Susann Rohwedder, Ph.D. RAND Corporation 1776 Main Street, PO Box 2138 Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138 (310) 393-0411, ext. 7885 CURRENT POSITIONS 2011–… Professor of Economics, Pardee RAND Graduate School 2010–… Senior Economist, RAND, Santa Monica 2008–… Research Fellow of NETSPAR (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging & Retirement) 2005–… Associate Director, RAND Center for the Study of Aging 2002–… Researcher, Michigan Retirement Research Center PAST POSITIONS 2006-2011 2006-2010 2002-2006 Affiliate Member of the Faculty, Pardee RAND Graduate School Economist, RAND, Santa Monica Associate Economist, RAND, Santa Monica EDUCATION 2003 1997-2001 1997 1996 1995 Ph.D. in Economics, University College London, U.K. Research Scholar at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, London; Pre-doctoral Fellow, European Netwok for Training and Mobility in Research (TMR) MSc in Economics, University of Warwick, U.K. Maîtrise d’Econométrie, “Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne,” France, emphasis econometrics “Vordiplom,” Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2010 Bronze Merit Award, RAND 1997-2001 Training and Mobility in Research Fellowship (funded by the E.U.) 1992-1997 German National Merit Foundation (“Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”) 1995-1996 ERASMUS fellowship for studies in Paris 1996-1997 Fellowship from the German National Merit Foundation for MSc studies at the University of Warwick FIELDS OF INTEREST Economics of aging, household consumption and saving behavior, retirement, health expenditure and nursing home risk, expectation formation, survey methods, applied microeconomics. JOURNAL ARTICLES Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “Heterogeneity in Spending Change at Retirement,” Journal of the Economics of Aging, Related NBER Working papers: #9586, #12057 and #13929. Hurd, Michael D., Pierre-Carl Michaud and Susann Rohwedder, 2012, “The Displacement Effect of Public Pensions on the Accumulation of Financial Assets,” Fiscal Studies, 33(1), 107-128. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5890.2012.00154.x. PMC3630514. 1 04/22/2014 Meijer, Erik, Susann Rohwedder and Tom J. Wansbeek, 2011, “Measurement error in earnings data: Using a mixture model approach to combine survey and register data,” Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(2), 191-201. DOI 10.1198/jbes.2011.08166. PMC3604906. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2011, “Trends in Labor Force Participation: How Much is Due to Changes in Pensions?” Journal of Population Ageing, 4(1-2), 81-96. DOI: 10.1007/s12062-011-9042-8. PMC3156463. Delavande, Adeline and Susann Rohwedder, 2011, “Individuals’ Uncertainty about their Future Social Security Benefits and Portfolio Choice,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26, 498-519. DOI: 10.1002/jae.1235. PMC3729115. Delavande, Adeline and Susann Rohwedder, 2011, “Differential Survival in Europe and the United States: Estimates Based on Subjective Probabilities of Survival,” Demography, 48(4), 1377-1400. DOI: 10.1007/s13524-011-0066-8. PMC3609718. Rohwedder, Susann and Robert J. Willis, 2010, “Mental Retirement,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 24(1), 119-38. DOI: 10.1257/jep.24.1.119. PMC2958696. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2009, “Methodological Innovations in Collecting Spending Data: The HRS Consumption and Activities Mail Survey,” Fiscal Studies, 30(3/4), 435-459. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-5890.2009.00103.x. PMC2967775. Delavande, Adeline and Susann Rohwedder, 2008, “Eliciting Subjective Probabilities in Internet Surveys,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 72(5), 866-891. DOI: 10.1093/poq/nfn062. PMC2942770. Rohwedder, Susann, Steven J. Haider, and Michael D. Hurd, 2006, “Increases in Wealth among the Elderly in the Early 1990s: How Much is Due to Survey Design?” Review of Income and Wealth, Dec. 2006, 52(4), 509-524. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4991.2006.00207.x. Attanasio, Orazio P. and Susann Rohwedder, 2003, “Pension Wealth and Household Saving: Evidence from Pension Reforms in the U.K.,” American Economic Review, December (2003), 1499-1521. Banks, James and Susann Rohwedder, 2001, “Life-cycle saving patterns and pension arrangements in the U.K.,” Research in Economics, vol. 55, 83-107. ARTICLES IN EDITED VOLUMES Hurd, Michael D., Pierre-Carl Michaud and Susann Rohwedder, forthcoming, “The Lifetime Risk of Nursing Home Use,” in D. Wise (ed.) Discoveries in the Economics of Aging. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, forthcoming, “Wealth Dynamics and Active Saving at Older Ages,” Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, conference volume. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, forthcoming, “High-Frequency Data on Total Household Spending: Evidence from Monthly ALP Surveys,” Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, conference volume. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2012, “Economic Preparation for Retirement,” in D. Wise (ed.) Investigations in the Economics of Aging, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 77-113, also available as NBER working paper No. 17203. