November 19, 2009
Members Present
Debra Bemben
Don Clothier
Debbie Copp
Joann Dean
Suzanne Gilmore
Betty Kupperschmidt
Darryl McCullough – Vice Chair
Sue-Anna Miller
Will Wayne
Justin Wert
Members Absent
Alisa Dougless
Brenda Freese - Chair
Don Harrison
Chad Johnson
Frank Lawler
Simone Pulat
Ex Officio Members
Barbara Abercrombie
Julius Hilburn
Nick Kelly
The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chair at 1:30 pm.
Approval of Minutes
The October 2009 minutes were approved with no changes.
II. Defined Contribution Administration
Julius informed the group that there are no significant updates. However, a
recap of the overall status was given.
The Record Keeper firm will provide:
o Online enrollment
o A combined statement for all investments
o Enhanced education
o Streamlined customer service
All fees will be highlighted and easily identifiable to employees.
It is anticipated there will be a recommendation brought to the EBC in early
2010, with the goal of getting a recommendation on the March 2010 Regents
The goal is to have a three tiered investment structure which will look like
the following:
 Target Retirement Date
 Funds are automatically invested based on the participant’s date of
 Core Line-up
 10 – 15 investment options from which to choose
 Brokerage Window
 3,000 additional options
 Caters to the more sophisticated investor
 Julius told the group that OU understands the importance of the TIAA
Annuity and has negotiated options in which it would be included.
Question: Will there be an on campus presence to assist employees as they make
investment decisions?
Response: Julius indicated it’s a cost issue at this point. An on campus presence would
increase the employee fee amounts. The committee is looking for a firm that will provide
increased education.
III. Benefit Cost Reductions
President Boren sent a memo to Deans, Directors, and Executive Offices on
the Norman campus speaking very directly about the state of the budget. He
has asked Human Resources to find ways to reduce benefits costs in 20102011.
Health care benefits currently cost the University approximately $75 million
annually, and Defined Contribution Plans cost approximately $60 million
Human Resources is working to gather ideas and assemble scenarios and data
for review by the EBC.
o Reductions in TRS is not an option as contribution levels are
o There is a strong desire to avoid impacting health care.
An overview of current DC plans was given as follows:
OTRS prior to 1995
OTRS after 1995
9% ORP
9% Hourly
OU Contribution
15% of salary over $9,000
8% of salary over $9,000
9% of full salary
9% of full salary
Human Resources will prepare a variety of scenarios for presentation at the
December meeting.
Question: Is there any chance retirement contributions will be returned to current levels
after the economy recovers?
Response: Julius told the group no decision has been made about that.
Question: How much of a reduction can the retirement package take before it has an
impact on recruiting efforts?
Response: Julius said that OU is well above market on retirement plans. So, there is
room for the reductions without impacting OU’s market position.
Question: A committee member asked when a recommendation is expected.
Response: Julius indicated that no recommendation will be made until after the first of
the year.
Question: A request was made for the committee to have the opportunity to review
descriptive statistics on who will be eligible to retire in the coming years.
Response: Julius indicated that some statistics will be provided at the December meeting.
IV. PayFlex
PayFlex has assigned one individual to work with OU pharmacies to resolve
issues with the debit cards.
Nick reminded the group that anyone wishing to participate in flexible
spending or dependent care accounts in 2010 will need to re-enroll in the
plan during open enrollment.
An FSA survey was sent out in early November and the results will be used
to guide future communications. Many of the comments were about things
which are governed by the IRS, such as the need for documentation.
 The need to retain receipts was emphasized to the group. Any time a
card is used at a vendor that is not on the IIAS system or is for an
amount that does not match one of the OU copays, documentation
will be requested.
V. Retiree Medical
President Boren has the report and is listening to campus feedback. He has
indicated he will not make any changes for 2010.
Julius Hilburn and Nick Kelly will meet with the Retiree Organization on
VI. Annual Enrollment
Benefits fairs were held on all three campuses in early November.
The only changes in benefits for 2010 are the rates for health and dental.
Confirmation statements will be available in Self-Service within 72 hours of
an employee completing their enrollment on line.
By the time 2010 open enrollment comes around, the Evidence of
Insurability forms for life insurance will be available on line.
VII. Other Business
Darryl indicated that the next regularly scheduled EBC meeting is
12/17/2009, which is finals week. The committee decided to proceed as
scheduled so that discussion can begin on the possible defined contribution
The next EBC meeting will be Thursday, December 17, 2009.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.