Module Four Workload A Beginning Teacher Professional Development Program

A Beginning Teacher
Professional Development Program
Module Four
Institute for Emerging Issues - NC State University
Module 4: Workload
SECTION FOUR: Conclusion
Time: 15 minutes
Materials Needed: Commitment Letter
Activity 1 = Question and Answer Time:
Lead teachers will provide participants time to share any questions that they
may want to ask. These questions could be about the module or anything
regarding teaching.
Activity 2 = I Commit:
Each participant will be invited to write a letter to himself or herself to
address one of the classroom-based stressors identified today. The purpose
of the activity is for participants to address a stressor for a short period of
time and then hold themselves accountable. A week or so later, the facilitator
will deliver the commitment letters to the participants.
(Use Commitment Letter - Microsoft Word file).
Facilitator Manual
Module 4: Page 2
Module 4: Workload
Facilitator Manual
Module 4: Page 2