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2012, “The Effects of the Economic Crisis on the Older Population,” in O. Mitchell, M. Warshawsky, and R. Maurer (eds.), How the Global Financial Crisis is Reshaping Retirement Security, Oxford University Press: 64-80. Also accessible as Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper 2010-231. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, (2010), “Spending Patterns in the Older Population,” in A. Drolet, N. Schwarz, and C. Yoon (eds.) The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Economics, New York: Routledge, 25-49. Hurd, Michael D., Monika Reti and Susann Rohwedder, 2009, “The Effect of Large Capital Gains or Losses on Retirement,” in D. Wise (ed.) Developments in the Economics of Aging, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 127-163. 2 04/22/2014 Hurd, Michael D., and Susann Rohwedder, 2008, “Time-Use in the Older Population: Variation by Socioeconomic Status and Health,” in R.F. Belli, F. P. Stafford, D. F. Alwin (eds.) Using Calendar and Diary Methodologies in Life Events Research. Sage Publications, Inc., 207-223. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2007, “Trends in Pension Values among Workers Near Retirement,” in Madrian, Mitchell and Soldo (eds.) Transitioning to Retirement: How Will Boomers Fare?, Oxford University Press, 234-247. Banks, James and Susann Rohwedder, 2003, “Pensions and Life-Cycle Savings Profiles in the UK,” in BörschSupan (ed.) Life-Cycle Savings and Public Policy, Academic Press, 257-313. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Maestas, Nicole, Julie Zissimopoulos, Susann Rohwedder and Linda G. Martin (2010), “When I’m 64 – How Aging U.S. Baby Boomers Have Begun to Carry That Weight,” RAND Review, Summer 2010, 34(2), 16-24. Rohwedder, Susann, Jinkook Lee and Craig E. Pollack, 2010, “Pooled Assets – Three Ways for Coping in Hard Times,” RAND Review, Spring 2010, 34(1), 10-15. Rohwedder, Susann, 2009, “Helping Each Other in Times of Need – Financial Help as a Means of Coping with the Economic Crisis,” RAND Occasional Paper (OP-269). Beeuwkes Buntin, Melinda and Susann Rohwedder, 2008, “The Aging Couple,” RAND Review, Summer 2008, 32(2), 17. WORKING PAPERS AND MANUSCRIPTS Angrisani, Marco, Michael D. Hurd and Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “Changes in Spending during the Great Recession Following Housing and Financial Wealth Losses,” manuscript presented at multiple conferences. Michael D. Hurd, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “The Distributions of Lifetime Nursing Home Use and of Out-of-Pocket Spending,” manuscript (under review), presented at multiple conferences. Michael D. Hurd and Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “Exectations and Household Spending,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2013-300. Angrisani, Marco, Michael D. Hurd, Erik Meijer, Andrew M. Parker, Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “Labor Force Transitions at Older Ages: The Roles of Work Environment and Personality,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2013-295. Parker, Andrew M., Leandro S. Carvalho, and Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “Cognitive Ability, Expectations, and Beliefs about the Future: Psychological Influences on Retirement Decisions,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2013-298. Aguila, Emma, Michael D. Hurd and Susann Rohwedder, 2013, “How Do Management Fees Affect Retirement Wealth Under Mexico’s Personal Retirement Accounts System?” RAND Working Paper No. WR-1023. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2012, “Personality Traits and Economic Preparation for Retirement,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2012-279. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2011, “Consumption and Differential Mortality,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2011-254. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2011, “The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Actual and Anticipated Consumption,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2011-255. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2010, “Effects of the Financial Crisis and Great Recession on American Households,” NBER Working Paper No. 16407. Delavande, Adeline and Susann Rohwedder, 2008, “Individuals’ Responses to Social Security Reform,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2008-182. Rohwedder, Susann, 2006, “Self-Assessed Retirement Outcomes: Determinants and Pathways,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2006-141. 3 04/22/2014 Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2006, “Economic Well-Being at Older Ages: Income- and Consumption-based Poverty Measures in the HRS,” RAND Working Paper No. WR-410. Rohwedder, Susann and Arthur van Soest, 2006, “The Impact of Misperceptions about Social Security on Saving and Well-Being,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2006-118. Hurd, Michael D., Susann Rohwedder and Joachim Winter, 2005, “International Comparison of Subjective Probabilities of Survival,” manuscript, September, 2005. