Questions for “Quitter`s, Inc”

Questions for “Quitter’s, Inc”
1. Who is Jimmy McCann and what interesting information does he give Morrison?
2. How did they know each other? And how have they both changed?
3. Describe Morrison’s first encounter with the people at Quitters, Inc.
4. Describe the physical layout of the office of Quitters, Inc.
5. Describe Morrison’s family.
6. Describe Morrison’s encounter with Donatti. How is this possible foreshadowing?
7. How does Quitter’s Inc get its clients to stop smoking?
8. What simile does Donatti use to tell Morrison what a stolen cigarette will taste like?
9. What happens to Cindy? How does she respond to the techniques of Quitters, Inc.?
10. Why does Morrison pass on the Quitter’s, Inc.’s business card?
On the reverse side of this paper, write a paragraph (at least 7 sentences with a good topic sentence)
describing some of the literary techniques used in this mystery story.