Springfield, IL, December 1996 Michigan State University Public Utilities Institute, Williamsburg, VA, December 1996 IBC Conferences, Houston TX, January 1997 Michigan State University Public Utilities Institute, Edmonton, AL, July 1997 American Gas Association, Edison Electric Institute, Advanced Public Utility Accounting School, Irving, TX, Sept. 1997 Mark Newton Lowry 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. American Gas Association, Washington, DC [national telecast], September 1997 Infocast, Miami Beach, FL, Oct. 1997 Edison Electric Institute, Arlington, VA, March 1998 Electric Utility Consultants, Denver, CO, April 1998 University of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN, August 1998 Edison Electric Institute, Newport, RI, September 1998 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, April 1999 Edison Electric Institute, Indianapolis, IN, August 1999 IBC Conferences, Washington, DC, February 2000 Center for Business Intelligence, Miami, FL, March 2000 Edison Electric Institute, San Antonio, TX, April 2000 Infocast, Chicago, IL, July 2000 Edison Electric Institute, July 2000 IOU-EDA, Brewster, MA, July 2000 Infocast, Washington, DC, October 2000 Wisconsin Public Utility Institute, Madison, WI, November 2000 Infocast, Boston, MA, March 2001 Florida 2000 Commission, Tampa, FL, August 2001 Infocast, Washington, DC, December 2001 Canadian Gas Association, Toronto, ON, March 2002 Canadian Electricity Association, Whistler, BC, May 2002 Canadian Electricity Association, Montreal, PQ, September 2002 Ontario Energy Association, Toronto, ON, November 2002 Canadian Gas Association, Toronto, ON, February 2003 Louisiana Public Service Commission, Baton Rouge, LA, February 2003 CAMPUT, Banff, ALTA, May 2003 Elforsk, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2003 Edison Electric Institute, national e forum, June 2003 Eurelectric, Brussels, Belgium, October 2003 CAMPUT, Halifax, May 2004 Edison Electric Institute, national eforum, March 2005 Edison Electric Institute, Madison, August 2005 Edison Electric Institute, national e forum, August 2005 Journal Referee: Agribusiness American Journal of Agricultural Economics Energy Journal Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Materials and Society Page 9