Math 4600, Homework 10

Math 4600, Homework 10
1. One of the well-known phenomenological (capturing the phenomena, but
not necessarily the mechanisms) models of cancer is represnted by Gompertz
= −bN ln(N/K).
a) Solve this equation with N (0) = N0 using the substitution u = ln(N/K), to
obtain the solution N (t) = K exp(−Ae−bt ), where A = − ln(N0 /K)
b) (computing) Plot the solution as a function of time for K = 1, N0 = 0.1,
b = 1. Illustrate with a plot and describe in words what happens to the tumor
dynamics if the growth rate b is varied. Compare with the logistic dynamics
Ṅ = −bN (N − K)
2. Do the following exercises for these functions:
a) f = y 2 sin x,
b) f = exp(−0.1(x2 + y 2 ))
∂2 f
∂2 f
- find ∂f
∂x , ∂x∂y , ∂y∂x , gradient of f
- (computing) Visualize the surface and the level curves given by the equation
z = f (x, y)
in Matlab. Explore different functions for plotting: mesh, meshz, meshc, surface
and see what they do. Type
help mesh
or similar to see the available options. Here is a sample code to help you:
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-5:.2:5, -6:.2:6);
The following three problems refer to the one-dimensional diffusion equation
ut = Duxx
3. Find the steady state solution of the one-dimensional diffusion equation
with boundary conditions u(0, t) = c1, u(L, t) = c2, x ∈ [0, L].
4. In an experiment a substance of concentration A is released into a narrow
tube at x = 0, t = 0. It difuses along the tube with diffusion constant D = 1.
Detectors are setup along the tube at all locations x > 0. They can detect the
substance if the concentration is above 5% of A.
a) What is the furthest location X(t) where the detector will be responding at
time t? (Hint: You will need to solve the diffusion equation before you find
X(t). Use fundamental solution approach.)
b) Sketch the time evolution of X(t)