Title: Tools of the Trade Topic: Standard & Benchmarks: School Gardens Standard 1: Planning: Benchmark SC.G.1.3: Materials: Determine tools that are helpful in the process of gardening and cultivating a crop. I can statement: I can determine the tools needed to grow a garden. Create an advertisement for an invented or improved garden tool Minimum of one class period for the WebQuest plus out of class activity (creative thinking time) for completion of tool design. □scratch paper □pens □colored pencils □pencil □ruler □construction paper (beside computer) – none Outcome: Time Recommended: Materials needed: Equipment Vocabulary: Hawaiian vocabulary: Soil Cultivation- no translation Options: o Students may complete the product of the WebQuest as an outside activity and then bring it in for peer sharing. o Students may complete the WebQuest in pairs and the project independently. o Consider scheduling a fieldtrip to your local organic farm. o Consider inviting a guest speaker from a gardening center o Host a pretend auction Additional Information: