Strictly Classified How to Assist Employees Achieve Department Goals

Resource Information for Supervisors & Managers
Strictly Classified
An Informational Bulletin Published by the Personnel Commission
How to Assist Employees Achieve Department Goals
Often times, employees perform below their supervisor’s expectations due to a lack of resources, communication, guidance and effective supervision, rather than a lack of ability. Ensuring that both new and existing employees have access to appropriate training and materials, as well as providing employees with clear expectations, regular feedback and coaching will assist employees with reaching success and achieving department
Communicate Goals
Upon hiring, supervisors should set aside time to review department goals with new employees. At this time,
supervisors should also explain the employee’s specific role in accomplishing department goals. This discussion should include an explanation of LACCD’s mission, goals and initiatives that are specific to the campus
or location where the department is based and how the department plays a part in assisting both the District
and the campus achieve their goals. In addition to an initial review of the department’s purpose, supervisors
should regularly review with employees any changes in goals or mission and provide feedback as to how the
department is progressing towards accomplishing its goals. Communicating the importance of department
goals as it relates to the campus and District’s mission will instill the employee with a sense of purpose.
Set Clear Expectations
When an employee is hired, he/she should be provided with a job description. Although each classified job
has a general job description produced by the Personnel Commission, supervisors should provide employees
with a specific list of duties. This description should also include information about reporting relationships, as
well as tools/equipment/software that is to be used. When creating this more detailed job description, a supervisor should use the job description produced by the Personnel Commission as a guideline for appropriate duties to be assigned to a given position.
In addition to providing a job description, be sure to clearly communicate assignments to employees. When
giving an employee an assignment you should provide a date and time you expect the task to be completed, as
well as specific instructions for competing the task.
James A. Srott, Chair
August 2006
David Iwata
Calvin W. Hall, Ed.D.
Karen Martin, Personnel Director
(213) 891-2333
Provide the Essentials
Employees should have access to all of the materials and resources they need to accomplish assigned duties.
This includes having appropriate access to computer programs, as well as having the appropriate tools such as
procedural handbooks, safety gear, and organizational materials. Furthermore, employees need to have access
to the training necessary to complete their day-to-day responsibilities, as well as training workshops and seminars in order to ensure they know how to properly use the computer programs and/or equipment required by
their positions. Even with the most seasoned employees, supervisors must recognize that training is an ongoing process. Providing regular feedback and one-on-one coaching is key to accomplishing department goals.
Annual Review
Conducting an annual performance evaluation provides an excellent opportunity to review job descriptions and
provide feedback on employee progress. It also serves as an opportunity to update employees on department
performance and changes in department practices. Facilitating communication with employees will bring your
department one step closer to reaching success!