Faculty Assembly Executive Council Minutes February 27, 2013 ASB-230 900-1015 AM

Faculty Assembly Executive Council Minutes
February 27, 2013
900-1015 AM
Present: Donna Crawley (Acting Chair), Jennefer Mazza, Irene Kuchta, Bob Becklen,
Ken McMurdy, Jonathan Lipkin, Emma Rainforth, and Murray Sabrin
Absent: Jill Weiss, Tae Kwak
Secretary: Dean Chen
1. Approval of minutes for February 20, 2013
a. Approved
2. ARC report (Emma)
a. Syllabus changes to conform to the Writing Intensive (WI) requirement
(deadline is March 15, 2013)
3. Update on General Education Planning Task Force membership
a. CA: Renata Gangemi
b. Library: Samantha Wittenberg
c. Business: Romulo Magnaye
d. SSAIS and DAC: Paula D. Straile-Costa
e. SSHS: Ashwani Vasishth
f. TAS: Rob Mentore
4. Other topics for the April Faculty Assembly (April 3, 2013)
a. Budget Committee report
b. Progress on General Education Planning Task Force
c. Discussion of contract for graduation with IZOD center
d. Discussion on the Deans’ reappointments process
5. Beth’s memo regarding General Education Task Forces
a. Task Force I (the Planning Task Force working this spring)
i. Review scholarships on all best requirements in general education
b. Task Force II (attending the summer AACU conference and beginning to
work in the fall)
6. New Business
a. Revisions in the College website
b. Campus public safety: students’ complaints about it being too restrictive
i. The concern is that it could affect the College’s image