1/13/10 Sustainability Council (SC) Minutes 10:00am-11:00am Killian 104 Facilitator: Lauren R. Bishop Attendees: Lauren R. Bishop See attached sign-in sheet Please read: UNC Sustainability Policy Please bring: Your ideas! Minutes Agenda item: Develop mission statement for the SC. Discussion: We broke up into groups of four or five people to generate ideas for our mission statement. These were turned into the facilitator at the end of our meeting. Conclusions: Small group mission statements: 1) To establish, support and facilitate sustainable practices as a leader in our university, local and regional communities and ecosystem. 2) To increase awareness of the current environmental situation and implement specific actions to improve the quality of life for the surrounding community and prevent disaster for future generations. 3) Enhance and further establish the degree to which sustainability is a core value of Western Carolina University, as a means of improving the lives of campus and community members, and minimizing any negative environmental impact of the university. These goals will be achieved through community outreach, enhanced educational awareness, active energy management practices and participation in the process by all segments of the campus community and other regional stakeholders. 4) - Focus our community spirit towards the advancement of our future Moral Character. Small changes in present to create large advancements for our future. Action items Person responsible Deadline Please review these ideas from the groups. SC 2/10 Mission statement will be decided upon via vote at the next meeting. SC 2/10 Need to find out if we must receive approval for this mission statement. Do we submit to administration or Executive Council? Lauren Bishop 2/10 It was mentioned that submission of the statement, regardless of approval, will act as notification to campus of our existence and purpose. Agenda item: Creating Sub-Committees Discussion: - - Conclusions: Dependant on our mission statement. No smaller than four people per committee. Don’t create too many committees. Sub-committee groups to consider: waste reduction, academic curriculum, transportation, operations and maintenance (O & M), communication & outreach, dining services (might fall under O & M). Need Eco Cats Representative at every SC meeting. Need more faculty involvement and input. Especially for academic curriculum subcommittee. o What research is being done on campus? o What courses are offered? o Answers to these questions will be the responsibility of the academic committee. Looked at UNC-G SC website to committee ideas. http://sustain.uncg.edu/ SC members to think about appropriate selection of sub-committees. Action items Person(s) responsible Deadline SC Members 02/10 Select of sub-committees needs to be determined. Please bring additional input to next meeting. Agenda item: Funding opportunities for SC initiatives Discussion: - Conclusions: Not on the January agenda but the topic brought up by members. Karrie Joseph, Wellness Coordinator, mentioned there are grants available for students that support Wellness Council mission and Healthy Campus objectives. SC members to keep notice of grants in perspective areas. Talk to Advancement about fundraising. Work study students available? More discussions to follow Action items Person responsible Deadline SC Members Ongoing None taken. SC members to keep notice of grants in perspective areas Agenda item: Sustainability in Higher Education Resources Discussion: - - Conclusions: Presenter: Lauren Bishop Two dominant resources for information Green School List Serve o Good source for posting questions and learning about other institutional activity. o Managed by Brown University o To join go to: http://listserv.brown.edu/?A0=GRNSCH-L AASHE – Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education o Subscribe to a weekly bulletin that provides news on higher education sustainability related events, resources and jobs. To subscribe go to: http://www.aashe.org/publications/bulletin.php o New blog & discussion forum plus more. o Website: http://www.aashe.org/ none o Action items Person responsible Deadline n/a n/a none Other Information Special notes: none