S . L C

Meeting of July 11, 2012
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Brian W. Staples called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM at Clarkson University,
LaBaff ...........................
Peck ...............................
Weekes ..........................
McMahon ...................
Staples ........................
Others: SLCIDA Staff (Patrick Kelly, Thomas Plastino, Richard Williams, Kim Gilbert, Leigh Rodriguez, Brian
Norton and Natalie Sweatland); Andrew Silver, Esq., Counsel.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Public notifications sent June 25, 2012 to, at a minimum: St. Lawrence County’s newspapers
designated for the publication of local laws and other matters required by law to be published; additional local media
sources and websites.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Chairman Staples recognizes Dr. Tony Collins, President of Clarkson University and CoChair of the North Country Regional Economic Development Council, and on behalf of the SLCIDA, thanks Dr.
Collins for his assistance with past and present economic development projects.
Dr. Collins thanks the SLCIDA for its work in the North Country, and notes that Clarkson University also wants to
help make the North Country a better place and create job opportunities for youth. He adds that the University is a
business - it can only thrive if the region thrives, and we all will rise together, or sink together. Dr. Collins remarks
on the goals of the Governor’s Regional Councils and noted that the geographic size and low population of St.
Lawrence County can some times be challenging, but there is clear communication among economic development
entities, which is not true everywhere else. Dr. Collins provides a brief history of the development of the campus and
provides a synopsis of the plans for both the Downtown and Hill campuses.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: LaBaff/Hall motion to accept the minutes of the May 17 and May 31, 2012 meetings.
Carried unanimously.
FINANCIAL REPORTS: (Ending April 2012, Ending May 2012). Mr. Plastino reports, noting that the total net
income of the three entities over the two months showed a loss of approximately $20,000. Most of the loss was
related to construction expenses on the IDA building. He also notes that the General Fund of the SLCIDA-LDC will
be starting to take hits, citing the Canadian Marketing project and his own salary as the major draws. A portion of his
salary will be offset by the Workforce Investment Board, should the SLCIDA-LDC approve the agreement with the
WIB later in this meeting.
SLCIDA: Blevins/McMahon and LaBaff. There are no additional comments or questions. Accepted unanimously
and filed for audit.
SLCIDA-LDC: Blevins/McMahon and LaBaff. There are no additional comments or questions. Accepted
unanimously and filed for audit.
SLCIDA-CDC: Blevins/McMahon and LaBaff. There are no additional questions or comments. Accepted
unanimously and filed for audit.
Nominating Committee (LaBaff/Weekes/Blevins): Nominating Committee Chairman Ernest LaBaff offers the
following slate of officers: Brian W. Staples (Chairman), Ernest LaBaff (Vice-Chairman) and Lynn Blevins
(Secretary). There being no other nominations from the floor, the nominees are elected by unanimous vote. The
Board unanimously approves the following: Patrick Kelly (Chief Executive Officer), Thomas Plastino (Chief
Financial Officer), and Law Firm of Silver & Collins (Agency General Counsel).
STAFF REPORT: Mr. Kelly reports on the following:
 Governance Committee (Staples, LaBaff, Weekes). The Committee met on June 19, reviewed a number of
policies and resolutions, and recommended their approval by the full Boards.
 Affinity. The public hearing was held on July 5 and was attended by approximately 45 people, approximately 20
of whom spoke. The Village of Potsdam has consented to the project. The Town of Potsdam’s vote was 2-2,
with one abstention. The School may discuss the project at their next meeting. We are awaiting the transcript of
the public hearing. The SLCIDA can still approve the project, conditionally. Chairman Staples remarks that the
SLCIDA’s policy requires unanimous consent, and the local affected taxing jurisdictions should make the
decision. It is not up to the SLCIDA to force anyone, but we cannot walk away from this project until we have a
decision from all of the local affected taxing jurisdictions. Mr. LaBaff notes that most of the public hearing
speakers agreed that the project was a good one; they didn’t agree with the terms of the PILOT.
 Joe Weekes was reappointed by the County Legislature at its June meeting.
 Consolidated Funding Application. The SLCIDA will submit applications for two projects (J&L, and Canton
Industrial Park [Infrastructure]), and is providing technical assistance and letters of support for other projects.
