Available again Gardening Notes for South Carolina Second Edition The Columbia Garden Club Gardening Notes for South Carolina is a handbook for beginners and intermediate gardeners and includes expert guidance on planting and maintaining gardens in the unique conditions present in South Carolina. Straightforward entries foster beautification and conservation through education and encouragement harvested from the diverse members of the Columbia Garden Club. This illustrated guide offers specific tips for planting by season as well as details on cultivating perennials, annuals, trees, and lawns. Additional sections address the basics of soil analysis, heirloom plants, container gardening, landscape design, and attracting and discouraging animals in your garden. The second edition of this popular volume has been updated with new information on working with tomatoes, tropicals, hydrangeas, palms, ferns, and citrus trees as well as new sections on coastal gardening and water gardens. Founded in 1926, the Columbia Garden Club promotes gardening among amateurs, encourages civic beautification by sponsoring plantings in both public and private places, and protects native species of flora and fauna through conservation efforts. September 2012, 152 pages, 115 illus. Method of payment: _____ Check or money order (payable to USC Press in United States dollars) Send me ______ copy/copies (pb, 978-1-57003-850-1, $17.95 each) ______ Credit Card: ____ American Express ____ Discover ____ Mastercard ____ Visa Account number: _____________________________________ Exp. date: ________ Signature: ____________________________________________________________ SC residents add 7% sales tax ______ Name (please print): ________________________________ Phone: ____________ Shipping address: ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ *add $7.50 for first book, $2.00 for each additional book Shipping and handling* ______ TOTAL ______ CODE AUFR 718 Devine Street, Columbia, South Carolina 29208 800-768-2500 • Fax 800-868-0740 • www.uscpress.com