Emma Day

Emma Day
Short Biographical Statement
Emma was awarded the 4-year Lebedev PhD Studentship in Oct 2012, jointly funded by Marie Curie
Cancer Care and the Raisa Gorbachev Foundation.
Emma’s PhD research is titled, Principles and practices in medical decision making for young people,
parents and health care professionals: A prospective study to inform policy and practice. This
prospective, participant-observation project seeks to understand how teenagers with leukemia,
families and health care professionals’ experience participation in decision-making regarding care
and treatment. Emma sets out to identify how health care professionals and parents incorporate
principles of involvement of young people in decision-making, into practice, as well as identify how
young people themselves understand their involvement in decision-making. Emma is supervised by
Myra Bluebond-Langner (Primary) and Louise Jones (Secondary) and is based at the Louis Dundas
Centre for Children’s Palliative Care, ICH.
Prior to this Emma completed her BSc in Social Science at Cardiff University obtaining first class
honors, followed by her MSc in Health Psychology at the University of Bath from which she
graduated with merit. Emma successfully upgraded from MPhil to PhD in March 2013. Emma has
presented the first phase of her work1 at the 20th International Congress on Palliative Care,
Montreal Canada, and was awarded special commendation for this poster at the Institute of Child
Health Postgraduate Poster Competition1.
Day. E, Jones. L, Bluebond-Langner. M. "We just follow the patients lead": How health care
professionals treating young people with haematological malignancies view the role of young people
in decision making regarding their care and treatment. Poster Presentation, Sept 9-12 2014.