Susanna Wolf UNECA CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL DATA Profession: Date of Birth: Nationality: Marital Status Economist, Ph. D. 09/06/1966 German married, two daughters EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 1992 - 1996 Post-graduate studies in International Economics at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg Training in macroeconomics, especially European regional integration and international relations Title of dissertation: Begrenzter Erfolg der Lomé Abkommen (Limited Success of the Lomé-Conventions) An empirical investigation of EU trade relations with partners in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific using a computational general equilibrium (CGE) model Grade of Ph. D.: magna cum laude 1986 - 1991 Studies of economics and mathematics at the University of Hamburg Graduated as Diplom-Wirtschaftsmathematikerin Main Subjects: international economics, European integration, transition economies, econometrics, inequality, statistics, optimisation LANGUAGES English French German excellent very good (LPE in May 2006) native speaker COMPUTER SKILLS MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Statistics Packages (SPSS, Stata, etc.) Simulation Software (GAMS) TRAINING Collaborative Negotiation Skills (2006) People Management Training Programme (2005) Project Management (2005) Report Writing (2004) EMPLOYMENT RECORD Since August 2004 Economic Affairs Officer (P-4) at UN Economic Commission for Africa, Economic and Social Policy Division and Trade, Finance and Economic Development Division, Addis Ababa Research areas: private sector development, financing for development, FDI and aid flows to Africa, globalization and poverty, MDGs, public service delivery Project management for networking and knowledge sharing, including budget, recruitment, supervision of consultants and progress reports Organising meetings, including conceptualisation, identification of presenters, oversee logistical arrangements, liase with press, e. g. the African Knowledge Network Forum, Current Account Sustainability, Public Expenditure and Service Delivery, capacity building workshops Focal Point for Programme Planning and Performance, including monitoring of performance, development of questionnaires for self-evaluation, preparation of work programme and budget for the division Presentation of research papers at international conferences Contribute to Economic Report on Africa (2005 chapter on: Harnessing globalization to create decent jobs and reduce poverty, 2006 chapter on: Capital flows to Africa and their impact on growth) Coordinating Policy Research Reports, including conceptionalisation, providing an overview, reviewing contributions, e.g. Report on Private Sector Development Contribution to ad-hoc activities such as participation in meetings, background information for senior management, advisory services to Member States 03/2003 – 07/2004 Visiting Scholar at the University of Ghana, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Accra Fellowship awarded by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research project: Enterprise performance and investment determinants in different sectors in Ghana Administration and analysis of enterprise survey Supervision of research assistants Collection of secondary information from government agencies Advice to business associations and policy makers on private sector development Teaching international trade and economic development 12/1997 – 02/2003 Research Fellow at the Centre for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn University - - Research areas: ACP-EU relations (trade and aid), WTO issues, regional integration in West Africa, performance of SME, the role of ICT for development Supervision of doctoral students, research assistants and interns Teaching of macroeconomics in ZEF’s international doctoral studies program and CGE course Preparation of research proposals Organisation of international conferences Field research in several African countries Networking with international organisations, governments and NGOs Preparation of public relations material Referee for economic journals VOLONTARY WORK CV Susanna Wolf 1 1992 - 1997 for Oikocredit a non-profit credit organisation, tasks: administration, public relations, project visits (women projects, microcredit etc.) INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE Africa: Asia: Research projects in various African countries, especially Tanzania, Kenya and Ghana, extensive research on sub-Saharan and North Africa Project visits in Thailand; Supervision of doctoral thesis in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam MEMBERSHIP IN PROFFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Member of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) CV