 Newton Falls Rail. All five (5) local affected taxing jurisdictions have consented to the project. The next step is
to hold public hearings. Lewis County foresees no issues with the project; Jefferson County is working around
some issues. Empire State Development has indicated that it will be providing a restructured incentive proposal
for the rail project.
 Clearwater Trestle. A discussion is held regarding the conditions of the grant for this project. The Board
acknowledges that the project does include some risk and could potentially require the repayment of the grant by
the IDA if certain maintenance and rail service requirements are not met throughout the 30-year term of the
IDA’s involvement.
 Construction Project. Mr. Williams reports that the site work is done and footings were poured yesterday. The
water hydrant required by the Village will cost approximately $20,000. The project is ahead of schedule.
SLCIDA Resolution: Standard Workday Reporting (Officers and Elected). Mrs. Sweatland explains that this
resolution is a requirement of the NYS Retirement System. Hall/LaBaff motion to accept. Motion is carried with
unanimous vote.
SLCIDA Resolution: Establishing a Policy for Jury Duty Absences. LaBaff/Hall motion to accept. Motion is carried
with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA Resolution: Adopting Affirmative Action Plan. Hall/McMahon motion to accept. Motion is carried with
unanimous vote.
SLCIDA Resolution: Adopting Revised Freedom of Information Guidelines. The revisions will provide uniformity
among the SLCIDA, the SLCIDA-LDC and the SLCIDA-CDC. LaBaff/Blevins motion to accept. Motion is carried
with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA Resolution: Authorizing Lease and PILOT Agreement for the Lot 19 Massena Industrial Building with
Fockler Industries, LLC. Mr. Kelly explains that the River Valley Redevelopment Agency and the SLCIDA-LDC
acquired two buildings within the Massena Industrial Park. The SLCIDA has negotiated a forty-month lease
agreement for 9,000 square foot of space in the building and will include the SLCIDA’s standard PILOT terms.
McMahon/LaBaff motion to accept. Motion is carried with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Adopting Revised Freedom of Information Law Guidelines. The guidelines will provide
uniformity among the SLCIDA-LDC, the SLCIDA and the SLCIDA-CDC. LaBaff/Weekes motion to accept. Motion
is carried with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Authorizing Execution of Agreement with the St. Lawrence County Workforce
Investment Board. Under this agreement, Mr. Plastino will serve the WIB as its part time Executive Director.
Hall/Peck motion to accept. Motion is carried with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Authorizing Funds for Ansen Corporation through the St. Lawrence River Valley
Redevelopment Agency (SLRVRA). This resolution is a companion resolution to that the SLRVRA. The SLCIDALDC will partner with NBT Bank to provide a Line of Credit to Ansen Corporation. Blevins/Weekes motion to
accept. Motion is carried with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Authorizing Lease Purchase of an Industrial Building on Lot 13 and Loan to Curran
Renewable Energy, LLC. Mr. Kelly explains that Curran Renewable is now ready to exercise its option on Lot 13.
The SLCIDA-LDC will lend the Company $100,000 to purchase needed environmental equipment. The project will
require a public hearing by the SLCIDA as the value of the PILOT exceeds $100,000. The SLCIDA will be asked to
act on the project at its next meeting after the public hearing is held. McMahon/Hall motion to accept. Motion is
carried with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Authorizing Lease Agreement Option to Purchase with Fockler Industries, LLC.
Weekes/McMahon motion to accept. Motion is carried with unanimous vote.
SLCIDA-LDC Resolution: Accepting and Extending Revolving Bridge Loan of $300,000 to Slic Network Solutions,
Inc. Mr. Kelly explains that the SLCIDA set up a Line of Credit with the Company approximately 2 years ago, which
is now up for renewal. The SLCIDA-LDC is the more likely and more appropriate entity to manage the Line of
Credit. LaBaff/Hall motion to accept. Motion is carried with unanimous vote. Mr. McMahon suggests looking at the
Ansen Line of Credit structure for this and for other projects in the future.
SLCIDA-CDC Resolution: Adopting Revised Freedom of Information Law Guidelines. Peck/McMahon motion to
accept. Motion is carried with unanimous vote.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Blevins/LaBaff motion to go into Executive Session at 9:30 AM to discuss current litigation
with a specific company. Return to Regular Session at 9:45 AM.
ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 9:45 AM by unanimous consent.
(Mr.) Lynn Blevins, Secretary