MINUTES EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS COMMITTEE January 16th, 2014 Members Present Don Clothier - Chair Debbie Copp Suzanne Harrell Will Wayne Vince Leseney Renda Passek Terri Lunday Stephanie Marfurt Mary Ann Pascucci David Vishanoff Krista Pettersen Members Absent Jannie Porter Karen Rupp-Serrano Ex Officio Members Les Hoven Nick Kelly Angela Hawpe Tricia Rahal Breion Rollins Sarah Millsap The meeting was called to order by Don Clothier at 1:32 pm. I. Approval of Minutes II. The November 2013 minutes were approved as written. Enrollment Update Annual Benefits Open Enrollment took place October 28th through November 8th. After reviewing the preliminary numbers, there was a surprising jump in enrollment from the PPO to the HMO. The numbers will be presented at next committee meeting. III. Strategic Plan Update The Executive Steering Committee meeting took place prior to the holiday break and the Working Committee will meet February 6th. In the Working Committee meeting, there will be discussion over tobacco regulations and possibly implementing a wellness incentive/differential for tobacco users. A second discussion point will be a pilot program that is in the beginning phases, which revolves around the university utilizing the onsite health centers. A third discussion point will be the university’s contribution strategy and whether changes are necessary to the salary tiers and/or the dependent coverage contributions. IV. Affordable Care Act (ACA) 30-hour Compliance/Measurement Period Currently, the biggest concern of the university in regards to the ACA is the requirement to offer coverage to anyone that works an average of 30 hours per week within the measurement period. Strict tracking will be necessary, which many departments do not currently have in place. A committee has been formed in order to design a tracking and monitoring system. Students and adjuncts are currently ineligible for benefits. However, if they work 30 hours per week on average, they will become eligible. Fortunately, the penalties set forth in the ACA have been delayed until 2015. Some alternative options include lowering the maximum hours worked for part-time employees or using temps through an outside source. The university would then not be held responsible for the insurance for those employees. However, PEAK would be in jeopardy. Another difficulty the university has encountered is regarding FTE and how to track the hours – in the classroom plus prep time – specifically for adjuncts. Human Resources will continue to review the ACA and any applicable changes that may come forth. V. Wellness Update Vapor/E-Cigarettes are now banned on all state property, which includes public universities. The wellness team is in the process of preparing material and signage in order to get the word out. The wellness team’s WIG (Wildly Important Goal) is to reduce chronic conditions by 10%. In response to this, they have created a pilot program across all three campuses, which will include one-on-one health and wellness coaching for a number of employees. The pilot program will be semester-long. More feedback will be provided as the program continues. The vendor has changed to Catapult for the health screenings offered oncampus. The screenings will be more thorough and will be offered more often. The wellness team is also working on some incentives for participants. VI. Director Comments Les states that simplification and communication are both key, which goes hand in hand with further education. We need to focus on learning what is important to employees in regards to benefits. With this information, we can ensure any changes we may make are valuable. Some additional data will be provided at the next committee meeting regarding the exchange plan options, costs, and subsidies. The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m.