University of Oklahoma EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE NEL 215 - Seminar

University of Oklahoma
NEL 215 - Seminar
October 16, 2014
Committee Members:
Don Clothier
Tricia Rahal
Michael Kramer
Karen Rupp-Serrano
Will Wayne
Suzanne Harrell
Mary Ann Pascucci
Debbie Copp
Jannie Porter
Vincent Leseney
Les Hoven
Jessica Cadotte
Angela Hawpe
Lindsay Mitchell
Approval of minutes
Motion to approve August minutes by Wayne and second by Porter.
New member, Michael Kramer, welcomed.
2015 Renewal
(Hawpe) We are moving forward with Self-funding the PPO, HCA and Indemnity Plan. We have made
several visits to update departments on the renewal and have received very little pushback. All changes
are still pending Regents Approval.
(Clothier) Reading of the memo presented to President Boren for the EBC recommendations as well as
the memo to the governance groups to amend the bylaws to add Cameron.
ACA Update
(Hawpe) The ACA booklet is now complete and is scheduled to be distributed this week or the next. We
have also been working with departments in an effort to help them understand the changes and
requirements set on the University.
(Porter) Information provided throughout the year has gotten clearer. It was helpful for departments to
understand that 1.0 FTE Employees will already be credited 40 hours a week.
Same Sex Marriage
(Hawpe) Legal Counsel is assessing the impact and will be addressing the University for guidance on the
(Hoven) The Benefits Office already requires a marriage certificate for coverage of a spouse.
(Copp) This topic has come up a lot lately. It may be beneficial to inform John Bishop about what HR is
doing. He is part of the Staff Senate Executive Committee.
Wellness Update
(Mitchell) Fun Run went well. There were over 2500 online registrations, 1900 packet pick-ups and over
1200 participants in the race on the day of the event. We are estimating that almost half that registered
actually participated.
The Move More challenge has 210 participants registered. So far, about 64% of those registered have
submitted their week 1 participation log. We have also received positive feedback so far and
participants seem to be enjoying the challenge.
Wellness is also looking at a possible pilot program with the use of standing desks. It is only in the
discussion phase. Wellness would purchase and lease standing desks to groups interested in using them.
The intent of the plan is to extend to all three campuses.
(Copp) It might be worth considering possible sponsorship options, such as BlueCross, to see if they
would be interested in contributing towards the program. “Stand Up For Health” could be an idea.
(Mitchell) Wellness is discussing another pilot program with Donna Tall Bear from Health and Exercise
Science about health coaching. The program would include her and 2 graduate students to provide
about in person or onsite health coaching for approximately 30 employees over a three month period.
We are also working on a “5 questions to ask your doctor” wallet size card. The card will contain the 5
questions as well as HR’s contact information and will be sent printing services for distribution to all
(Hoven) How are the Biometric Screenings going?
(Mitchell) Norman and HSC screenings have gone well. There are some issues with students thinking
that they can participate and communications are being developed to make it clearer on to them that
they are not eligible. There is still discussion on how to approach the Tulsa campus in an effort to receive
more participation in the screenings.
Updates from Director
(Hoven) I would like to see more of an emphasis in the New Employee Orientation around the value of
the University’s LTD, AD&D and STC benefits. I would also like to push for more participation in the
University’s FSA plan.
(Harrell) Will there be a better benefits summary available to give to new employees in orientation? I
think this would be beneficial to have for new employees as well as existing.
(Hawpe) There are some documents which can get printed and distributed.
(Wayne) In response to the Ebola issue, we are currently updating the pandemic plan for OU. There will
be a committee formed that will talk about the issue and work with International Services about
students traveling abroad and returning to the US. We will have to make an effort to keep track of these
things as well as staying actively involved with the hospitals and the community.
(Mitchell) Magellan has sent out communication that addresses anxiety for panic of pandemics.
Next meeting 11/20/14