UNIVERSITY NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON A Beginning Teacher Professional Development Program Module Four Workload Institute for Emerging Issues - NC State University Module 4: Workload SECTION THREE: Community Connections Time: 45 minutes Materials Needed: TBD Activity: Making Learning Relevant to Your Community: Under the direction of the facilitator and master teachers community representatives will be invited to participate and share in this meeting. These activities will vary by school and district. Consult appendix A: Community Engagement for more information. Suggestions for this Section: 1. Teachers will be introduced to community resources for support, both personal (lifeload) and professional (workload). 2. Suggestions: social, social work, academic, health, financial, mental health, fitness, community service, personal inquiry ideas, personally meaningful connections, religious, and finding place to live. “In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less." --Lee Iacocca Facilitator Manual Module 4: Page 2 Module 4: Workload Notes Facilitator Manual Module 4: Page 2