University of Oklahoma EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE Student Union Presidents Room

University of Oklahoma
Student Union Presidents Room
June 26, 2014
Committee Members:
Don Clothier – Chair
Will Wayne
David Vishanoff
Karen Rupp-Serrano
Debbie Copp
Krista Pettersen
Terri Lunday
Jannie Porter
Suzanne Harrell
Renda Passek
Angela Hawpe
Breion Rollins
Les Hoven
Approval of minutes
Motion to approve May minutes by Wayne and second by Vishanof. Approved with changes to page 2
and 3 by unanimous vote.
Strategic Plan update
(Hawpe) Committees are in the process of making final recommendations for final report. Plan to
provide EBC details in August.
(Hoven) Plan to submit final recommendations to the regents in September.
2015 Renewal
(Hawpe) Currently renewal looks like 7.5% up from 5.4% the previous month. 3 reasons noted below…
1. Lost a good month from May 2013
2. Added 3% to the prescription drug trend
3. This does not factor in the Self-Funded discussion
*Note, in 2013 OU looked at claims through June and plan to do similar for 2014, also note that June
2013 was a better month than May
(Copp) How does all this fit together? Strategic Plan, renewal etc…
(Hawpe) Once we get final document we can begin to look at the renewal.
(Hoven) Many of the changes will take place post 2015. The move for self-funding is planned for 2015.
(Copp) What happens if you have a disastrous year?
(Hawpe) We can always go back to fully insured but we do have stop loss insurance.
ACA 30 hour compliance/measurement period update
HR will begin working with the various governance groups over the next few months to explain the
changes to reporting.
HR has identified departments that may have a special need and attempting to minimize the additional
work on tracking the hours.
(Hoven) (Hawpe) During open enrollment we will now collect dependent social security numbers for
ACA reporting requirements. OU will not share the information.
FSA Carryover
Need to have a conversation on grace period vs year carryover and decision needs to be made by August
for September Regents
*Note Carryover could potentially disqualify a group from HSA in the future or limit HSA amount
(Committee) Could this be a potential survey item? Potentially catch all people all at once vs waiting on
governance groups
(Committee) Potentially providing Average Medical per family and Average Pharmacy per family could
help people make decisions.
Wellness Update
Completed the first round of Wellfit Coaching Class and surveyed the group and will be compiling the
data and begin recruiting for the fall… Fall we will have arrangements with Allied Health and continued
partnership with Fitness Centers
Planning for Annual 5k 9/27/14
Plan to ramp Tobacco Cessation efforts, in advance of potential non smoke premium incentive.
Updates from Director
Would like to devote some time at a future meeting to communication and how HR might improve the
open enrollment processthis fall…
Also would like to take a look at how we could best educate employees.
Ban on same sex marriage is being challenged again and potentially will make its way to the Supreme
Court. Implications for Oklahoma TBD
Other business
Next meeting 8/14/14