Meeting Notes Participants University Studies Advisory Committee September 23, 2013

Meeting Notes
University Studies Advisory Committee
Mahnaz Moallem
Anita McDaniel
Von Yeager
Rob Morgan
Paul Townend
Linda Siefert
Kerry Whipple
Cara Cilano
Thomas Coombs
Jennifer Horan
Notetaker: Lea Bullard
September 23, 2013
Discussion Notes
1. Course proposals and proposed motions
a. For courses that received very different scores from the multiple reviewers, it was decided that
the reviewers should have a discussion about how they are interpreting the rubric (as a means of
achieving a common understanding)
b. For courses with which reviewers had issues, if a it was decided that those would be returned to
the submitting department along with the reviewer comments
c. Reviewing particular courses:
i. Information Literacy
1. NSG 404: return to department
2. CIT 110: return to department
3. BIO 335: return to department
4. ANT 440: return to department
5. OPS 300: ok
6. ENG 310: ok
7. SPN 412: look at Anita’s reviews to see how the scores compare to the current
ones; send back to department if necessary
8. SPN 422: look at Anita’s reviews to see how the scores compare to the current
ones; send back to department if necessary
9. SPN 496: ok
10. SPN 491: ok
11. SPN 495: ok
12. LIB: ok
13. ANT375: return to department
ii. Writing Intensive
1. For all of the courses with no or only one set of scores, these will be reassigned
during the next round of scoring
2. For all of the SPN courses: check to see if there is 3rd review has been submitted
since the scores were compiled; perhaps send back to the department if the 3rd
set of scores are low
3. If SLOs weren’t listed on the syllabus, return to department noting that they
should be present on the syllabus
4. MGT 452: return to department
iii. Living in a Global Society
1. HON 212: return to department
2. INT 311: return to department
3. INT 331: return to department
4. MUS 106: return to department
iv. Living in a Diverse Nation
1. SOC 220: needs another scorer
2. SOC 346: needs another scorer
3. SPN 490: needs another scorer: Only one set of scores
v. Understanding Human Institutions and Behavior
1. SOC 346: needs another scorer: Only one set of scores
2. SOC 336: ok
vi. Historical and Philosophical Approaches
1. SOC 346: Return to department and ask them to respond to the question about
how it is approaching the content from a Philosophical or Historical perspective
vii. Capstone Courses
1. CTT 480: return to department
viii. Explorations Beyond the Classroom
1. BIO 454-ok
2. ENG 305-ok
3. HST/ANT 190-ok
ix. Clusters courses
1. SOC 220: rescore
2. SOC 336: rescore
3. SOC 220: rescore
4. SOC 337: return to department (and Lea: re-file this one for Lifespan Wellness)
5. SOC 346: return to department
6. SOC 336: rescore
7. SOC 433: rescore
8. INT 316: rescore
9. SOC 346: rescore
d. Deadline for departments to submit revisions: October 15; otherwise these will be reviewed for
next catalog year
e. Deadline for committee members for next round of proposal reviews is October 15
2. Explorations Beyond the Classroom residency requirement
a. The catalog currently stipulates that the EBC requirement must be fulfilled at UNCW. Cara
submitted an explanatory rationale to be published on the website and on the degree audit. The
USAC will need to vote on the explanation when there is a quorum present (or online).
3. Gabriel has been contacted about adding an ex-officio member from the Registar’s office.
4. Discussion on Cluster Revisions
a. Who owns the cluster? Who should do revisions on the cluster? Who votes on the revisions?
i. The USAC votes on revisions. However, if a department proposes a revision, the USAC
would then contact all the departments in the cluster. Revisions should be elastic enough
to allow already approved courses to remain in the Cluster.