Susanna Wolf 2 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Begrenzter Erfolg der Lomé-Abkommen – Eine empirische Untersuchung der Wirkungen der EUZollpräferenzen auf den Handel der AKP-Staaten, Dissertation, Frankfurt a. M., 1996. The Future of Cooperation between the EU and ACP Countries, in: Intereconomics, Vol. 32, Heft 3, 1997, S. 126 - 133. (ed.) The Future of EU-ACP Relations, Frankfurt a. M., 1999. On the ‚how to‘ of agricultural growth promotion and improved food security – Implications for Southern Africa in a regional and international context, in: AGRECON, Special issue, Vol. 38, 1999 (mit Joachim von Braun und John Msuya). L’accord-cadre: à qui profite la coopération entre l’UE et les Etats ACP ?, in: agriculture + développement rural 2/2000 (with Francis Matambalya) Allocation of EU Aid towards ACP Countries, ZEF Discussion Paper No. 22, March 2000 (with Dominik Spoden). From Preferences to Reciprocity - General Equilibrium Effects of a Free Trade Area between the EU and the UEMOA, paper presented at the Third Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, June 2000 in Melbourne, Australia. The Cotonou Agreement and the Challenges of Making the New EU-ACP Trade Regime WTO Compatible, in: Journal of World Trade 35(1): 123-144, 2001 (with Francis Matambalya). EU's trade preferences and Africa's trade and investment perspectives, in: Africa's Reintegration into the World Economy, African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2000/2001 Vol. 8, Muenster 2001. The role of ICT for the performance of SMEs in East Africa – Empirical evidence from Kenya and Tanzania, ZEF Discussion Paper No. 42, Bonn, 2001. (with Francis Matambalya). Europäische Entwicklungspolitik - Kooperation zwischen ungleichen Partnern, in: Ronge (ed.) In welcher Verfassung ist Europa - Welche Verfassung für Europa?, Bd. 15, Schriften des ZEI, 2001. The European Union and Africa: From Post-Colonialism towards Partnership?, in: Legum, Colin (ed.) Africa Contemporary Record Vol. XXV, 1994-96 Holmes & Meier, New York and London, 2001. EU Aid and ACP Investments, HWWA Discussion Paper No. 191, Hamburg Institute of International Economics, Hamburg, 2002. EU - North African Trade Relations, in: World Economic Forum (ed.): Arab World Competitiveness Report 2002 - 2003, New York, Oxford, 2002. (with Ahmed Ghoneim and Jürgen von Hagen). CAP Reform and ACP Preferences: What is at stake for ACP Countries?, in: Trade Negotiations Insights - From Doha to Cotonou, Vol. 1, Issue No. 4, December 2002. L’aide européenne aux Etats ACP - accroît-elle les investissements ?, le Courier ACP-UE, no. 196, Brussels, janvier-février 2003. Private Sector Development and Competitiveness in Ghana, ZEF Discussion Paper No. 70, Bonn, June 2003. Tendencies of Private Sector Development in Ghana, in: African Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development - African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2002/2003, LIT Münster, 2004. Performance and Problems of Enterprises in Ghana – A Survey of Formal Private Sector Enterprises in the Agricultural and Manufacturing Sectors, ULPA Discussion Paper, University of Leipzig, 2004. CV Susanna Wolf 3 Harnessing globalization to create decent jobs and reduce poverty, Chapter 6 of Economic Report on Africa 2005: Meeting the Challenges of Unemployment and Poverty in Africa, UNECA, Addis Ababa, 2005. Does the Use of ICT Improve the Productivity of SMEs in East Africa? The Case of Kenya and Tanzania, in: Torero, M and von Braun, J. (eds.) Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction: The Potential of Telecommunications, IFPRI/The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006 (with Francis A. S. T. Matambalya). Investments in ICT-capital and Economic Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in East Africa. Journal of International Development, 18(4). (with Shyamal Chowdhury). Water and Energy Reforms in Ghana: Implications for Industry and Agriculture. Journal of River Basin Management. (forthcoming, with Veronika Fuest and Felix Asante). Export Performance and Investment Behaviour of Firms in Ghana, in Aryeetey, E. and Kanbur, R. (eds.) Ghana at the half century, (forthcoming, with Daniel Sarpong). Aid and public expenditure in Africa: Does aid increase the efficiency of public service delivery?, paper presented at the WIDER Conference on Aid: Principles, Policies and Performance, Helsinki, 16-17 June 2006. Encouraging Innovation and Productivity Growth in Africa to Create Decent Jobs, paper for the TIPS/DPRU Forum 2006: Accelerated and Shared Growth in South Africa: Determinants, Constraints and Opportunities, Johannesburg, 18-20 October 2006. Capital flows to Africa and their impact on growth, Chapter 2 of Economic Report on Africa 2006 (in print, with Ralf Krueger) CV Susanna Wolf 4