CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon

CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon
Fish Bowl
1. State-wide Marine Science Review (Morrison)
2. Star-News Article (Pawlik)
3. Designation of Building Space (Pawlik)
4. Other
Members Present
Dr. Chris Finelli (BIO/Chair)
Dr. Jack Hall (EVS/Chair)
Dr. Chad Lane (GLY/Resident Faculty 2012-2014)
Dr. Lynn Leonard (GLY/Chair)
Dr. John Morrison (CMS/Associate Director)
Dr. Joe Pawlik (BIO/Resident Faculty 2011-2013)
Dr. Fred Scharf (BIO/Non-Resident 2011-2013)
Dr. Will White (BIO/Non-Resident 2012-2014)
Dr. Joan Willey (CMS/Associate Director)
Dr. Steve Skrabal (Assistant to the Associate Director)
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon
Fish Bowl
State-wide Marine Science Review
Dr. Morrison offered the committee the opportunity to comment on the Marine
Science Review. He stated the narratives have gone out to be edited for small
tweaking and final numbers calculated. Dr. Morrison said that Dr. Baden would
be back on October 25th and that the report is due to General Administration on
November 1st. He added that no one knows exactly what will happen with this
document. General Administration expected this report to be only 20 pages, but
it is much larger and will show General Administration what we are doing.
Dr. Morrison commented that there has been some discussion about whether
this report should be given to everyone, especially IAC, as a reference, but not
sure if Chancellor will want that available.
Lynn Leonard stated that there will be complaints from faculty that their
information was not included. Dr. Morrison pointed that there is a lot of
overlap between departments and therefore it may be in a different part of the
Dr. Morrison commented that a similar review was done in Foreign Language.
He added this possibly is a system log review of Marine Science – Coastal Studies
Institute – to figure out what to do with CMASS and CSI. Expensive to run
programs are selected for review to try to decide if they should be consolidated.
Dr. Morrison reported that all of the reports will be combined into one summary
and there will be a half day visit to CMS in January.
CMS Internal Advisory Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
10:30a.m. – 12:00Noon
Fish Bowl
Star-News Article
Joe Pawlik questioned quotes in the October 9th Star-News article about Marine
Biotech. Dr. Morrison explained that Dan Baden had already registered a
complaint with Star-News stating he was misquoted. The UNCW Press office
contacted the Star-News to educate them on differences between marine
biology, marine science and biotechnology and to ask for a correction.
Designation of Building Space
Joe Pawlik asked for a clarification of CREST, MARBIONC and MBCOI. Dr.
Morrison explained:
 CREST stands for Campus for Research, Entrepreneurship and Teaching.
Dr. Morrison told the committee that there will actually be two more
CRESTs on main campus. This first CREST consists of 2 components.
One component is MARBIONC and the 2nd component is the Shellfish
 MARBIONC is 75,000 sq ft, the OPS Wing is 24,000 sq ft that equals a
total 101,000 square feet for the Marine Science Center. Dr. Morrison
added that the Shellfish Hatchery is 69,000 sq ft.
 MBCOI is private company leasing space from CMS. MBCOI is funded
by a NC Biotechnology Center grant.
Dr. Morrison added that the move to MARBIONC will release 9 labs in CMS.
GAG requested to move here and Chemistry requested to expand Rob
Whitehead’s space here.
Dr. Morrison commented that Rose Mann has 1 year to pay for herself or she’s