Minutes 2013 Sustainability Council MINUTES

Minutes 2013
Sustainability Council MINUTES
September 9, 2013
9:00 am – 10:00 a.m.
Campus Recreation Center
Energy Management Updates:
Meet our new GA! Audra Begg
Campus Lighting Performance Contract
o Inventoried light fixtures/usage/occupancy (lighting loggers installed)
o 13/17 schools are participating to retrofit LED lights (Cree)
o 10 year warranty and NC grown; LED lights are closest to natural light
o Investment grade energy audit guaranteed savings or check written to WCU
o Installation scheduled for late spring/summer (Ramsey/Scott Hall/Courtyard/Academic)
o Galen discussed independent LED projects and savings (Byrd/Cat Store/ Reid CR’s/ vball)
o Replacing old fluorescent improves light quality and requires less maintenance
2013 AASHE Conference Oct. 6-8, Nashville, TN (Check out AASHE resource)
RidePost is here. New version launched last week
o Commuter or one-time rides;
o Suggestions: direct on-campus benefit/incentives for carpool; group commuter discount
UNC working on system-wide Energy Internship Program
o Duke Energy must provide monies because did not meet goal for demand side management
program investment
Sustainability Energy Fund (SEF)
o Requesting $5/semester investment per student; asking for faculty and staff liaisons; willing to
present to individual classes; slogan is “Save the world for the price of a latte”;
2013 UNC Energy Summit Update (summary of experience and purpose)
Special Announcement!
Updates from the group?
1. ES- 495 & ET-Capstone: consulting with classes on their campus-based/strategic plan projects
2. Goats are here! Field trip requested to go see goats (scheduled for 9/13/13).
3. Suggestion: catalog/list sustainability majors creation (special programs/customization)
4. Membership suggestions: begin by sending invites to Deans to recommend committee member; EcoCATS
members, Environmental Science Club; email faculty a reminder
5. Sustainability Quarterly Newsletter coming: waiting on official name change
Upcoming Events:
Rooted in the Mountains – 4th Annual Symposium Integrating Indigenous Knowledge, Language, Health,
and Environment, September 20-21, 2013 - WCU Health and Human Sciences Building
**Free for students, faculty, & staff
To register go to:http://www.wcu.edu/academics/edoutreach/conted/conferences-and-communityclasses/rooted-in-the-mountains-valuing-our-common-ground/
Minutes 2013
Campus Sustainability Day – October 28th, Recycling drive during tailgate for Homecoming. David
Henderson might want to partner on an event as well.