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2004, “Changes in Consumption and Activities at Retirement,” Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper No. 2005-096. Hurd, Michael D. and Susann Rohwedder, 2004, “Life-Cycle Spending and Saving: New Evidence from the Consumption and Activities Mail Survey,” manuscript. Rohwedder, Susann and Kristin J. Kleinjans, 2004, “Dynamics of Individual Information about Social Security,” manuscript. Rohwedder, Susann, 2003, “Measuring Pension Wealth in the HRS: Self-reports and Employer reports,” manuscript. Rohwedder, Susann, 2003, “Empirical Validation of HRS Pension Wealth Measures,” manuscript. WORK IN PROGRESS The Effects of the Great Recession on American Households, with M. Hurd Long-term Care Insurance and Economic Preparation for Retirement, with M. Hurd and P.-C. Michaud Medicaid Spend-down: The Importance of Strategic Asset Transfers, with M. Hurd and M. Baird The Impact of Unemployment on Subjective Well-Being, with M. D. Hurd and C. Tassot Expectations and Economic Decision-Making, with L. Burgette, A. Delavande, M. Hurd and A. Van Soest PUBLIC SERVICE Director of RAND HRS DATA DEVELOPMENT AND DISSEMINATION The suite of documented and enhanced HRS data files listed below are made available to researchers from around the world, saving analysts significant time of data work and enhancing comparability of analyses. The main longitudinal RAND HRS file has been downloaded more than 30,000 times since 2002. I direct the work of a programming team to produce the following public release data files: RAND HRS – main longitudinal file supporting research from multiple disciplines RAND HRS – longitudinal file of detailed measures of income and wealth imputations RAND HRS fat files – wave-specific files combininig all raw variables RAND HRS – CAMS: cleaned longitudinal file of the HRS spending data RAND HRS – Tax Calculations of HRS households (Using NBER TAXSIM) RAND HRS – Family Data: longitudinal files of information on HRS respondents’ children SURVEY DESIGN OF PUBLIC USE DATA, available to the research community ALP Financial Crisis Surveys: Lead design and management of data collection (53+ waves) HRS Internet Survey: Lead-or Co-designer of several modules HRS-CAMS: Responsible for survey design, joint with Michael Hurd HRS Core Interview: Several experimental modules REFEREEING Member, Panel of Judges for the Gerontology Award of the City of Heidelberg, 2008 External Reviewer, Sloan Foundation Proposal Reviewer: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, European Economic Review, Fiscal Studies, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Forum for Health Economics & Policy, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Population Economics, National Tax Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of Income and Wealth. 4 04/22/2014 CURRENT FUNDING 2013-2018 2011-2016 2011-2016 2012-2015 2013-2014 2009-2014 2012-2017 2010-2015 P01 Grant from the National Institute on Aging: “Health and Economic Status in Older Populations;” role: Co-Investigator on two component projects R01 Grant from the National Institute on Aging: “The Great Recession: Economic and Health Effects in the U.S.;” role: Principal Investigator R01 Grant from National Institute on Aging: “The Value of Long-Term Care Insurance to Married and Single Persons,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-Investigator Grant from the National Institute on Aging (comp. revision to P01); role: Co-Investigator Provides (partial) funds for data collection for the ALP Financial Crisis Surveys. Grant from SSA via the Michigan Retirement Research Center, “The Effect of Wealth Shocks in the Great Recession on Time-Use and Budget Shares,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI P30 Grant from NIA supporting the RAND Center for the Study of Aging; role: Co-PI Health and Retirement Study (Sub-contract from University of Michigan); role: Co-Investigator P01 Grant from the National Institute on Aging: “Behavior on Surveys and in the Economy: HRS and Beyond,” (with R.J. Willis); role: Co-Investigator PAST FUNDING 2012-2013 2012-2013 2011-2012 2011-2012 2010-2011 2010-2011 2009-2010 2009-2010 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2006-2007 2006-2007 Grant from the Social Security Administration (SSA) via the Michigan Retirement Research Center (MRRC): “Cognitive Ability, Expectations, and Beliefs about the Future: Psychological Influences on Retirement Decisions,” (with A. Parker and L. Carvalho); role: Co-Investigator Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Expectations and Consumption,” (with M. Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Personality Traits and Economic Preparation for Retirement,” (with Michael Hurd, Angela Lee Duckworth and David Weir); role: Co-Investigator Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Expectations about Social Security and Retirement Planning: The Role of Uncertainty and the Impact of Economic Shocks,” (with A. Delavande); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Consumption and Differential Mortality,” (with M. Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Actual and Anticipated Consumption,” (with Michael Hurd); role: PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “The Effect of Out-of-Pocket Spending for Health Care on Economic Preparation for Retirement,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI. Grant from SSA via MRRC: “The Effects of the Economic Crisis on Retirement and Spending,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “International Comparisons: The Effect of Policy on Work, Disability and Wealth,” (with Pierre-Carl Michaud and Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “The Level and Risk of Out-of-Pocket Health Care Spending,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from NIA via the RAND Roybal Center for a Pilot Project: “The Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis for American Households,” role: PI Grant from NIA via the RAND Aging Center for a Pilot Project: “Data Collection About the Financial Crisis,” role: PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Pension Reform in Mexico: The Effect of Personal Retirement Accounts on Preparation for Retirement,” (with Emma Aguila and Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Individuals’ Uncertainty About Their Future Social Security Benefits,” (with Adeline Delavande); role: PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Adequacy of Economic Resources in Retirement: Model-based Estimations,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Forecasting Labor Force Participation and Economic Resources of the Early Baby-Boomer,” (with PC Michaud); role: PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Adequacy of Economic Resources in Retirement and Returns-toScale in Consumption,” (with M. Hurd); role: Co-PI 5 04/22/2014 2006-2007 2005-2009 2005-2007 2005-2007 2005-2006 2005-2006 2004-2009 2004-2006 2004-2005 2004-2005 2004-2005 2003-2005 2003-2004 2003-2004 Grant from NIA via RAND Center for the Study of Aging: “Differential Mortality in Europe and the U.S.: Estimates Based on the Subjective Probabilities of Survival and Their Reliability,” (with Adeline Delavande); role: Co-PI P01 Grant from the NIA: “Health and Economic Status Among Older Populations,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-Project Leader of “Consumption Dynamics Near and After Retirement,” and Co-Project Leader of “Expectations and Realizations of Retirement Benefits,” and Director of the Data Core Contract from the Department of Labor: “Responses to Changes in Retirement and Health Insurance Policy: Evidence from Cross-Country Comparisons,” role: Task Leader Contract from the Department of Labor: “Financial Security in Retirement in the Face of Rising Healthcare Costs,” role: Co-Task Leader Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Pathways to Bad Retirement Outcomes,” role: PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Alternative Measures of Replacement Rates,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI P01 Grant from the NIA: “Economic and Health Determinants of Retirement Behavior,” (with Arie Kapteyn); role: Director of the Data Core; Co-Investigator on “Wealth and retirement;” and Co-Investigator on “Measuring Pension Outcomes” R03 Grant from the NIA: “Dynamics of Personal Social Security & Pension Knowledge,” role: PI Contract from the Department of Labor: “Financial Decisionmaking: What Can We Learn from International Comparisons,” role: Co-Investigator Grant from SSA via MRRC: “The Impact of Misperceptions about Social Secuirty on Saving and Well-Being,” (with Arthur Van Soest); role: PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Consumption and Economic Well-Being at Older Ages,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI R03 Grant from the NIA: “Comparison of Survey and Register Data: The Swedish Case,” (with Arie Kapteyn and Anders Klevmarken); role: Co-Investigator Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Consumption and Time-Use Before and After Retirement,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI Grant from SSA via MRRC: “Changes in Consumption and Activities in Retirement,” (with Michael Hurd); role: Co-PI INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS 2014 Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor ICI Retirement Summit on Retirement Preparedness in America, Washington DC Workshop on Subjective Expectations and Probabilities in Economics and Psychology, University of Essex, United Kingdom NETSPAR International Pension Workshop, Amsterdam 2013 Conference on Understanding Economic Decisionmaking, Aspen NBER Summer Institute, Aging Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts Working Group Meeting on “Improving the Measurement of Household Spending,” Boston NETSPAR International Pension Workshop, Frankfurt VIU Summer Institute on Ageing, Venice, Italy (invited lecture) NBER Conference on the Economics of Aging, Boulders, Arizona Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor 2012 Conference on Economics of Aging, Montréal Conference on Formation and Revision of Subjective Expectations, Laval University, Québec City NBER Summer Institute, Aging Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts NETSPAR International Pension Workshop, Paris Federal Reserve Board, Microeconomics Seminar, Washington