4/14/10 Sustainability Council (SC) Minutes 10:00am-11:00am Killian 104 Facilitator: Lauren R. Bishop Attendees: Lauren R. Bishop See attached sign-in sheet Minutes Agenda item: Updates from Energy Management Office and Announcements from Group. Planning Earth Day 4/22/10 on the UC Lawn. (Aramark, Eco CATS & EMO to sponsor event). Participants include: Base Camp, Wellness Center, Yellow Bike Program, EMO, Sustainability Council, Service Learning, WATR, Residential Living, 2 bands (bluegrass & acoustic guitar), Hula Hooping, plus more. Please come and volunteer at our table. Karrie Joseph announced National Bik to Work Day on 5/21/10. Mad Batter will be giving out free coffee and muffin to participants. Discussion: Agenda item: Edited mission statement for the SC. Discussion: “The Sustainability Council strives to increase awareness, support, and facilitate sustainable practices throughout our university, local, and regional communities.” Conclusions: SC decided on the above mission statement. Action items Send mission statement to Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management to share with administrations (A & F). Agenda item: Discussion: Conclusions: Lauren Bishop May Suggestion from IT to change font to Century Gothic to save ink. Suggestion to change printing setup in PawPrint to allow for ease to print double sided. Write recommendation letter on behalf of SC to IT. Compose letter for approval by SC at next meeting. Agenda item: Deadline Font change recommendations. Action items Person responsible Sub-Committees groups discussed goals and objectives. Person responsible Deadline Lauren Bishop May Discussion: Programming & Outreach o Would like to work with media more. o See water quality as a concern for students and faculty. Students think water is dirty. Compare bottled water with WCU water. Students not recycling water bottles. o Discussed organizing self guided green walking tours of campus for visitors, orientation, etc. Dirk is currently creating virtual tours for campus (podcast for download on website). o Meghan Kearns mentioned importance of marketability of being green. Education & Academic Integration – academic curriculum o We’d like to work toward getting more members of academic affairs on the Council—especially faculty. Also, in considering how sustainability and environmental issues and texts can be worked into our academic curriculum, we’d like to know which courses already have such content. o To do this, our first step will be for Catherine to e-mail Beth TysonLofquist, both inviting her to join the Council and asking her if she’d be willing to e-mail Academic Affairs, requesting that faculty send us information about which classes include content relating to sustainability, ecology, environmental health, or other “green stuff.” Catherine will offer to compose and send the e-mail if Beth would prefer it. o After this, we’d like to invite faculty who are already academically involved with issues of environment or sustainability, and we brainstormed a possible list today, 3/10/10. But we think this e-mail could provide us a more complete list. o We brainstormed a bit as to what might be desirable outcomes with regard to sustainability, environmental issues and texts, and academic curriculum. What would this look like, five or ten years out? Would we liaise with service learning to start generating and publicizing green course content and activities? Would we have a goal of X% of classes incorporating green content by a certain date? We don’t know yet. o We also brainstormed some areas which might fall within our subcommittee’s bailiwick: curriculum development; faculty involvement; educating people on what courses are available right now; staff participation; liaising with the Faculty Center on offering workshops on incorporating “green stuff” into courses that aren’t bio or environmental health. Lauren at some point wants to do a STARS assessment of the campus. Planned & Natural Environment – waste reduction & recycling, green building, dining services, energy management. o Terry Riouff shared most recent annual waste totals with group. See attached to minutes. o Mentioned recent recycling article in The Reporter. o Grounds Dept. chips and makes compost w/ all leaf matter collected on campus. o Matt Lugo, Aramark, has subcommittee notes. o Spring move out. Discussed best way to collect discarded items from residence halls for resale or donation. George Ford suggested having Goodwill trailer on campus for convenient drop-off. Yard sale in Ramsey? o Readdress policy for holding abandoned student items for 5-years.