April 15, 2010
Members Present
Don Clothier
Debbie Copp
Brenda Freese - Chair
Suzanne Gilmore
Chad Johnson
Darryl McCullough – Vice Chair
Scott Moses
Sue-Anna Miller
Jannie Porter
Will Wayne
Frances Wen
Justin Wert
Members Absent
Alisa Dougless
Don Harrison
Frank Lawler
Simone Pulat
Ex Officio Members
Barbara Abercrombie
Julius Hilburn
Nick Kelly
The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 1:30 pm.
Approval of Minutes
The March 2010 minutes were not approved. Changes were requested by
the Committee and the minutes will be resubmitted for approval at the
May 2010 meeting.
II. Cost Reductions
 Julius began the discussion by explaining to the committee that additional
scenarios were not sent out in effort to minimize confusion. Details about
the budget are rapidly changing at this time and it is unclear as to how it
will all unfold, and what the actual deficit will be at the end of the
legislative session. All decisions in response to budget issues will be
made by President Boren.
 The timeline for budget decisions depends on the legislature. Most often
the budget is not complete until the end of the legislative session.
Furloughs vs. DCP
Because parts of the University are not state funded the number of
furlough days required could vary substantially based on who is
included vs. excluded. However, based on projections which include
all employees approximately 4 furlough days could be required during
the next fiscal year.
Comment: There have been rumors that furloughs would only affect staff.
Response: Julius indicated that he had not heard anything other than there seems to be a
difference in preference between faculty and staff regarding furloughs vs. DC reductions.
Question: Could some savings be realized through the paid leave budget?
Response: Julius explained that no savings could be realized because paid leave is an
unfunded liability.
III. Master Record Keeper
 An investment group was formed approximately 2 years ago to evaluate
potential vendors for the Master Record Keeper which will consolidate the
administration of all defined contribution plans. The committee consists
of people with financial management backgrounds and was put into place
to ensure the university fulfills its fiduciary responsibility to provide well
managed plans to the OU community.
 The committee is currently in the process of finalizing negotiations. The
goal is to have a recommendation this summer so plan changes can be
effective January 2012.
Question: Has a Roth 405(b) been considered?
Response: Julius told the committee that the primary focus has been to select a vendor.
However, there have been discussions about the 403(b), and when there would be an
opportunity to look into it.
IV. Request for Proposal
 Nick told the group that an RFP is currently being prepared for the
Flexible Spending Account, COBRA Administration, and Retiree Billing
which is currently through PayFlex. There have been multiple issues with
members and the documentation requirements on the FSA. Additionally,
since moving COBRA Administration and Retiree Billing to PayFlex in
September there have been numerous issues with customer service, retiree
bills, and reporting which remain unresolved today.
 Human Resources is targeting the September Regents Meeting for
selection of a new vendor or renewal with PayFlex, if all issues are
V. Healthcare Reform
Nick Kelly informed the committee that the Benefits Office is currently
reviewing the new healthcare reform legislation in order to assess the
impact it will have on OU.
The issues with the most immediate impact are as follows:
 Dependent coverage through age 26 - As of the beginning of the
plan year occurring 6 months after enactment, plans must allow
parents to keep their children on the plan through age 26 regardless
of student or marital status. However, until 2014 there is a
stipulation that there can be no offer of other coverage through an
 FSA – as of January 1, 2011over the counter drugs will no longer
be eligible for FSA reimbursement without a prescription. On
January 1, 2014, the maximum annual contribution will be dropped
to $2,500.
Other Business
Question: Is there an implementation date for Retiree Medical?
Response: Julius told the committee that no implementation date has been set, but there
is ongoing dialogue.
The next EBC meeting will be Thursday, May 20, 2010.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m.