DC Internet Interviewing Workshop, Santa Monica 6 04/22/2014 HRS Workshop on Measuring Pensions in the HRS, Santa Monica Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor NETSPAR International Pension Workshop, Amsterdam 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Erich Schneider Seminar, Institute for World Economics, Kiel, Germany Conference on Improving the Measurement of Consumer Expenditures (CRIW), Washington, DC Internet Interviewing Workshop, Aspen Conference on Economic Decision Making, Aspen NBER Summer Institute, Aging Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts NBER Conference on the Economics of Aging, Boulders, Arizona Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor Keynote Speaker (3 presentations) at NETSPAR International Pension Workshop, Amsterdam Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Denver HRS Summer Workshop Lecture, Ann Arbor National Academy of Sciences, Workshop on Recession and the Elderly, Washington, DC Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor Internet Interviewing Workshop, Munich ONE RAND Colloqium, Santa Monica RAND Board of Advisory Trustees, Santa Monica Internet Interviewing Workshop, Santa Monica Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor RAND Board of Trustees Meeting, Washington, DC Workshop on Subjective Beliefs in Econometric Models, Laval University, Québec Mannheim Institute for the Economics of Ageing Seminar, Mannheim, Germany Conference on Understanding Economic Decision-Making, Jackson Hole NBER Summer Institute, Social Security Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts “The Aging Consumer Conference: Perspectives from Psychology and Economics,” Ann Arbor Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor Conference on “Health and Economic Determinants of Retirement,” RAND, Santa Monica Workshop on the “Economics of Ageing,” Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, Italy Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, New York Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Chicago University of Lausanne, Health Economics Seminar, Lausanne, Switzerland NBER Summer Institute, Aging Workshop, Boston Conference on Calendar and Diary Methods in Life Event Research, Ann Arbor IZA Conference on Well-being of the Elderly, Bonn, Germany National Poverty Center Conference, Washington, DC RAND/U.S. Department of Labor Conference, Washington, DC Wharton Conference on “Transitioning to Retirement: How Will Boomers Fare?” Philadelphia Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor Workshop on Developing Pension & Social Security Wealth Measures in the HRS, Washington, DC Workshop on Collection of Consumption Data, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC SHARE Conference, Varenna, Italy Department of Economics, University “Tor Vergata,” Rome, Italy Central Bank of The Netherlands (DNB), 8th Annual Research Conference, Amsterdam CeRP Annual Conference on Retirement Saving, Turin, Italy RTN Conference on Aging, Venice, Italy SHARE-First Results Conference, Lund, Sweden NBER Summer Institute, Aging Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts IZA Conference on “The Older Worker in the Labor Market,” Lisbon, Portugal 7 04/22/2014 Michigan Retirement Research Center – Researcher Workshop, Ann Arbor Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Philadelphia Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Philadelphia Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, San Diego RAND Labor and Population Program, Brown Bag Seminar, Santa Monica Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Boston RTN Conference on Aging, Edesheim, Germany NBER Summer Institute, Social Security Working Group, Cambridge, Massachusetts SHARE Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland Central Bank of The Netherlands (DNB), 7th Annual Research Conference, Amsterdam SHARE Conference, Paris 2003 RTN Conference on Aging in Naples, Italy NBER Summer Institute, Aging Workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, San Diego Seminar Series, Stony Brook, State University of New York, Stony Brook Central Bank of The Netherlands (DNB), 6th Annual Research Conference, Amsterdam 2001-2002 RTN Inaugural Conference, Copenhagen RAND Aging, Development and Population Seminar Series, Santa Monica University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. Institute for Fiscal Studies, London RAND Aging, Development and Population Seminar Series, Santa Monica RAND Seminar Presentation, Santa Monica 1998-2000 ENTER Meeting, London University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K. TMR Conference on “Pensions and Savings,” Deidesheim, Germany Conference on “Pensioners’ Incomes,” Institute for Fiscal Studies, London ENTER Meeting, Brussels, Belgium Seminar series, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London 2004 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Economic Association DISSERTATION SUPERVISION Member of dissertation committee of Xiaohui Zhuo (hired by CDC), Caroline Tassot (in progress) LANGUAGES English, German and French: Fluent Spanish and Italian: Intermediate CITIZENSHIP United States of America and Federal Republic of Germany 8 04/22/2014